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Archive through January 28, 2000

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What do you think about Clinton's speech "It is America's time,it is our destiny"What about other countries destiny? Do you think the whole world wants Amerika to lead world.Who died and left Amerika in charge?

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PHOENIX - Remember Dr. Sergey Y. Glazyev from the third segment of our recent "Russian Trilogy?" He is the well-known Russian economist, politician and chief of the Russian Federation Council's Information Analysis Administration, who publicly attacked last month Zbigniew Brzezinski's ideas about how to break up and ultimately destroy Russia (see TiM GW Bulletin 97/12-4c, 12/14/97).

Well now Dr. Glazyev is taking on Yeltsin's "reformers" - the serfs of the New World Order's financial elite.

"Our reformers' financial strategy is leading Russia toward catastrophe," Dr. Glazyev told the Sovyetskaya Rossiya in an interview published Dec. 6. "This (Russia's current banking policies) could be followed by the state's financial bankruptcy."

This policy "is correct only from the standpoint of the international financial speculators' community," Dr. Glazyev fumes. "Because in these conditions they are calmly shipping all their capital out of our country along with vast amounts of interest. Whereas the Russian population and the bankrupt state will continue to wear the shackles of debt."

Shades of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea...? You bet.

But what Dr. Glazyev finds especially galling is that the Russian government is allowing an unrestricted flight of foreign capital from the country. Meanwhile, foreign bankers had brazenly and openly refused to meet their obligations to Russia's Central Bank, as you saw in "Slaying the Russian Bear to Save the 'Asian Tigers?'" (TiM GW Bulletin, 97/11-11, 11/15/97).

So while the Wall Street "Hoover" is working overtime sucking the money out of Russia, the IMF and its private banking cronies have stopped the inflow of any new foreign funds. In other words, they are bleeding Russia dry. And the Yeltsin government seems to be aiding and abetting these financial terrorists.

Sound familiar? You bet. That's exactly what Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole and others did when they reached into the pockets of American taxpayers to bail out Wall Street bankers in Mexico in 1995, as well as now in East Asia.

What are the consequences of such actions? In a word - socialism!

"For all the talk about opening Korean markets and breaking up crony capitalism, the IMF's chief project these days seems to be finding new ways to socialize the world economy," barked the WALL STREET JOURNAL in a stunning Dec. 17 editorial, "Socialist International." "Before giving them another big dollop of money, someone should ask Messrs. (Robert) Rubin (the U.S. Treasury Secretary) and (Michel) Camdessus (the IMF chief) whether their aim is to bail out the good old boys of world business, or to protect the inherently risky, but ultimately vast potential of global free markets."

The editorial was stunning not because of what it said - it is, after all, quite evident that PUBLIC funds are being used and public interests abused to protect some PRIVATE bankers. And it is also quite evident that one form of cronyism is replacing another - the Wall Street old boys cronyism is supplanting the Asian crony capitalism, as the former duplicitously condemn the latter.

The "Socialist International" editorial was stunning because of WHO said it - the newspaper which for over one hundred years has been the gospel of Wall Street.

Meanwhile, what should the Russian government have done if it were truly Russian, rather than an NWO elite's stooge that it seems to be?

"It would have been in Russia's national interests to temporarily suspend the free export of capital from Russia as soon as the flight of speculative investments began," Dr. Glazyev says. After all, "the outflow of Western investments from the state short-term bond market, according to some estimates, is already approaching $4 to $5 billion" (out of some $20 billion held by the non-residents before the outflows began).

"At the same time it should stop the free conversion of the ruble into foreign currency, except for the servicing of import operations until the market calms down," the Russian economist adds. "This would make it possible to consolidate the currency reserves of both the Central Bank and the commercial banks, and in the long term would aid the policy of 'de-dollarizing' the economy."

Sounds like a prescription which may have also helped the "Asian tigers" prevent their demise and eventual financial slavery to the IMF. But alas, how can one expect the Russian adherents of the Almighty Dollar to betray their NWO bosses, and implement a policy of "de-dollarizing the economy," as Dr. Glazyev put it? Only a change of government could bring about a change in its "greenback religion." And only desperation could bring that about.

