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Archive through January 28, 2000

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The flag is burned all the time around here. I live here in california and the idiots up in San Francisco burn it all the time. That is weird they are not happy unless their protesting something. But it's there right. I don't agree with it or understand it but. I'd rather have people protesting instead of them bombing the joint.

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That Igor sounds like he suffers from verbal Diarrhea

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Turk Russia is being held back by US meddling, read previous links about 2 hours ago.

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Kyrva isn't it time for you to go suck some ••••

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igor, plus many Americans don't care what Clinton says, no worries in about a year we will get you a new guy to bitch about. I watched the state of the union last night. I let out a big laugh when Clinton thanked his wife the you applause and you see Clinton saying I love you. yea OK billy boy I guess there are no interns arround.

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Ukrainian girl if I need some lip from you I will rattle my zipper.

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Fred, calm down. Nobody said Serbia will join while Milo is in power. Moldavia is obviously is not in a rush to join, though certain part of it is. Armenia is definately thinking about joining, with Turkey pondering about New Ottaman Empire and all, nothing on official level though.

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jamman, In college we called thoes people cause-heads because they seem to be protesting a new cuse everyweek. I sure you have more of them out in Cali then we do here in the frozen Mid-west. I remember during the gulf war a buddie and I saw a couple of Hippies chain themselves to gas pumps at a BP station to protest the war. Friend yelled at them hey morons thats a BP station as in British Petrolium that oit comes from the North Sea not the gulf. They sort of looked at each other confused. I bet they filled the tank of there VW bus at that same station the very next week.

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Hey Gonzo the world is not perfect and We will never live to see it in perfect harmony but we can and should all do are part. Think about when we are gone our kids/legacies will live on. If saying things like we are helps great. If it don't oh well. People have to make their own choices and live with it.

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Ultra Russian,

although I was proposed to be another "presidential candidate"(LOL) I actually woulda given my vote to you if it wasn't for your political views..but I DO like your morals 🙂

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Ultra Russian Nationalist

In the epic beginnings of Ultra Russian Nationalist's political race for President, he has gainged a lot of support from all people of different ages. He has promised to bring economical change to Russia. He does not make promises, ever, that he cannot keep. He promises to remove all corrupt politicans and criminals from power. All money seized from the criminals will be handed over to the people. All drugs and weapons will be destroyed that were seized from the criminals. He is promising change in Russia, for the better.! Vote for him today!


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By Dimitri ( - on Friday, January 28, 2000 - 01:15 pm:

Dimitri, thanks for the advice. I'll consider it. I normally post without any intention to attack others, or to provoke them, however it is sometimes difficult not to be lured by the sheer stupidity, or hypocrasy of the comments, and mostly by hate and sick mentality they propagate.

I apologise if I generalised, my mistake. But sometimes it is difficult not to, seeing that not a single Russian voice is coming over the net, expressing sympathy with the suffering of the Chechen people. I honestly believe this is a shameful episode for humanity to ignore. Your children won't be very proud with it in the future.

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LOl, dimitri, well if you are another candidate, we can compete together, no hard feelings if one or the other wins though, what shall you say? LOL

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great proposal!! Imposible but great!

BTW that was an american spirit at its best..

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Ultra Russian Lukashenkist (URL)

"And im not in competition with anyone. So if other political candidates shall emerge, i dont have a problem with it. "

Of course because you are not a democrat and other candidate will makes no sens then no problem. A litlle exile for them and it's ok.

But I'm jocking because I think you wish good for the poeple of your country.
Your proposal is accepted;
just curious to see the face of everybody. Hahaha!

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