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Archive through January 28, 2000

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Fred if you look to see who was around Yeltsin, advising then the picture becomes clearer.

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jamman, I agree it was an European problem but they don't seem to want to take care of there own problems, except for England, as far as Kosovo goes. One out come of the air war which is not so good it scared the hell out of the Russian military. They can't even pay there troops as they watched 2 billion dollar B-2's flay from Missouri all the way to Serbia and back.

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I Think that if the russians were smart they would have pushed there way as far up as they could and when they hit heavy resistance buid a fortress sit and wait they the bandits as you say will come. Then you kill them one by one. You do not have to slaghter evryone to make a statement about terrorism. There are terrorist in the world but we should work smart and all countries and the heads of states should pull together and help one another with "terrorist".

With everyone together we could put a big dent in the terrorist regimes.

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Gonzo I was amazed by the power that we showed!! I still want to believe that there could have been a better way to resolve world differences than slaughtering people. It was a sovrein countrie we went into. That my friend is wrong. We "NATO" had no right to be there. The U.N. on the other hand should have been. But china and russia would have never let that happen and we "NATO" new this.

I think that we all live by some rules and that is good but I think that if we start breaking them than we are no longer help we are being part of the problem. We are strong and need to lead by example and that was not a good example.

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jamman, you said:
"""I'm sure that the civillian death toll in chechnya will at least triple that of the nato bombings in belgrade. Besides what we did there was amazing. we lost no one in combat and we achieved our objectives with losing only money!! Those things cost big time."""

What goal???? to replace Milosovich?????? Man, you ve been tryin' to replace Hussain for how long???? please!!!!!!!

Or maybe you've "achieved" a goal of stabilazing the cituation in the region????????? KLA is sooo happy that NATO SUCKAS helped them, that now they're showing them a finger! Kosovo is a clan/mafia/KLA ruled land now!

So what success are you talking about??? ONE has stopped, but ANOTHER has started..tyrany in a different form LIVES ON...

The only real smart way of succeding for NATO woulda been an assasination of and bloodless.

you're presentin' very one-sided point of view..

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The terrorists are trapped in Grozny.Troshev says that in their communications they are begging for supplies, but none are forthcoming because the line of supply is cut of(Georgia).Now it is just a matter of time.Basayev and Khattab should be captured and executed .Jamman when they start blowing up stuff in States you can deal with them in your own way. Russia will do it the right way once and for all.I personally would destroy all those who support them and their training facilities.Maybe you have not seen this site?

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Dimitri Milosovich was only defending Serbs from KLA.Same stuff was going on in Chechnya as in Serbia.The western press lied about Kosovo,however in Chechnya the same crap did not work.Yeltsin was too weak to stand up for the Serbs and sold them out .But we will see in June when it is time for Serbs to return to Kosovo.

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When the US is in war, it has no limit. US is not soft. They destroy the country of theyr ennemy till capitulation. Germany: razed ; Japan: didn't capitulate even after the first A-bomb and after the bomobing of Tokyo which did as many dead, they droped a second one, Iraq: crushed till the last bunker in Bagdad, Saddam removed his army from Kuwait only when he had no more army, Serbia: no comment.
(In Vietnam they had no country to destroy because the ennemy was inside.)

But why the leader of these countries didn't capitulate before the population suffers so much?
Why they can't admit to lose the war when it's evident?

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Well I think terrorist should die but. Here in the states we just don't kill people on the spot we feed them for ten years and let them exhaust all there rights as human beings then we execute them. I think we could do a little better in this regard but hey sometimes people are found innocent and we don't have to kill them. I want to think that we could speed this up a little. but people here get due process and that is a good thing but there should be limits on exhaustion of these appeals and stuff. if your found guilty three times it should be enough.

If they come they will go. We keep pretty close tabs on these groups. Thank goodness we do. I feel a lot better knowing that we have our inteligence agency covering our asses.

Maybe if russia spent a little more money on R&D over there they might not have these problems. Or maybe russia is really run by money hungry bandits themselves???? There is so much crime and poverty over there and why. It is such a beautiful place. It has so many natural resources it should be as rich or richer than we are.

If the people there VOTED and payed attention to the polls and the people that are running russia it could get better. WE "the whole World" hope.

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Why are serbs returnign to Kosovo in June? I havent been up on it.

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I defenitely feel for, in the States, I have 2 Serbian friends, one of which was living in Yugo till March of '99..he defenitely strikes to me as a smart and FAIR what he tells me Milo seems to be a "Brezhnev" Jr. with the elements of "Stalin"..and he was NEVER a real communist to begin with..just look at his corrupted family look what they have..his wife only had "just" a Radio Station or something like that..CORRUPTED..and don't forget - that comes from the guy(my friend) who lived under Milo's rule, keep that in mind..

You gotta be fair, man..Milos made money and MOST OF ALL - he became more popular because of ironic!!!

but this is my opinion, man..I am entitled to it, just like you're entitled to yours..and, frankly, it seems to me that we won't be able to change each other's minds...oh well.

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FredLe...Vietnam must have been the most miss-managed war in US history. The US army did fight with one arm behind its back is some ways. Like the fact Hi-fong harbor was not bombed (it was the harbor where most war supplies came into the north supplied by other communist countries. Plus there were all sorts of silly rules of engament for the US air force like the fact that US pilots could see North Vietnames building SAM sites on the ground but couldn't bomb them untill they were fully operational because US officaials were affraid of killing Russian advisors who were supposedly help building the sites. Then there was the silly idea of bombing the Ho Chi men trail to destroy supplies instead of going after supplies in the north. In the end though it did not really matter. The fact the US won every major battle in the war and still pulled out pretty much says it all that this war was allmost un-winable with out a full ground invasion of the north and a nasty occupation.

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To fred Vietnam was not a war. We never declared war and that is a fact. If we would have it would have been a lot different there. It was very idiotic to be there especially when we did not no who the enemies were.

My uncle was there and he sad (while in tears) that kids start running from inside huts and they had bombs strapped to them so he had to kill them while they were running towards them. That kind of •••• is bad I mean Bad. How in the hell do you go over there and help these poor bastards.. They answer is: YOU DON'T YOU LET THEM KILL EACH OTHER

give them weapon Same kind and as many as the other side has and let the best man win!! I think that it was a total ploy by china to get there close so they could try and kill us and minimize there losses by using the vietnamese.

That is what you get when you have one person having the rest of the population at there dissposal. LONG LIVE DEMOCRACY

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Ultra it was part of UN agreement.I posted it earlier around Dec 23 when Sergeyev was in Belgrad.The Russians are going in too. Serbs will be liberated.

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