If Dr. Glazyev is right, such a doomsday is not too far off. "According to current assessments, the Central Bank has already spent around $8 billion on servicing the flight of foreign speculative capital," he says. "If you bear in mind that its gold and currency reserves totaled around $20 billion, there will be enough currency to last only until the end of the week if the current situation persists."

Maybe that's why the IMF suddenly softened its stance last week, and is now considering advancing to Russia some of the funds it had withheld earlier. The DOW JONES news wire reported on Dec. 12 that the IMF will restart its $10 billion loan program to Russia. The IMF said a mission that wrapped up work in Moscow on Dec. 12 recommended the release of the next $700 million loan payment to Russia. Russian officials have said they expect the money to arrive in early January.

Meanwhile, Russia's banks are also suffering enormous losses. Unlike the foreign bankers, they cannot take all their assets abroad. "In these conditions, a very real paralysis could soon seize the country's entire payments and money system," Dr. Glazyev warns.

So a grim Russia faces a cold and an uncertain winter. For, IMF's $700 million is merely a Band-Aid which will hardly stop the international bankers' bleeding this country dry. Maybe the Russians should give Glazyev's "de-dollarizing" a chance and their own quislings a boot?

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Former Communst country doing well...Poland, Chech Republic.
* I wouldn't say that. Neither country wants any more valensas and ghavels. Neither of them had a clear economic vision of transition and the impact was bad on population. Shouting "freedom" doesn't require any knowledge.

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Sorry for long post but no other way to get it on here.

TiM GW Bulletin 97/12-4b

December 13, 1997
A "Russian Trilogy" - Part 2 of 3
Kremlin and Wall Street: Two Rival Gangs

Three Articles; Three Reasons; Three Sources - One Conclusion: Nothing Much Has Changed Since the End of the "Cold War" Except That Perfidy Is Now a Global Trait



"Secret Forces in the History of Russia" by Yuriy Begunov

PHOENIX - In this. second segment of a three-part series, we bring you some excerpts from a 1995 book, "Secret Forces in the History of Russia," which have just been translated into English by Mr. Yuriy Kirienko. Yuriy Begunov tells a chilling tale of how the destruction of Russia may have been planned at the very top of the Kremlin hierarchy. He leaves us guessing, however, as to where the orders came from, i.e. who told Mikhail Gorbachev to do what he did when he came to power in 1985.

Yuriy K. Begunov, "Secret Forces in the History of Russia," pp 232-236, 1995. "Fantastic stories" from the Epoch of "Perestroyka" and "Reform" (excerpts)

Professor Roman Antonovich Nadein is a well-known Leningrad (Sankt Petersburg) mathematician. Yuriy Andropov, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), and the Minister of Defense at the time, personally assigned Roman Antonovich to a very important task. With a group of other military workers named to a task force, Nadein was to produce mathematical calculations for the Soviet version of "anti-SDI" (President Reagan's "Star Wars" initiative)

In May 1985, Roman Antonovich came to Moscow to deliver to the authorities his completed work. At last, the job was finished. A medium size, type-written and bound volume landed at the bottom of a (government) safe.

The Directorate of the Ministry of Defense was satisfied. What bothered them, though, was that the project did not have an authorization from the General Secretary without whose approval the plan could not implemented. By that time, Mikhail C. Gorbachev had already become the General Secretary.

For 17 days, the Leningrad (Sankt Petersburg) scientist lived at a Kremlin hotel, registered for an audience with the First Person of the Party. All was in vain. Those in power did not want to receive Roman Antonovich. Finally, during the last days of May, they told him that the General Secretary was busy, and besides, he considers it premature for his signature to appear upon this document. With a heavy heart, Roman Antonovich returned home.

But his fellow-mathematicians were resolved not to back off. So in September 1985, they again sent their colleague to Moscow in quest for truth. The result was the same (as in May). A colonel from the Ministry of Defense advised Nadein to address his question to Comrade Urasov. Urasov was a worker in the Central Committee of the CPSU located in the Old Square. That man took Nadein's request for an "explanation" seriously.

"Do you have time?," he asked. "Then sit down and read."

