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Archive through January 27, 2000

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I'm not watching TV.

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Russian army needs to do, present the war like a nightly tv show just like the US army did during the gulf war.
* Sounds a bit cynical, but to the point - what RF lacks is a global, preferably English-language, TV sat service to promote its views and stance.

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FreLe you are right I didn't think about that. True most terrorist acts don't make sence. Can anyone name a situation where using just terrorist acts alone a group has 100% completely accomplished their goals. It seems now if one does a terrorist act a 4 million dollar tommahawk cruse missle will end up coming thru the door of their 20 dollar mud hut. Or in the case of Chechnya a whole city is blown up.

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Kissie, we should sell Ted Turner to the Russians. Too bad he broke up with Jane. She looked good in pictures of her on communist anti-aircraft guns (joke). Russia could use a good PR department. Like the US hey there wasn't a war in Korea it was a police action.

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The tactic used by the chechen rebels is to throw a snowball in the gun pipe of a thank so that the next time the tank wants to fire the shell explode inside.

You'r on the money Gonzo with AllahU AK...47!

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FredLe you really should watch TV there some good stuff on there like South Park. Hey the Russians should just blame Canada for there problems

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Do you mean terrorist acts succeed only with the use of cruse missiles on mudhut or when a city is blown out?

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BTW is "maroon" a "sweeeter" version of "moron"?
just curious..

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FredLe no I meant terroist acts seem to have a negative repercussion on the ones who commited the acts (of course that only when the guys who did them are found.) In other words my point was I don't think anyone has completely accomplished goals via terrorist attacks hence they don't work.

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Actualy the only tv set we have is a tiny B/W my wife is using rather as a background sound in the kitchen.
(but I have other reasons for not watching)
The last time I wanted to watch tv (on a normal one) I found it very boring. They are intresting programs, indeed I regret I can't see but they are rather rare and late.

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If the Chechens did blow up the apartment buildings look where it has gotten them...Uncle Ruskie is knoking on the door with a tank.

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They make TV's in B/W?

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As to the Moscow bombings as primer for the Chechen conflict, - I doubt RF would start the offensive on that basis alone.
A comparative table of events prior.
And another one.
AllahU AK...47!

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Yes Gonzo
terrorist act never reach theyr goal because isolated, seen as a calamity like a earthquake on top of that bad repercution on the group,
while resistance and guerilla are more popular and more serious a threat.

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They make TV's in B/W?
* Seen'em, Far East production.

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