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Archive through January 27, 2000

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Russia will Crush Chechyen Criminal's!!!No One to help Poor-Down--trodden Muslim Ratz..this time..LOL

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We will...cut out eyeball, of Mujadeen Breeding-like Pr GUys!~!!!!!...RUSSIA EMPIRE WILL GROW TO, ER.., all of Muslim are buttslam allah!!!!!!!

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but it doesn't mean I'm going to bend on a carpet 5 times a day.

Why not? Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemene
according to your bible...

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HEIL, Josef Stalin..father of all the Motherland Russia.., we Beseech thou, to smite the head of Chechyen Breeding rabbit Guyz!!!!!

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'and the Minions shall Quake at the Awesome rumble , as the 3rd. Angel did slay a third of the worlds Population'...., to Include Ravening --Wolf Chechyen thuggery guyz!!!!'

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By Patriot ( - on Wednesday, January 26, 2000 - 06:43 pm:

Who was it who said muslims didn't suffer from depression? And what was that you said about Islamic women being treated so equally? For you poorly informed, below are real statistics and real facts with references.

Women in Afghanistan suffer from depression

The Times of India, Nov.6,1998
By T V Parasuram

the times of india.. hindu women have to burn themselves alive if there husband die {sati} which is still practised in india today....

And what was that you said about Islamic women being treated so equally?

pakistan has had a women head of state...

name 1 women president of usa....
none and there never will be a women or a black presedent... thats equality for you ..

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By Patriot ( -

At a time when the hostile media is incessant in its attempts to defame and ridicule Islam and the muslim woman and to portray her as oppressed, abused and worthless, the following facts should be enough to prove that the non-muslim nations are more
worthy of the accusations they throw at others.

* Domestic Violence accounts for a quarter of all reported violent crime.
[Working Party Report, Victim Support, 1992]
* Each year 100,000 women seek treatment in London for violent injuries caused in their homes.
[Punching Judy, BBC TV Documentary, 1989]
* Domestic Violence is not limited to physical assault. It includes sexual abuse and mental cruelty which undermine a woman's self-esteem.
[McGibbon and Kelly, "Abuse of Women in the Home", 1989]
* Research conducted by Police found that 2/3 of all men believed that they would respond violently to their partners in certain situations.
[Islington Council, 1994]
* Almost half of all murders of women are killings by current or former partners.
[National Working Party Report on Domestic Violence, Victim Support, 1992]

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It's about time all you men come to grips with the fact that Islam is a socialst order created by men for men. Yes us women in all Islamic lands are indeed surpressed, abused and depressed especially by the Taliban and the Saudi police. For further information on the subject check out the Muslim Womens League. Now in the name of Allah, I must continue my duties and obey my orders.

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The Russian authorities have tried to enlist foreign help to close down rebel sites, and in September Interior Minister Vladimir Rushaylo claimed the FBI had assented.

A few days later one California server said it would no longer handle Kavkaz-Tsentr, but Chechnya's semi-official representative in the US, Albert Digaev, has so far been able to find alternatives.

Another pro-Chechen site that has begun recently to be quoted in the Western media is called Jihad in Chechnya.

It provides news and answers questions such as, "How do I go and fight in Chechnya?" and is published by the London-based Azzam Publications in Arabic, Bosnian, English, German, Malay and Turkish.

It also shows gruesome pictures of those who have died in the war, apparently with the aim of inspiring Muslim militants to join the fight.

Paradoxically, the pro-Russian `Independent Information Centre of the Chechen Republic' also offers horrifying images, but presumably with the opposite aim, of convincing visitors that a Russian victory is imperative.

None have equalled the success of the original rebel website, which in September was ranked the 21st most popular site in Russia by one search engine, "Rambler", which later stopped listing it altogether.

The rebel site's credibility suffered a dent after Russia announced on 23 January it had recovered the dead body of missing General, Mikhail Malofeyev. As of 25 January the rebel site was still claiming that the general was held captive.

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By Hairy Mary ( - on Thursday, January 27, 2000 - 08:54 am:
It's about time all you men come to grips with the fact that Islam is a socialst order created by men for men. Yes us women in all Islamic lands are indeed surpressed

us women are you a muslim or an imposter,

* Almost half of all murders of women are killings by current or former partners.
[National Working Party Report on Domestic Violence, Victim Support, 1992]

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"SILK WAS INVENTED SO THAT WOMEN COULD GO NAKED IN CLOTHS." (MOHAMMED) A perfect example of the male ideas that have shaped Islamic women's thinking. WANT MORE RELIGIOUS ISMS ???

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By Hairy Mary

where are you quoting from?
i thought silk was forbidden in islam

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Somebody wanted to know if Albanians were the best heroin dealers:

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To : Fred LeDingue
"but it doesn't mean I am going to bend on a carpet 5 times a day

By God,you will spend the rest of your life in bending if only you were fortunate enough to know the miraculous outcomes associated with these bends. Islam is the only result-oriented religion that gaurantees absolute satisfaction and peace of mind to its followers both in adversity and prosperity. "Satisfied-hearts" is an exclusive Islamic gift. Hence, the need of Islam all over the world.

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O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regards to your women, but they also have rights over you. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers..."

this what the koran says..

nd the bible says...

according to the Bible:

“If a man happens to meet a virgin
XE "Virgin"
who is not pledged to be married and rapes her
XE "Women, Rape and marriage"
and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives”
Deuteronomy 22:28-30

One must ask a simple question here, who is really punished, the man who raped the woman or the woman who was raped? What is to prevent someone from finding the best looking woman in town, raping her, telling everyone about it, and then having the courts force her to be his wife for the rest of her life?

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