With those words, Urasov quickly opened the door to a safe and pulled out three bound volumes. The volumes were written in two languages, and were titled: "Perestroyka", "Reform", and "Completion".

At the start of the first volume, there was a long preamble about the horrible crisis which the humanity allegedly faces at the present time. It stated that by the turn of the 20th century, mankind could become endangered by a shortage of energy and raw materials. Anglo-Saxon experts on ecology arrived at the conclusion that the salvation of mankind depended on how well they could manage such general problems.

By that time, the U.S. President, Ronald Reagan, had called the USSR an "Evil Empire," and had started to search for solutions to those world problems at the expense of that country. After a destruction of the USSR, the destruction of the national state should follow, accompanied by a ten-fold planned reduction of its population.

The program was scheduled for implementation over the next three- to five-year span.

The first part, "Perestroyka," should last from 1985 through 1990. It should be carried out under the slogans of "Glasnost," struggle for socialism with "human face," and preparation of reforms for transition "from socialism to capitalism." One (Soviet) leader, supposedly the General Secretary, should be in charge of "Perestroyka".

The second volume was dedicated to "Reform". Its time frame was 1990-1995. It had the following goals:

1. Liquidation of the world socialist system.

2. Liquidation of the Warsaw pact

3. Liquidation of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

4. Liquidation of the USSR

5. Liquidation of the patriotic socialist consciousness

Another (Soviet) leader should be in charge of the "Reform".

The third volume, "Completion," called for a third leader to be in charge during that stage. Its time frame was from 1996 through 2000. This volume contained the following points:

1. Liquidation of the Soviet army

2. Liquidation of Russia as a state

3. Liquidation of such elements of socialism as free education and medical care , and substitution by the corresponding principles of capitalism - everything to be payable on individual basis

4. Liquidation of the replete and peaceful life in Leningrad (Sankt Petersburg) and Moscow

5. Liquidation of the communal and state property with introduction of private property everywhere

According to the typewritten text, the "Completion" stage included a simultaneous freezing out or starving the Russian population, and the building of highways to the seaports. Those roadways were supposed to carry the raw materials and the riches of Russia, supposedly to be transported abroad.

One government of the Earth with one ethnicity should take care of survivors, said the document, as a substitute for the lower-class (Slavic?) ethnicity. Meanwhile, thriving scientists of the West will be intensively working on the following subjects while supplied in the capitalist paradise with all their wants and needs:

1. Production of new technotronique technology

2. Building of aquatic manufacturing facilities

3. Building of satellite based manufacturing facilities for photosynthesis of organic matter

4. Search for new sources of energy

The West was hoping to solve many of its problems at the expense of Russia. And after squeezing Russia like a lemon, it intended "to transfer its territory to the Anglo-Saxon race." It was stated exactly in those words!

A shaken Nadein closed the volume and sighed. There are plenty of idiocies in this world. Urasov did not wish to explain anything, and left it to Nadein to figure out for himself what it all could possibly mean. Roman Antonovich returned home.

Many years had passed. Roman Antonovich kept observing ever-closer the match-up between the recommendations in the three-volume plan and the reality. To put it more precisely, the reality of the horrible USSR dissolution matched those recommendations to a tooth. The only question was whether or not these three volumes were truly on the desk of the "Foreman of Perestroyka" (Gorbachev) and his assistants?

Or could it be that the whole thing is nothing but a devil's delusion; that there never were such things as what the three volume had described? What was it then that Nadein was reading while at Urasov's? Was it a cleverly made fake prophecy? But why has it coincided with reality so painfully much?

The objectives of the first and second volumes have been apparently already fulfilled, hypothesized Roman Antonovich. But then, it also so happened that all of the nine people who had known about those three volumes have perished. Urasov was no longer alive, either.

The ghastly information burdened Nadein, and he wished to share it with someone. On a warm afternoon in May 1992, in one of the auditoriums of Sankt Petersburg University, Roman Antonovich told to me, a journalist, everything that he knew about the matter. After talking it over with him, we came to the conclusion that, should the contents of the three-volume set be true, then the events in this country were progressing ahead of schedule.

