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Archive through January 29, 2000

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To all Russia supporters:

Three Russian soldiers breaking into an old women's house and robbing and bashing her senseless. If you don't call this banditry, then you must be a bandit supporter.

You are conveniently ignoring responding to the above. Do you support the action of these three soldiers? How this sort of behaviour is making you feel?

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"""Fifty-four Chechen rebels surrendered in the Chechen capital of Grozny, Sergei Yastrzhembsky, chief Russian spokesman on the conflict, was quoted as saying on Saturday. """

Spin-doctor at his best! So you can understand why Putin appointed him to this role. Well done Sergei, give it a little more spin!!!

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Well, by now I learned that nothing better can be expected from you. You are the prosecuter, judge, and jury, quick to sentence whole muslims of the world for a crime they did not commit. Did you hear about "BEING INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY".
What kind of evidence has been produced linking muslims to this particular kidnapping? Who were they? By all accounts they could be agents of FSB, or their Chechen-puppets.

* Dear Turk, You're an idiot now - go ask Your BBC, they aired it.
Unfortunately, I'm not a Judge Dredd to ...

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"""By ABD ( - on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 08:27 am:
Bro Turk,

Salamu alikum. Do not worry about the enemy of Allah, they are deaf, dumb, and blind. If you ask they will not answer your question and if you show them the truth they will not see, because you know the facts. """

Brother Abdullah,
Alikum Salam. I am not worried about them. They made clear what's in their heart. They keep talking about crime committed in Chechnya before the invasion as if they care. And then they can not condemm a single clear-cut crime. A crime is a crime in any country's law. Their hypocrasy is beyond belief.

One thing I can't understand though, isn't there a single Russian, or their supporter, with a little love and caring of another human being, who is prepared to condemn a crime regardless of who committed it.

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ince the first (recent) Chechen armed conflict ended Chechnia got transferred $2 bln. US for free, had been getting free el. power, natural gas, used to regularly steal crude from the Baku pipeline (and RF Transneft used to get the Azerbajani blame and pay for it) - enough to start "independence" with. Instead during all the "independence" period kids haven't been to school , pensioners haven't been paid, warlords been building cellcomm. networks (cutting heads of British engineers in the course of it), been building private jokes of gas (very low quality) "plants", printing counterfeit dollars on a grand scale (40 cents a dollar in Ingushetiya), kidnapping "brothers" and-not-so-btothers (UNHCR Comm. was released for a hefty $5 mln. - lucky SOB), killing Red Cross workers (rumors go, those poor ones stumbled on a human organs trade), etc.. Sure, this "freedom" of any law and order needs "fighters".

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one thing I can't understand though, isn't there a single Russian, or their supporter, with a little love and caring of another human being, who is prepared to condemn a crime regardless of who committed it.
* Yeah. You should be charged with a first-degree brain abuse in furtherance of a crime.

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"""By Kissie ( - on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 05:36 pm:

* Dear Turk, You're an idiot now - go ask Your BBC, they aired it.
Unfortunately, I'm not a Judge Dredd to ... """

O yeah! Prove it. If you have the link, post it. But be careful, I am not interested about allegations, I want to hear of concrete evidence which will be upheld in a proper court.

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If you read the whole article, the suspects who
took off looked Russian. What could have been
another bombing was quashed by the unexpected alertness of some of the tenants.

I think it took the perpetrating authorities one
day to think up the excuse that it was a training
exercise. Here's an excerpt from an op ed piece
by William Saffire:

"Bombings that killed 300 civilians -- whether by Chechen terrorists, as Moscow claims, or by K.G.B. provocateurs, as many Chechens believe -- frightened and infuriated the Russian public. Whoever was behind the bombings, the one who benefited most from the terror was Putin.

You will note that none of the elite died in the apartment houses," says Akhmadov. "Only poor people. We have no proof that the F.S.B. [new name for the K.G.B.] did this, but they have no proof that we did. And consider what happened at Ryazan."

Just before Christmas at that town not far from Moscow, internal security forces rounded up Caucasian "terrorists" and displayed a trove of
explosives. But Russian police, say the Chechens, inconveniently found that the planters of explosives were K.G.B. men; a cover story was put
out that it was all an F.S.B. "training exercise."

Now you see what is being implied? This story is
not by a muslim, but at least he is trying to be
objective. So are the reporters for the BBC and
CNN, despite their anti-Islamic (WASP) upbringing.
Actually, their real allegiances show when they talk about Russian hopes and fears. Of course this
is part of their common christianity but also they
have big investments and economic dreams there. I think it funny that despite all that, the russian authorities kicked them out claiming they were on the side of the Muslims!

So try and curb your bigotry, Fred. The truth may
just shine through!

And how do you feel comfortable in blaspheming, when you realize that Arab Christians also refer to God as Allah?

