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Archive through January 27, 2000

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They made, it's an old one. Very ridiculous size as for truckdrivers or something like that.

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OH Gonzo the Great those are some superb post. I am with you on the cnn thing. At least when we fight we get a lot of news. Whether it is right or wrong at least we get something. I bet that we probably have a pretty close one on what is happening there via sattlite. I think that if we can put cruise missile in a window or a doorway someone is watching??????

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Posts: 616

the phrase "wotta maroon!" originated with the
immortal BUGS BUNNY in the '40s; consider it a
"brooklyn-ized" interpretation of "what a moron!"

y'know, i like the japanese language very much but
in truth i know very little, just a few bits. i
have a couple links to free japanese language
lessons, and i hope to learn more.

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Well it has been nice chatting with you guys again and I will talk to you all tomorrow. CIAO FOR NOW!! PEACE LOVE AND GRANOLA!!!

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Time for me to go....oh by the way Boris sobered up yesterday and said..."we are fighting where?"

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BUGS B. is the MAN! 🙂

my japanese was picked from my own "7 years in Tibet"(read: Judo)

oyasumi nasai.

Eminent Member
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Hey all, before I call it a night I wanted to tell you that I just returned from a date with the Ayatolla Assaholla. Found out where he lives. He's in hiding in a remote island in East Bumfuc which is off the coast of the Impeeing Sea.

I must have my rest in order to confront that idiot Addler21 tomorrow if you know what I mean.

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It has been so quite today! What the hell happens, no war no more?
No Adder21, no Bosna,... What a relief!
I don't even feel tired to go to sleep.
good night all anyway.
(I'll be back in 20min because I have something to say to ABD)

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adder was was here, Fred..just under another person's name..

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The Chechen bandits are lasy asses that dont want to make a living doing an honest job. Thats why they attakced Dagestan. Which is actually the cause of the Chechen War. Russia is not gonna let terrorists attack their land and then not do anything. Thats why they attack Chechnya, and untill every last terrorist dog dies there, Russia aint leavin.

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To : Kissie
" Tell me, is it that Islam a religion of bandits/gangsters..."

In Russian context, Sparcely-armed courageous Chechn Fighters are described in pathetic desperation by Heavily-armed Russian cowards as Bandits and Gangsters.

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By: Ultra Russian Nationalist

Due to reforms, economic collapse and policies carried out by the U.N., particularly by the West's very own, USA: Russia experiences 40% more death rates than births which is causing the population to dwindel at an every alarming rate. Most ex-Soviet republics average life expectancy is 57 years. Tuberculosis is at an all time high in Russia since early 1900. Russia is at an all time high in deaths do to starvation since great depression and 1930's era. Most of Russians get paid 20% of their wage and pensions since Soviet times in late 80's, 1990. Sometimes they never get paid at all. Russian deaths since reforms of Democratic movement cost an estimated 8,000,000 Russian lives. The number of deaths in such a short period of time can almost be reflected by Napoleans invasion, Great Famine of 1930's and Hitlers Agression. I just wanted to point out these sick facts that Mainly U.S. has done to us. Either it is by fate, accident or a secret plan by American govt., I will never know. Please, let me know what your opinion on these figures are. Thank you for reading.

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America is using its secret policies and principles to influence the world. For examples: By being a democratic nation, you will be wealthy, by accepting our Capitalistic views, you will prosper, By Soviet Union over throwing itself things will get better, if you need money, only borrow from U.S. and only from U.S. I can really relate that one to Microsoft and its monopilistic expansion by it buying others out from competition. Interesting?

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URN Thank You,

America whines about how Russians treat other people, yet they dont say anothing about how everyday they try to bring Russia to a complete downfall. You naive americans think that america is so democratic and sh*t. Well the truth is that america doesant care about Kosovo, or the Chechens. They just want to show everyone that they are so big and strong.

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The Doofis(Adder21) is just using my name( just like Kissie's and UltraRussian's earlier today)

MY IP(as you can see) is ( -

for additional proof, ask the Pseudo-Dima(IP #( - if he can speak Russian...hehe...I betcha - I already know the answer


you're trying so hard, ma'boy
gotta pick up on the spellin'though..

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