We also noticed that, although some of the objectives from the third volume had been reached ahead of schedule, they were not entirely fulfilled. What caused it? The Russian chaos? Resistance of the bureacrats? Or of the people? What held the Reformers back?

As of right now (1995), there is no answer to it. It is clear that something went wrong with the second volume, and especially with its fifth point - "Liquidation of the patriotic socialist consciousness."

After hearing the fantastic tales of the professor Nadein a thought crossed my mind that I may have already heard something like that before. Then I recalled that the magazine "Young Guards." In its issue No. 2, in 1991, the magazine printed an article with similar expositions authored by an economist and a political scientist - A.K. Tzikunov. He wrote under the assumed name - "Kuzmich," and the publication of this article cost him his life. He died on May 1991 at a hotel in the city of Nijne-Varovsk under obscure circumstances while on a business trip.

"Perestroyka", wrote Kuzmich, "is neither a Soviet nor a Russian word. It came into our lexicon from the International Law, and became a political term. It was originally produced in the lobby of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund" (IMF's Report 'Social Aspects of Structural Perestroyka').

The full definition of that term could be found in the document No. 276 (XXVII) dated September 20, 1983, Council for Trade and Development of the UN, decision No. 297 from 09.21.84, No.: 310 from 03.29.85 and so on. The report of UNIDO No. 339 from 1985 is especially interesting. It is titled "Perestroyka of the world industrial production and moving of the industrial facilities into the countries of Eastern Europe".

Here are (some of) "Perestroyka's" main ideas:

1. Industrial pollution in the developed countries has grown, while exports of raw materials failed to pay for itself. Profit margins became too low.

2. Moving out not only mining, but also process industries, outside the borders of developed countries.

3. Due to instability of the (developing) countries of Africa and Asia, giving preference to the territory of the USSR (John Skinner, President of Trans-National Corporation 'Business International': "Our goal consists of penetrating the Soviet Market, getting the possession of the cheap raw materials, and processing it there in the conditions of the cheapest labor").

"Perestoyka" should pass through the following stages:

1. 1985-1987 period of the initial accumulation of capital at the expense of the USSR

2. 1987-1990 capture of land and production

3. 1991-1992 merging of TNCs (Trans-National Corporations) and Soviet production

4. 1992-1995 final absorption of Russia

5. 1995-2005 creation of the World Government

After the operetta coupes in August 1991, and December 1991 in Belovejskaya Puscha, the "three knights" - Boris, Stanislav and Vladimir - dismembered the USSR. One of them also turned out to be the Knight of the Order of Malta and Cavalier of the Order of Goddess Bau. Russia, along with other former Soviet republics, was thrown to the predators to be torn apart.

Help came from an unxpected source. There were also some Russian patriots among the People's Deputies of the Supreme Soviet of Russian Federation. Upon learning about the enemy plans, they stood up in defense of Russia. The struggle between two unequal forces began. From the spring of 1992. until the autumn of 1993, the patriotic forces of the Supreme Soviet tried to withstand the pressure from the Gaidar-Yeltsin reformers.

Those reforms were forced upon the (Russian) society with almost incomprehensible cynicism and cruelty at the expense of the already pauperized working people - workers, peasants and the working intelligentsia. That was the essence of privatization, boundless in its inhumanity.

It resulted in stoppage of production and in a steep rise of the cost of living. It resulted in a decline of the defense capability of our country, and in an unrecoverable outflow abroad of between $1.5 to $2.0 billion a month. The showdown between the President and the Parliament so colorfully described by the deputy-poet, Ivan Saveliev, ended in the execution of the defenders of the (Russian) White House on the 3-4 of October 1993.

This event abruptly changed the political situation in the country, reversing the polarity of the information to the disadvantage of democracy. The author of the article "They turned it upside down" ("Truth", M., 1993. 02.22. C.4) writes:

"Again in Russia they put everything upside down. Are the Fascists dying to seize the power? But was it not Yeltsin himself who began the armed struggle with the opposition? Was not it Yeltsin who put the Parliament on fire and murdered the deputies?

This is how I and the people of my generation view the October events in Moscow. For us, it was an echo of 1933 when Hitler seized power in Germany, and began his rebellion against a democratic regime. The political regime introduced now in Russia by Yeltsin is also a rebellion. He persecutes his political opponents ... And he also attributes to them his own negative traits..."

