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Archive through January 29, 2000

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"""By igor ( - on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 06:49 pm:
Turk like I said before you are an idiot and the faster shite like you is eradicated the better .How do you know it was russian soldiers who did that,maybe it was yoyu muslims dressed up as Russians.Payback is a bitch you know."""

Only an idiot moron like you will come up with a statement like this. That is the reason I think Kissie is smarter than you. She is, atleast, trying to hide her darker side. You are out there, parading your stupidity, and hatred of everything that is not agreeing with you.

Go back to Russia. There is no place in a civilised country for a bandit supporter like you.

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IGOR THE CHILD MOLESTING RUSKIE... .........IGOR IS GAY.........IGOR IS GAY.......IGOR IS GAY...............OGRE IS GAY.........IGOR EATS DOGS........ igor the putin's ••••....

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IGOR THE CHILD MOLESTING RUSKIE... .........IGOR IS GAY.........IGOR IS GAY.......IGOR IS GAY...............OGRE IS GAY.........IGOR EATS DOGS........ igor the putin's ••••..........

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I'm making fun of all the propoganda. Chechen and russian. I think the the whole conflict could have and should have been avoided!!!

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Igor, the fake "me" now uses Rogers@Home Ontario as entry point, but the person is the old Qur'an teachings drop-out POS adder21.

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IGOR THE CHILD MOLESTING RUSKIE... .........IGOR IS GAY.........IGOR IS GAY.......IGOR IS GAY...............OGRE IS GAY.........IGOR EATS DOGS........ igor the putin's ••••.............

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kissie the russian slut.....kissie the slet pig breath................

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kissie the russian slut.....kissie the slut pig breath................

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"""By igor ( - on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 06:51 pm:
How about killing of innocent Russians ,was that ok Turk? """

NO, It's not. Killing of an innocent person, regardless of their nationality is not ok, and has to be condemned by all civilised people of the world. I hope you grow to see the wisdom of principled approach against crime too.

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I have seen your reply; Thanks. I expected more.
It's curious you become so brief when it's about your country. Ok I don't want to be borring.

My reply would be the same as the one of Allah

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Kissie look in the mirror and tell us what you see. I will tell you what we see and notice the hair on the face it looks like this could date as far back as 400 BC also notice the sloped forehead noting stupidity HMMMMMMMM!! neandrathal women AKA CAVE TRAMP!!

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Are you saing the jews are responsible for communism in russia???? Alright again, let blame the jew. Who did this, oo it is a jew. Why we do not have heat, because of jew, where is the water, jew drunk it all. It is all story, it was used by tsar, communists and others - blame the jews.

You used a lot 'isms, but you fail to understand that Russia is not the same as Soviet Union, a lot of thing change(although a lot of did not), But majority of people do not believe in communism any more. So I think you wasted all the 'isms.

War in chechnya is not war against islam. Why would you think so?

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Kissie the CAVE TRAMP!!

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IGOR it's kinda got a nice ring to it!! 🙂

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"""By allah ( - on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 07:01 pm:
I agree. Crime is a crime.
I think those three solders should be arrested and judge according to the law. My judgement on them will be known in time

I am loud and clear condem them and their acctions. Now the question would be; is federal troops are bandits, and my answer is no. Just because of few you can not condem all (your words right)
Nevertheless, your posting indicate what all russian army consists of bandits. I would strongly disagree. """

I don't think all Russian army consists of bandits, but the impression I am getting is that the bandits in the Russian army are not being constrained or punished by their commanders.

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