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Archive through January 28, 2000

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That was a great story gonzo. I don't know what drives those people to do such stupid things. But it gives me something to laugh about while watching the new and winding down from a long days work. watching the 6 oclock news is like comedy hour out here. I was born in the Mid west. Where abouts are you. I was born and raised in Dearborn MI.

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I am just curious are any of the Russians on this board in Russia?

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U R N,

I think I'll be better off thou as an Director of Intellegence(FSB)..I am could be pretty clever when it comes to sneaking on people..LOL

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Ohio , where it is about 3 degrees right now with a half foot of snow on the ground...Go Browns...OK maybe next year. This year its the carpetbaggers bowl.

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Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the former republics and their people have gone into depression, and along with them, Ultra Russian Nationalist. He will not rest until all people are happy, old and young, strong and weak, good and evil will be clothed, fed, and taken care of. Although what he wishes to do with the evil is not take care of them literally, what he plans to do is provide for them a jail cell, some dog food, and company, their criminal buddies, so at night they won't get too lonely. Hehehe. Ultra, what a guy! He also plans to make sure that everyone gets paid their pensions and wages. Scientists will no longer defect because of bad pay and bad life. No one will be able to match his offer of a better life in Russia! He has political opponents, the very well known and respected Dimitri of the Democratic Party of the Russian Federation. Dimitri has done many good things lately, yet his past is unknown. He is an Ex-KGB chief. He is widely popular on the war in Chechnya. Ultra, also wishes the war well and sends warm heart felt feelings to the Mothers and Fathers of the men in this war.

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now that we are thinking democraticly the see if we cant make it happen. Lets put together a PARTY!!!!!! If there is one thing in life that I can do, I can put together a Rager!! LETS VOTE ON IT!! WHAT IM NOT JOKING HERE LETS SEE SOME HANDS!!! YEAH OR NEA

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Dimitri, yea you could do that cool james bond spy stuff, fast boats, cars that fire rockets and the ladies.

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lol, this is fun, role playing. LOL, an artificial poll for future of Russia. Dimitri, well im sure if you were president, you could make yourself a Chief of FSB, or a second job, an FSB agent. Honestly, you should run for the polls here. LOL, its interesting to me the outcome of such a poll. So many peoples different opinions i would like to hear and discuss. I'll do this for a little while, but not too long, im sure it will get old. Its just another way to spice up the message board here. LOL

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U R N , you need a cape, a theme song, and a hide out like the bat cave. Plus a way to go incognitto (sp). Hey get a job as a reporter at a local paper.

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HEY I Gonzo I guess that we are archrivels go BLUE when was the last time that the buckeys beat up on Michigan??? Just joking!!!!

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Jamman, are you running for political office on this message board as well? That makes 2 opponents other than me.
Dimitri and Jammal
So lets see a hand of votes.
Ultra Russian Nationalist
Yeh__ or Neh__
Yeh__ or Neh__
Yeh__ or Neh__

By the way, political candidates can vote for themselves. So if you guys want, ill be the scorekeeper as well.

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Since you gained unexpectedly strong support from the oposition, both the Duma and the Dima, I decided to vote for you.

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"""By Ultra Russian Nationalist ( - on Friday, January 28, 2000 - 03:34 pm:
Hey muslim, Igor over affords to live in your neighborhood, thats why he's found a better place to live. The question is what are you doing there? The answer is, You muslim is poor. Thats why there is 10 of you in one house. Which only has one room, one bathroom and one little stove."""

You are clearly mixed up URL. Even if your insult is taken on its face value, your statement does not make sense. Lets assume all these people are unemployed and on welfare. If there are 10 as you said, the welfare payment will be much larger than your or igor's pay check (assuming Igor now has a job). If they are not on welfare, that means that their income is greater than what they would get from welfare (not many people would be motivated to work for less). In either case they would be able to afford to live virtually any good neighbourhood they want, particularly that they don't consume a large portion of their income on alcohol or drugs.

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I officially place my vote for myself.

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U R N one thing I do miss on this board was all thoes posts from the guy who would write stuff like 5 Mujahahadean destroyed 45 tanks , two of the mujahadeanmartin were killed we ask Allah to take there souls as marters and stuff like that, they were funny posts.

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