Will we survive? The poet asked and answered his own question:

"Russia is always on her way. But who knows where this way leads?"

So far this three-volume set has not been found. Will it ever be found? Time will tell

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Ultra the last post is for your benefit in response to Gonzo

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"The balance of forces in the New World Order should be achieved at Russia's expense," Glazyev notes. "Russia's division into three parts, Brzezinski believes, will be the basis for achieving a balance of forces in U.S. interests in Eurasia: 'Each of these confederative formations will be able successfully to develop local creative potential, for centuries slowed down by Moscow's heavy bureaucratic hand.' The development of the 'creative potential' of the pieces of a divided Russia will, according to this scheme, take place under the leading influence of the United States and its partners. It is planned to carry out the American colonization of Ukraine, together with Germany and France, and the colonization of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, together with Turkey and Iran, and of Siberia and the Far East, together with Japan and China. Serbia?

Yes. The kind of demonization you've just noticed about Russia has been carried out by the NWO media against the Serbs ever since the end of the Cold War, Hollywood included. And with a far greater venom and intensity than against the Russians (so far). Notice how the Serb lands were dismembered, just as Brzezinski is advocating for Russia?

Why pick on Serbs? A TiM reader asked us that in August of this year. Here is how we answered the question in the TiM GW Bulletin 97/8-3, (8/10/97):

"The Serbs were the easiest to kill or enslave among the Eastern Orthodox Christians. They are isolated and surrounded by enemies. There are only 10 million of them. Plus, the Serbs are fierce freedom fighters. Beating them to a pulp would discourage rebellion against the New World Order (NWO) by others later on.

Also, the Serbs are the most 'Western' of all Orthodox Christians. The Greeks may be next. They are also isolated and surrounded by enemies. Plus, a smaller nation than even the Serbs. Notice that Bill Clinton has appointed Richard Holbrooke a special envoy to Cyprus? What Holbrooke did to the Serbs in Bosnia, he is likely to do to the Greeks on Cyprus.

Killing, enslaving the Orthodox Christian Russia will take longer. But the process is already under way. The methods are the same. NATO is an 'Iron Ring' around Russia's European neck. Islam will shackle her soft southern underbelly. China will finish the job from the east.

After the 250 million or so of Orthodox Christians are killed or enslaved, the Protestant Christians will become the next target of the NWO. They will be easier to kill or enslave than the Catholics.

There are only 500 million Protestant adherents vs. over a billion Catholics. Finally, the 'NWO cabal,' as you put it, will turn against the Catholics, too.

See a pattern? Like a pack of hungry wolves converging on unsuspecting animals, the NWO hyenas attack the weakest one first.

Among the Christians, that was the Serbs. That's why the Serbs were the first victims. That's why they need/deserve help from other Christians around the world NOW - before the others become too weak to help.

(Of course, in reality, things are not going to be happening serially, as described above, but in parallel - with the above order of targets determining the NWO priorities. So the actual process may be faster than it seems).

Yes. The kind of demonization you've just noticed about Russia has been carried out by the NWO media against the Serbs ever since the end of the Cold War, Hollywood included. And with a far greater venom and intensity than against the Russians (so far). Notice how the Serb lands were dismembered, just as Brzezinski is advocating for Russia?

Why pick on Serbs? A TiM reader asked us that in August of this year. Here is how we answered the question in the TiM GW Bulletin 97/8-3, (8/10/97):

"The Serbs were the easiest to kill or enslave among the Eastern Orthodox Christians. They are isolated and surrounded by enemies. There are only 10 million of them. Plus, the Serbs are fierce freedom fighters. Beating them to a pulp would discourage rebellion against the New World Order (NWO) by others later on.

Also, the Serbs are the most 'Western' of all Orthodox Christians. The Greeks may be next. They are also isolated and surrounded by enemies. Plus, a smaller nation than even the Serbs. Notice that Bill Clinton has appointed Richard Holbrooke a special envoy to Cyprus? What Holbrooke did to the Serbs in Bosnia, he is likely to do to the Greeks on Cyprus.

