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Archive through January 27, 2000

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By Gonzo ( - on Thursday,

*russia will lose for sure

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Kissie...was it Regan that did it? I thought it was Carter. Well anyway in hindsight (which is allways 20/20 so this point is kind of mot) the grain embargo didn't work as well as not partisapating in the Moscow olympics. What did end afganastan conflict a bunch of never say quit guys with stingers.

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By Gonzo ( -

*i think it was nixon i could be wrong though but usuall im right

What did end afganastan conflict a bunch of never say quit guys with stingers.

*yeh well i guess russia will learn the hard way

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woa!, it's getting a bit irrational here kids..

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Kissie I not quite sure Russia will lose. Putin as put a lot at steak on this. I can see one of two possible outcomes. Russia slugs it out untill they take Chechnya just to face more terrorist attacks from some Chechens who nobody told them they lost or Russia pulss out saying something like we have killed 3000 of the terrorist, claim victory, and block off chechnya (the parts they can't fully contol) and say hey we are now safe from the bandits. Ether way it will be spun buy the Russian government as some sort of victory.

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"What about Freedom to Chechnia, from Russian Terrorism and Brutality? Annan You lost your mind, if you have even little Humanity left in you, you will resign."

I am just wandering if you know what "terrorism" means..because when you take an Interior Ministry troops to sabilize a hostile region on it's own(!) land - that, my friend, CANNOT be called a "terrorism"..

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before you go any further, I jast wanna give you on a little "secret" - THAT WASN'T KISSIE YOU WERE WITH, IT IS OUR "FRIEND" ADDER21, BEING RATHER PLAYFULL

Real Kissie is under a different IP number and her font is quite unique, you cant miss it
This is real-Kissie's IP -( -

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Kissie, I don't think it could have been Nixon. He was not in office when Afganastan was invaded. Of course we could be thinking about two different things here anyway yea it is all mot now. Dimitri. Yes I agree about calling it terrorism in the sence people seem to quickly use words that have a stornger meaning when labeling there foes when it comes to conflicks know like during Kosovo everybody (leaders) on both sides were labeled Hitlers. I remember someone calling Clinton the next Hitler and thought whoa thats quite a bit too much. One might not like Clinton and what he did in Kosovo but saying he like De Furer is well silly.

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"...a bunch of never say quit guys with stingers.

Sounds cool, but far from reality. Yes, there were zombies that were promised virgins after death, but they would be exterminated sooner or later (after all over a million of then were), but what really made the occupation difficult was the American help via Pakistan. And in the situation like this it would just go on and on. In the opposite situation when the opponents of the Americans in Vietnam were supported by Soviets, Americans also made a right decision and withdrew..

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Clinton=hitler..hehe, you're absolutely right - it is such a SILLY thought..if it wasn't for the Kosovo, I'd even say that he's a good man..I mean, look at the economy boost, that is almost amazing, huh?!

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Caucasian...true to some extent I wonder even if the USA didn't supply weapons to the Afgans if the Russian still would have grown tired of fighting and go Home I guess we will never know. Yep doing the cold was The USA and USSR did a good job of screwing each other over and spending a lot of money doing it. Lets not forget Korea were some Russian pilots flew missions for the North. I was watching a program on how the US Navy wired both to Pacific and Atlantic for sound (it still is) and tracked all russian sub movements. Lets not forget one of the bigest (mine is bigger than yours) as far as spending...the space race.

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ADDER21 has been impersonating kissie up there;
all isp's ending in ".196" are ADDER21 not kissie.

yeah yeah, "sanctimonious" was right and i NAILED
YOU, SUCKA! and back to your gutter-home you went.

and it gets worse, 'eh? impersonating kissie too.

all this religious tripe of yours followed by

you stand w/this maroon, dimitri, then alas, we
got problems.
k-san, you rock. and you know it. it's not
bragging if you can do it!

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Good afternoon bb junkies the jamman is in the house!

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