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Archive through January 27, 2000

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I noticed something on the site. But I could not open it to read it kept throwing me out. It insinuated that the bombs that killed those people were planted by the russians so they could invade chechnya??? can any of you open this up and post it so we can read it here??????

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Dimriti...If anything Clinton as been entertaining. As far as Kosovo I not too sure how much was gained from bombing the serbs. Now what they did was horrible but now the UN can't seem to handel the situation in Kosovo. I guess who really benefitted are the Kosovar Albanian leadership...more power. CNN higher ratings. US high tec weapon maufactures because the air war did show how much more advanced the US air force is over its NATO allies. Anyway what bothered me the most about the whole Kosovo thing is I believe in the Powell doctrin. That says bascally if the US goes to war it goes all out. There should be not limits on the army for political reasons and that was thrown out the door as soon as Clinton said no gound troops and having the planes bomb from three miles up.

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By Ultra Russian Nationalist ( - on Thursday, January 27, 2000 - 04:21 pm:
Dimitri ( -

you know im the most popular one here, you and kissie are nowhere near my league. you and kissie have one sided views. and are both traitors to our beloved russia

By kissie ( - on Thursday, January 27, 2000 - 04:23 pm:
Dimitri ( -

dimitri ignore adder hes crazy

Kissie, using my name to state your bullshitt is not gonna impress anyone, people, compare the two ip's, Kissie is using my name to act her deeds. What a stupid stupid girl.

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more bullshitt by kissie, stuff i never said

By kissie ( - on Thursday, January 27, 2000 - 03:49 pm:
By Ultra Russian Nationalist ( -

*you really should leave, you have nothing important to say, and im smarter than you .you know that dont you

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I agree with you Gonzo powel was the man and I believe that when one goes to war there should be a clear objective and there should not be any limits as to how to reach them!!!

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By kissie ( - on Thursday, January 27, 2000 - 03:55 pm:
Ultra Russian Nationalist ( -

* your not even russian.

And you are not really a female. LOL, how stupid is that?

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that wasn't Kissie, but adder21

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"By Dimitri ( - on Thursday, January 27, 2000 - 04:07 pm:
Ultra Russian,

I'm gonna repeat my question to You one more time:

"you have accused me of lieing, when I DIDN'T..can YOU admit that or not?????"

Dimitri, maybe you lyed, maybe you didnt, i never said the word that you actually lied. For all i know you might have lied about where you live and where you work, im not sure. But i never said actuall words, that you lied.

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L'emenexe said:
"you stand w/this maroon, dimitri, then alas, we
got problems" to explain, oh bitter one?

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what the hell are you two clammering about???? why don't you talk about something that has meaning??? Who cares if your russian or women or what ever!!!!!!

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for what it's worth, mr. sligar at DMS has been
informed of your cross-dressing impersonation(s)
of kissie this afternoon.

dimitri, if i misread you in regards to this,

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jamman...that one thing I don't understand the apartment bombing was one of the main reasons of attacking Chechnya (of course one could say a big reason is that Chechnya is part of Russia and not being controled by the Russian Govt. which in some minds makes this argument that follows mot.) Anyway has anyone heard any proof , absolute evadence the Chechens bombed thoes buildings. I haven't. Plus if a group is bent on breaking a territory away from a country bombing old apartment buildings does not make any sence. I mean what the quickest way one could make themselves look bad and there cause not got it blow an old building full of civilans.

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U R N,
you said(and I quote you):
"Ne Pizdi"..that must have meant that I "pizdiu" meaning "lie"..that is an clear case accusation of it not?

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By jamman ( - on Thursday, January 27, 2000 - 05:25 pm:
what the hell are you two clammering about???? why don't you talk about something that has meaning??? Who cares if your russian or women or what ever!!!!!!

LOL, good point, tell it to Kissie, and tell her to stop posting under my name, because if you check her ip, and her name, its all the same.

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I am me, he is she, and we are all together...

I am the wallruss


I am the wallruss


I am the eggman

Ko Ko kachoo.

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