Killing, enslaving the Orthodox Christian Russia will take longer. But the process is already under way. The methods are the same. NATO is an 'Iron Ring' around Russia's European neck. Islam will shackle her soft southern underbelly. China will finish the job from the east.

After the 250 million or so of Orthodox Christians are killed or enslaved, the Protestant Christians will become the next target of the NWO. They will be easier to kill or enslave than the Catholics.

There are only 500 million Protestant adherents vs. over a billion Catholics. Finally, the 'NWO cabal,' as you put it, will turn against the Catholics, too.

See a pattern? Like a pack of hungry wolves converging on unsuspecting animals, the NWO hyenas attack the weakest one first.

Among the Christians, that was the Serbs. That's why the Serbs were the first victims. That's why they need/deserve help from other Christians around the world NOW - before the others become too weak to help.

(Of course, in reality, things are not going to be happening serially, as described above, but in parallel - with the above order of targets determining the NWO priorities. So the actual process may be faster than it seems).

Yes. The kind of demonization you've just noticed about Russia has been carried out by the NWO media against the Serbs ever since the end of the Cold War, Hollywood included. And with a far greater venom and intensity than against the Russians (so far). Notice how the Serb lands were dismembered, just as Brzezinski is advocating for Russia?

Why pick on Serbs? A TiM reader asked us that in August of this year. Here is how we answered the question in the TiM GW Bulletin 97/8-3, (8/10/97):

"The Serbs were the easiest to kill or enslave among the Eastern Orthodox Christians. They are isolated and surrounded by enemies. There are only 10 million of them. Plus, the Serbs are fierce freedom fighters. Beating them to a pulp would discourage rebellion against the New World Order (NWO) by others later on.

Also, the Serbs are the most 'Western' of all Orthodox Christians. The Greeks may be next. They are also isolated and surrounded by enemies. Plus, a smaller nation than even the Serbs. Notice that Bill Clinton has appointed Richard Holbrooke a special envoy to Cyprus? What Holbrooke did to the Serbs in Bosnia, he is likely to do to the Greeks on Cyprus.

Killing, enslaving the Orthodox Christian Russia will take longer. But the process is already under way. The methods are the same. NATO is an 'Iron Ring' around Russia's European neck. Islam will shackle her soft southern underbelly. China will finish the job from the east.

After the 250 million or so of Orthodox Christians are killed or enslaved, the Protestant Christians will become the next target of the NWO. They will be easier to kill or enslave than the Catholics.

There are only 500 million Protestant adherents vs. over a billion Catholics. Finally, the 'NWO cabal,' as you put it, will turn against the Catholics, too.

See a pattern? Like a pack of hungry wolves converging on unsuspecting animals, the NWO hyenas attack the weakest one first.

Among the Christians, that was the Serbs. That's why the Serbs were the first victims. That's why they need/deserve help from other Christians around the world NOW - before the others become too weak to help.

(Of course, in reality, things are not going to be happening serially, as described above, but in parallel - with the above order of targets determining the NWO priorities. So the actual process may be faster than it seems).

Yes. The kind of demonization you've just noticed about Russia has been carried out by the NWO media against the Serbs ever since the end of the Cold War, Hollywood included. And with a far greater venom and intensity than against the Russians (so far). Notice how the Serb lands were dismembered, just as Brzezinski is advocating for Russia?

Why pick on Serbs? A TiM reader asked us that in August of this year. Here is how we answered the question in the TiM GW Bulletin 97/8-3, (8/10/97):

"The Serbs were the easiest to kill or enslave among the Eastern Orthodox Christians. They are isolated and surrounded by enemies. There are only 10 million of them. Plus, the Serbs are fierce freedom fighters. Beating them to a pulp would discourage rebellion against the New World Order (NWO) by others later on.

Also, the Serbs are the most 'Western' of all Orthodox Christians. The Greeks may be next. They are also isolated and surrounded by enemies. Plus, a smaller nation than even the Serbs. Notice that Bill Clinton has appointed Richard Holbrooke a special envoy to Cyprus? What Holbrooke did to the Serbs in Bosnia, he is likely to do to the Greeks on Cyprus.

