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Archive through January 28, 2000

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Igor, that post about those three novels were very very interesting. Thank you. I dont know what i will do on March 26 when elections come around. I almost feel like have a revolution.

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By igor ( - on Friday, January 28, 2000 - 02:10 pm:
Only 75 days till I move.NO MORE MUSLIMS in my new neighbourhood.Only Europeans

Well guess what no more fustrated godless imbeciles like Igor can even afford to live in my neighbourhood!

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Hey muslim, Igor over affords to live in your neighborhood, thats why he's found a better place to live. The question is what are you doing there? The answer is, You muslim is poor. Thats why there is 10 of you in one house. Which only has one room, one bathroom and one little stove.

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Nato bombing of belgrade was different. A lot different. When we bombed those people over there
We let them (civillians) live. We tried very hard and it showed that we tried to minimize civillian casulties. I think that the technologie that we used there really helped. If we didn't have that kind of technology we would not have been there because the american people would not stand for another veitnam. We learned a lot from vietnam. DONT go and fight on someone elses land when you don't have to. Send planes and percision laszer guided bombs and make the people there miserable so they will infact kick out the terrorist in there government.

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Jamman----"We learned a lot from vietnam. DONT go and fight on someone elses land when you don't have to."

No No No No, you didn't learn that part. Don't try to take credit for something you didn't do. You didn't do that ever. You never learned your lesson, the one's who did are dead, Wounded, or carried out their military service. You new babies didn't learn anything.

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In regards to the last message I had sent I did not agree with the bombing of Belgrade. I thought it was stupid and did not pertain to us. But I am just one person in the nation. I thought that we played much to large of a roll there. I think that the EUROPEAN countries should have done most of the work there. We should have supported them however. But we should not have done most of the work ourselves.

I'm not exactly sure what was supposed to be gained by us being involved with that conflict.
If you take a step back and look at the results and the only people it benefited were the KLA and I have to say that they are not any better than the yogoslavians. I'm sure that it had a lot to do with the stability of europe because of the last time we let it go it got really ugly with all of the ethnic cleansing going on there.

I still can't see why people want to kill each other because of race creed or religion. It just doesn't make sense.

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Oh the hell with all of this chechen crap. Come on Russia, nuc the chets and use their assholes for run way lights. The world will be foever grateful to you.

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U R N. I think that you must have been dropped on your head when you were born. My family sufferd great losses from the "POLICE ACTION" in vietnam.

Most of the men in my family are really •••••• up having to kill so many people. They tell me the stories and it is a shame that U.S government did not let us use the technolgie that we had.

I think that if collen powel would have been the man back then we either would of either declared war or never have been there. You do not fight with one hand tied behind your back especially when the enemies have no morals and no code. We were there trying to help these thankless bastards and Why, I don't know???? It was the stupidest thing america has ever done. and you can quote me on that..

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here's my reply to you, taken from the following link( I think that your "technology" statement is a bit naive, no offence):

"""By targeting strategic, infrastructure and communication targets NATO hits
civilian population in 99% of the attacks. Bridges, railways, tunnels,
factories, electric and water installations are used mainly by the civilians
and seldomly by the army. But, if NATO estimates that something has even a
slight military significance it becomes a legitimate military target. In real
life, it is not important that the civilians are being wounded and suffer. In
real life NATO is expecting that the sufferings and woundings of the civilians
come to a dissatisfaction which would result with a pressure on authorities in
Belgrade. That may help the NATO to achieve its military and political aims.
That, is obviously not working."""

Jamman, when you do what NATO or RF army do, you simply CANNOT prevent civilian loses..and technology as modern as it is doesn't help least not YET.

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Believe me you Ukrainian bitch you could not live in my neighbourhood.It just so happens in my city welfare buildings are spread out all over city in good neighbourhoods.So fuckk you xoxol ukrainski

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I was reading carefuly your very long and interesting post.
They backed Gorbatcheff and then Yeltsin to realize thzyer plan (destruction of Ussr, installation of hardcore capitalism, expoitation of raw material and cheap labor...)
But I don't think they plan lately worked out, espacialy in turning russia in a ground for sound profit. I think they did very bad for russia but also that they lost a lot in it.
The difference is that Russia is bled dry and the west just take it philosophicaly.
Sure, the economic destruction was tought to be more effective than nukes but what they didn't expect is that they couldn't take over economicaly burn country more than irradiated land.
My reaction is why and how the russian leader could be the working force, the collaborator of US evil, in destroying theyr own country. Corruption? I mean who has been ruling russia for ten years? yeltsin, a russian-born russian I presume? Who was his helper other russian born...
Ok Boris' election campain was carried out by an american team and even FBI agent... Hmmm...

I beleive Putin is the one who break the circle, who will not be idiot pupet no more!

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Jamman you are a ••••••• idiot .What military targets? The Serb army left pretty well intact after Kosovo.

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Right on Fred.When you go to the sites and click on underlined stuff there are more articles.Fascinating reading,sure makes alot of sense.Sort of comparable with "the protocols of......."

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jamman , another difference and a big one between the bombing of belgrade and grozny is is that in belgrade specific targets were selected in grozny it sounds like they are just blowing everything up. Whats with all this New World Order and the enslaving of people by the US , that is such conspiracy theory paranoia.

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I did not say it was perfect dimitri but I seriously believe that it was a tremendous help.

I'm sure that the civillian death toll in chechnya will at least triple that of the nato bombings in belgrade. Besides what we did there was amazing. we lost no one in combat and we achieved our objectives with losing only money!! Those things cost big time.

I still think that europe should have delt with there own problems. We should have been involved minimally. By the way in your statement it said that we were making the people there miserable and that was our goal. They the people of yugoslavia made the military pull out and come home to belgrade. Wrong way of doing it Maybe did it work YES!!

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