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Archive through January 28, 2000

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U R N,

about Yahoo/Reuters it was me, you old "friend" Dimitri 🙂
my IP# by the way is ( -

the "new" Dima's IP# is( -

and here's the link that you've requested:

skroll down and almost at the end of the article you will see in blue font(link)

Dimitri(s Odessi)

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Suddam didnt really lose, he's still in power, up to his old works. Iraq is a small country, it was the 5th biggest army in the world during time of Desert Storm, but cruise missles were launched by U.S., U.S. had abraham tanks (spelling)? They had explosives and really thick armor, 20 inches thick i think. Explosives placed on outside of armor, it blew up when shell made contact.Minimized or destroyed tank shell that was fired from iraqi tanks. So it was an unfair fight. U.S. had more of everything, men, morale, tanks, planes, missles, political support and bullshitt propaganda, it was an unfair fight. America likes to pick on small countries like that, it knows it wont win with someone its size. Small countries examples, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba (bay of pigs), Iraq, Yugoslavia ( Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo). Whose next?

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Small article on what a lousy body the International Crime Tribunal really is.

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Little snippet from article COINCIDENCE??????? During last year’s bombing, moreover, Bill Clinton secured a $27 million appropriation for the Tribunal. In other words, money is rolling in from people who have a vested interest in the outcome of the trials. This is a flagrant violation of the Statutes of the Tribunal. Article 32 states that the "the expenses of the International Tribunal shall be borne by the regular budget of the United Nations." Soon after NATO launched its bombing campaign, Louise Arbour, Del Ponte’s predecessor, appeared at a press conference where British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook made a great show of presenting her with a dossier of Serbian war

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Thanks to U.S. intervention in Yugoslavia you broke a country up into Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo Albania and Yugoslavia. How is that for breaking a country. You won't do it to Russia!

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U R N,

as far as you question on what my point was - I was simply agreeing with newDima and yourself that US media is pretty biased..

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Dimitri, i dont see the link, what words or other links is it by, to help me locate it?

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Serbia wants to join Russia

Kosovo will be coming back soon?

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"Article 32 states that the "the expenses of the International Tribunal shall be borne by the regular budget of the United Nations." Soon after NATO launched its bombing campaign"

Igor, regular budget of United Nations? Its more like regular budget of United States, just a typing mistake, LOL. AMerica is handing out money to itself. Clever bastarrds. Thanks old Dima, just making sure, you're not really old though. LOL

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Igor, i posted that message earlier, but it is interesting to read it again. Thanks

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Russiatoday, itar-tass, Russian radio, Radio mayak, Radio echo Moskva, are all good news places. Russiatoday is my favorite for opinion polls.

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U R N,

click on the ABOVE the link and read the article untill you see the following paragraph:

""The rebel web site described Russian attacks in Grozny as chaotic and said the rebels were successfully holding off the Russian advance. It said a major field commander had been killed in Grozny overnight.""



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Russian population falls thanks to U.S.
Thanks to those Americans... i wish things will get better and people will come back

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oh i see it, i just think they are making aware of what chechens allegations are. But i dont see why they would do something like that, i thought its supposed to be Media blackout... Spakoini Nochi Dima.

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Russians will defeat Caucis Blacks. Its only a matter of time now. The sooner you surrender the better.
Chechens will reconstruct their own land due to their disobedience to surrender. Chechen leaders will be punished.
America will cease to open its big mouth. Nations will recognize they don't need America to handle their own problems.

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