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Kissie sounds like some politically punch drunk communist bootlicker. I used to know this rabid little communist jewish girl at college - she too liked to sound off like Kissie

Ukrainian Girl where are you?
My heart yearns for you! get back on this Russian infested board and kick their sorry ass!

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ABDullah Abdulevitsh Abdulmuslimov

"""Fifty-four Chechen rebels surrendered "

I don't pretend it's true because I beware of the russian propaganda as well but wether it's true or not YOU WILL NEVER ADMIT IT.


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Hey Fred LeDingue you little prick

Don't you just dream of licking the excrement of your sister Kissie's ass!

Hard life for you bastards on welfare who can't afford the finer things in life!

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Four Telecom Engineers Murdered In Chechnya
December 08, 1998: 5:41 p.m. ET
GROZNY, CHECHYNA (NB) -- By Sylvia Dennis, Newsbytes. The mutilated bodies of four telecommunication engineers kidnapped last October in the breakaway Republic of Chechnya have been found by a road some 25 miles from the capital city of Grozny.
Early reports suggest a rescue attempt by the Republic's security forces resulted in the kidnappers panicking and decapitating their four male hostages. At least one of the kidnappers has been caught by local police.
As reported by Newsbytes in early October, the three Brits and one New Zealander were kidnapped over a weekend after visiting the Republic to install landline and cellular telecommunications hardware.
The four men were working for Granger Telecom, a UK-based telecommunications company. At the time of their kidnapping, Granger Telecom said the four were protected by armed security guards. News reports of the kidnap said the security guards were overpowered early one Saturday morning and the telecommunications engineers kidnapped, even though one of the kidnappers was wounded.
The kidnapping took place at the house where the four men were staying, which was barely a 100 yards from the headquarters of the Chechnya security forces. Embarrassed officials admitted at the time that their officers mistook the gunshots from the kidnapping as celebrations.
Ray Verth, Granger Telecom's CEO, told journalists Tuesday afternoon he was deeply saddened by the news of the deaths of the four engineers. "This is a very sad day for us. We were doing everything we could to rescue these men -- our friends," he said.
Last October, Verth told BBC TV reporters he had been told that Chechnya was probably the most dangerous place in the world for kidnapping. "We undertook the contract with that knowledge and considered the risks were worth the effort of the contract," he said at the time.
The three British men were Darren Hickey, 26, Peter Kennedy, 46, and Rudolf Petschi, 42. The New Zealander, 58-year-old Stan Shaw, had been living in London.
In October, Newsbytes reported that while the Foreign Office has noted that the men went into the region against the its advice, Verth said that none of the men were forced to go. They knew the risks, and they went voluntarily, he told reporters.
"We understood and believed they were well catered for because we were contracted with the Chechen government and Chechen Telecom, who guaranteed our safety, which obviously has not occurred. We checked this situation, we believed it was safe, this situation obviously proved that otherwise," he said.
Verth added that the company was 12 months into a five year contract in the country. The 300,000 phone line contract was worth millions, Newsbytes understands.
Derek Fatchett, the British Foreign Office Minister, said on BBC Radio at the time of the kidnaps that Granger Telecom had ignored government warnings not to send its staff to Chechnya. "It's a mature world," he said on the Today program, adding that people have to take mature decisions.
Russian President Boris Yeltsin was "deeply disturbed" by the beheadings, a Kremlin spokesman said this evening. Robin Cook, the British Foreign Secretary, meanwhile, called the murders "repugnant" and said efforts were underway to confirm the details of the case.
On BBC TV's Nine O'Clock news, Aslan Maskhadov, the Chechen President, said that one explanation for the killings might be that the Chechen government's anti-terrorist squad had been closing in on the kidnap gang and they might have panicked. Other reports suggest that this now appears to be the case.
Although Chechnya is known for kidnappings, Newsbytes notes, it is highly unusual for the victims to be murdered. The Republic has never recovered from its war with Russia in 1994-96, following its declaration of independence in 1991.

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You just know the Fred is some pathetic little geek trying to be important on his second hand computer

This guy probably had sand kicked in his face all his life, this message board is a way for this underdog to be a somebody

Sorry Fred.. keep trying you were born a nobody ,just like your father(ask your mom which one of her clients was your biological dad)

and yer gonna die a nobody

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The same applies to the little slut Kissie

She and Fred are cut from the same dog turd

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Canadian Bacon is baaaacka!!!!!!!

it is #1 tooooo!!!!

The Arquettes.
ukrainian girl, BTW, was "kicking" my "sorry" ass last night ALLLLLL night long, allll night long!!!!...she's a little hairy too( if your canadian(LOL) ass(yourself) knows what I mean;))

Your-friendly-newly-elected-FSB-director-for-your own-sake., you're on camera

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