Killing, enslaving the Orthodox Christian Russia will take longer. But the process is already under way. The methods are the same. NATO is an 'Iron Ring' around Russia's European neck. Islam will shackle her soft southern underbelly. China will finish the job from the east.

After the 250 million or so of Orthodox Christians are killed or enslaved, the Protestant Christians will become the next target of the NWO. They will be easier to kill or enslave than the Catholics.

There are only 500 million Protestant adherents vs. over a billion Catholics. Finally, the 'NWO cabal,' as you put it, will turn against the Catholics, too.

See a pattern? Like a pack of hungry wolves converging on unsuspecting animals, the NWO hyenas attack the weakest one first.

Among the Christians, that was the Serbs. That's why the Serbs were the first victims. That's why they need/deserve help from other Christians around the world NOW - before the others become too weak to help.

(Of course, in reality, things are not going to be happening serially, as described above, but in parallel - with the above order of targets determining the NWO priorities. So the actual process may be faster than it seems).

Yes. The kind of demonization you've just noticed about Russia has been carried out by the NWO media against the Serbs ever since the end of the Cold War, Hollywood included. And with a far greater venom and intensity than against the Russians (so far). Notice how the Serb lands were dismembered, just as Brzezinski is advocating for Russia?

Why pick on Serbs? A TiM reader asked us that in August of this year. Here is how we answered the question in the TiM GW Bulletin 97/8-3, (8/10/97):

"The Serbs were the easiest to kill or enslave among the Eastern Orthodox Christians. They are isolated and surrounded by enemies. There are only 10 million of them. Plus, the Serbs are fierce freedom fighters. Beating them to a pulp would discourage rebellion against the New World Order (NWO) by others later on.

Also, the Serbs are the most 'Western' of all Orthodox Christians. The Greeks may be next. They are also isolated and surrounded by enemies. Plus, a smaller nation than even the Serbs. Notice that Bill Clinton has appointed Richard Holbrooke a special envoy to Cyprus? What Holbrooke did to the Serbs in Bosnia, he is likely to do to the Greeks on Cyprus.

Killing, enslaving the Orthodox Christian Russia will take longer. But the process is already under way. The methods are the same. NATO is an 'Iron Ring' around Russia's European neck. Islam will shackle her soft southern underbelly. China will finish the job from the east.

After the 250 million or so of Orthodox Christians are killed or enslaved, the Protestant Christians will become the next target of the NWO. They will be easier to kill or enslave than the Catholics.

There are only 500 million Protestant adherents vs. over a billion Catholics. Finally, the 'NWO cabal,' as you put it, will turn against the Catholics, too.

See a pattern? Like a pack of hungry wolves converging on unsuspecting animals, the NWO hyenas attack the weakest one first.

Among the Christians, that was the Serbs. That's why the Serbs were the first victims. That's why they need/deserve help from other Christians around the world NOW - before the others become too weak to help.

(Of course, in reality, things are not going to be happening serially, as described above, but in parallel - with the above order of targets determining the NWO priorities. So the actual process may be faster than it seems).

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Truth or fiction. Too many coincidences to be fiction?

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I see we haven't heard from those two idiots Matthesson and Bernstein,they must be in jail.

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I guess we shoould thank whoever reported those idiots to DMS Admin.

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Maybe something happened to them.

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Only 75 days till I move.NO MORE MUSLIMS in my new neighbourhood.Only Europeans.

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tryna get some clarification here, so please bear with me..let me quote ya:
"be careful what you start here."

do you mean that yourstrully started something dishonorable here?


P.S. Who's "sama" in our family?


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enough with the books on the board!!! I read today that it was not the the bombs the made russia go to war with chechnya!! I heard that the russians have been planning an ivasion since march. It seems that the old prime minister let the cat out of the bag!! He told reporters that Putin and his fellow russians had been planning this thing while he was still KGB. what do you think about that! I think that russia needs to come clean and clearly state what the hell they are doing. especially seems how they are kill innocent people not just terrorist!!!!

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jamman..kinda reminds you of NATO bombings of Belgrade, does it not?

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not just serbian soldiers but sebian civilians as well..

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