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Archive through January 27, 2000

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European Parliament voted not to kick RF out.

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bored much?

Woncha be a "real" pro-Chechen-"freedom"-fighter and go pick a real fight, INSTEAD of "swinging" hooks left and right on the Net.

you KNOW that sooner or later you'll see that "•••••••" flag..we did Berlin in 1945, we'll do Grozni in 2000(that is actually a pretty funny comparison, but what the hell)..any doubts?
(backed up by FACTS?)

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"European Parliament voted not to kick RF out"

yeap, I kinda saw it comming..they just wanna burry RF..hypocrites..

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Dimitry, You won on polls.
P.S. I've got good translators around ... ;o)

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sorry, Kissie,

I(obviousely) didn't read you posting carefully enough. I thought they DID voted RF out..
whoops 🙂

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Yes, kind of checking, if RF has guts. The funny part is that, without RF there would be nothing to discuss, that in turn unveils our European Parliament just as a redundant instituion without any real power, but which has to be used by RF all the same to promote and assert itself.

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"This is not the battle for Berlin in 1945, when taking the capital meant victory. Now the taking of several ruins in Grozny will lead to a new phase of violence and partisan resistance." -- Senior member of the liberal Yabloko party, Alexei Arbarov, calling for renewed peace talks in the Chechen conflict.

As far as the polls are concerned, i am likely to win. My reasons:

1) The reason most of you dislike me so much is because of my politcal idealogy. Communism. Its shouldn't sway your opinion about me just because i believe that those guys will be better for Russia then the Mafia bosses and corrupt politicians that are in there now.
2) I think by expressing my views on how to make Russia a better country, its a good sign that i am in interests of Russian Federation. Then rather to see it robbed by others, criminals and greedy politicals.
3) The name alone should tell you that i am very proud of my country wether it is Communist or Democratic. I support it the full way.
4) I am open to discuss any topics on it, or on Chechnya.

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And one more thing i will point out, as you can see i am not in interests to put anyone down, as Dimitri is attempting to do with me by taking this poll. It shows how he is only interested in his self interests and not like me, which are in Russia. You see?

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Kissie, ma-am 🙂

your opinion matters to me..a lot..thank you.

I don't know if Ultra will get "lesson" out of this "elections" 😉 and will smart up, for he has a loud mouth but NO FACTS to back his stuff with.

Ultra Russian,

are you gonna learn anything(see what people say), or should I continue my scalping process?

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"I don't know if Ultra will get "lesson" out of this "elections" 😉 and will smart up, for he has a loud mouth but NO FACTS to back his stuff with.

Ultra Russian,

are you gonna learn anything(see what people say), or should I continue my scalping process?

There dimitri goes at it again. Saying i have a loud mouth and no facts to back it up with? Im sorry Dimitri, state what it is you want me to get facts of, ive shown facts all other times, where is one time where i haven't? DO not get mixed up who's got facts and who doesn't. And there Dimitri refers to his scalping process, he is showing how savage he is and by you voting for him in the poll, he will turn on you and backstab you. Eventually he will talk about you as well.

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Belgrade Says It Hopes To Join Russian-Belarus Union

MOSCOW, Jan 27, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Yugoslav Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic repeated calls for his country to join a Russian-Belarus union in an interview published Wednesday in the Russian daily Nezavissimaya Gazeta.

A treaty that takes another step toward creating a formal Russia-Belarus union, signed in Moscow Wednesday, "created the conditions to realize such an initiative for Yugoslavia," Jovanovic said.

"Yugoslavia's participation in this union is not only a positive development for the people of the three countries, but it is also a contribution to positive developments in Europe," he said.

Acting Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Belarus counterpart, Alexander Lukashenko, moved closer to a full merger by signing the treaty after it was ratified by their two parliaments.

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Sakharov Widow Says Chechen War Staged To Bring Putin To Power

MOSCOW, Jan 27, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Russia's war against Chechnya was staged to bring acting President Vladimir Putin to power, Yelena Bonner, widow of the 1975 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Andrei Sakharov, has told AFP.

Bonner, in a telephone interview this week from Boston, where she is recovering from a heart attack, said the Chechen war was meant to "bring Putin to power."

"There is no doubt for me that Russia will be guided towards a military-police state with Putin."

Putin's popularity has soared as the four-month ground operation progressed, and he is now the leading candidate in the March 26 presidential elections.

She denounced the offensive as brutal and inhumane.

"This is already more than a war, it's a genocide," she said.

"When a general orders the arrests at the borders of all men aged 10 to 60, this for me is a typical watchword of genocide in progress," she said about the closing of Russia's border with Chechnya in mid-January.

Bonner also criticized the West and the Russian Orthodox church for not doing more to convince Moscow to end the ground offensive, which was launched on October 1.

"I cannot understand why some people still think Russia has a place in the Council of Europe as long as it pounds on Chechnya," she said.

"For the same reason, it seems to me unthinkable to free funds for (Russia). It is as if the West were to grant loans to Nazi Germany just as they attacked Poland."

Bonner's husband, Sakharov, was the father of Russia's atomic bomb, but had second thoughts after he saw its destructive potential during tests.

Accompanied by Bonner, he was sent into internal exile in 1980 to Nizhny Novgorod, then known as the closed city of Gorky.

He was freed and rehabilitated seven years later by Mikhail Gorbachev, and died in 1989.

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Ultra Russian Nationalist ( -

*shut the hell up

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And to anyone of you that question wether i am on Chechens side or Russias for my posts, my answer:

I view facts from both sides and i am divided down the middle, just like the opinions on the war are. I favor the defeat of Chechens, but i dont like the fact that Russian secret services bombed Moscow apts. and other places allegdly to blame on terrorists in Chechnya, i also dont like the fact that more and more rumors are emerging claiming that Putin staged this war for his political success. If you can't play fair, dont play at all, let the ones that sweat it out all the way take home the victory.

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"By kissie ( - on Thursday, January 27, 2000 - 03:38 pm:
Ultra Russian Nationalist ( -

*shut the hell up"

What did i say wrong? Why don't you shut the hell up, people can express their opinions if they want, after all, Russia is democracy. And if you dont like what i say, find some intelligent way to counter it, dont just use your primative vocabulary. It makes you look ( Not educated ).

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