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Archive through January 29, 2000

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By jamman ( - on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 07:21 pm:
Kissie look in the mirror and tell us what you see. I will tell you what we see and notice the hair on the face it looks like this could date as far back as 400 BC also notice the sloped forehead noting stupidity HMMMMMMMM!! neandrathal women AKA CAVE TRAMP!!

Dear Jamman, I thought You were just a bit more clever ...

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Hey Turk:
What about starting with obeying Geneva convention, and stopping indiscriminate bombing of civilian centers!
What geneva convention you have in mind?
Agree, but for that I guess terrorists must leave all the cities, cause I do not think russians have smart bombs.

If Russia is concerned about kidnappings, terrorist attacks, etc. they should help to prop up the legitimate
Chechen government, rather than systematically undermining it, so that they can deal with the crime themselves.

Unfortunately, there is no Chechen goverment. The actual power is divided b/t elected goverment, which does not control alot and warlords.

Every country has crime problem including Russia. Is that mean that USA should invade Russia to eliminate criminals?
That implies that Chechnya is independent and it is not. No one in the world recogized it. Plus, we talked about it before. Chechnya was independent for 3 years (96' - 99) what did they accomplished?

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kissie I'M just poking a little fun at you!! Sorry!! I thought yesterday you and IGOR were going to get married???????????

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kissie the slut

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Well I MUST appologize for my posts today I'm in a very bad mood I am at work for the 17th day in a row I need a break!!

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to all

real Kissie's and igor's:
login name was used by -
So please ignore it

Allah is about to smack you over the head, lookout

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Well I MUST appologize for my posts today I'm in a very bad mood I am at work for the 17th day in a row I need a break!!

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kissie i didnt know you were a jew that explains everything

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I'M OTTA HERE!!! I must go vent my frustrations. I think I will go take out my aggression by crushing a golf ball. CIAO FOR NOW!!


P.S. Remember you got to live a little baby!!

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Amir Plivatsky

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I would like to say somethink nice to you but all that comes out is : "You are piece of crap"


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About: russians were selling there weapons to the rebels to teach russia a lessson for not paying it's troops and while they were walking away counting there money they were shot in the backs..

Seriously at a higher level it can be true!

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real Kissie's and igor's:
login name was used by -
So please ignore it

* Yes, faked by a known lamer adder21 who liked to quote various "holy books", but failed to follow what was good in them.

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o well, time to go
It was very nice talking to all of you, well.....
Have a nice weekend

read a good BOOK and do not use the COMPUTER it is evil.

Your friendly ALL MIGHTY

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"""By citizen ( - on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 07:31 pm:
Hey Turk:
Every country has crime problem including Russia. Is that mean that USA should invade Russia to eliminate criminals? That implies that Chechnya is independent and it is not. No one in the world recogized it. """

Did you know that Finland went through an independence strugle against Russia similar to Chechens?

"""In the end of the 19th century, Tsar Nicholas II was influenced by the Pan-Slavists that propagated for the powerful and culturally unified Russia. For them Western influences were the root of all evil and autonomous parts of the Russia were dangerously full of them. These had to be 'conquered again' culturally.

In the two periods of russification, 1899 - 1905 and 1908 - 17, special rights of Finland were abolished. Yet attempts to russify Finland failed due to internal problems of Russia."""

"""When the Russian Empire collapsed and Lenin seized power Finnish parliament declared Finland an independent state (December 6, 1917). Finland
turned to Western countries for recognition but they were reluctant to recognise Finland before the Soviet-Russia."""

A lot of similarity to Chechnya's history, don't you think?

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