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Archive through January 29, 2000

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All Mighty is back.

Who said ALLAH cannot have ip address. I do.
Who said ALLAH cannot study because I know everything, you are right, I am here to teach.

ALLAH all mighty

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"""By Kissie ( - on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 06:10 pm:

Four Telecom Engineers Murdered In Chechnya
December 08, 1998: 5:41 p.m. ET """

Kissie, Kissie, Kissie,
You are desperate. Is this the kind of proof you can come up with? Where in the article it claims that the kidnapping of four telecom engineers were committed by muslims? Indeed there is not a single instance of the word "MUSLIM" in the article. Who do you think committed this crime? Chechen government? Basayev? or FSB Agents?

These four engineers were working for Chechens. Are you stupid enough to claim that they would kidnap and kill someone working for them? I don't think so.

"""Newsbytes notes, it is highly unusual for the victims to be murdered. """

Why is it so unusual? Could it be that these four engineers had information linking FSB to their kidnapping?

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Early reports suggest a rescue attempt by the Republic's security forces resulted in the kidnappers panicking and decapitating their four male hostages. At least one of the kidnappers has been caught by local police.
* Personally, I do not believe a single bit of it - a rescue attempt means a lightning raid, or ... it's just a cover-up. How much time does it take to cut a head during a "rescue attempt" - BS!

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Because the article was written
by William Saffire for BBC or CNN you pretend:
"...This story is not by a muslim,.."

I didn't read the full article but just the pieces you posted for:
"...rtment houses," says Akhmadov..."
"...But Russian police, say the Chechens,

So the story not by muslim? You might get it right to the extent that Islamic fighters are not muslims but claim to be.

"...but at least he is trying to be
objective. So are the reporters for the BBC and
CNN, ..."
No joke please

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"""and yer gonna die a nobody"""


how did ya like my BIG FONTS??????
I KNOW You like'em BIG, dontcha, my little real "manly" queeer?

you're still on camera, so keep[ on smiling...

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You are sooo nice debater.
You joined and first thing you did was dirty everyone and everything you disagree with.
You are in my list of very bad people.

you are not better. What happened with "I disagree with you because...... I think you have a point but..."

Shame on you too. Please, reread your postings. You contradict yourself. Number of people on this side who support russian offensive disagree with killing of innocent people. Please do not be cb1.


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Turkey 28-01-00:"... About 1,000 women in long black veils
chanted ``there is only one God!'' after the funeral in eastern
Turkey of an Islamist guerrilla linked to dozens of macabre murders
that have shaken the country.
... There were no readings from the Koran and no speeches for the man
widely vilified here after Hizbullah were blamed for the murders of
dozens of mainly Kurdish victims tortured and buried."

What's that for muslims???

I hope Batman will come and arrests all the mujahideen terrorists!

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"""Who said ALLAH cannot have ip address. I do.
Who said ALLAH cannot study because I know everything, you are right, I am here to teach."""

allah studying in University of Minnesota??????

no offense to real-one, but You, my friend, must be ONE DUMB, sinner 😉

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Hey Turk:
What would be your solution with ending conflict in Chechnya?

(That means stopping terrorists attacks, killing kidnapping and so forth)

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You still did not answer to my question. I'll repeat once more.

Three Russian soldiers breaking into an old Chechen woman's house and robbing and bashing her senseless. Do you support the action of these three soldiers? How this sort of behaviour is making you feel?

If you don't call this banditry, then you must be a bandit supporter.

If and when someone break in your house, robe you, rape you, and then bash you senseless, will you hope the law will punish the offenders? But if it is not a crime to do the same to an old Chechen woman, why it should be a crime if it is committed against you? We knew you were a hypocrat, and a bload-thirsty vampire, are you confessing that you are a racist too?

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you are on MY list of SINNERS.

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"citizen of world" sounds much better..

you off my "sinner" list...for now, of course



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NOW HEAR THIS!! NOW HEAR THIS!! News flash from Moscow. Putin shot in the head by the Bandits from the break away Republic. Also in the news heavy Russian losses in Grozny. 54 tanks burned two helicopter gun ships shot out of the sky by stinger missles. They also reported that russians were selling there weapons to the rebels to teach russia a lessson for not paying it's troops and while they were walking away counting there money they were shot in the backs..

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Turk like I said before you are an idiot and the faster shite like you is eradicated the better .How do you know it was russian soldiers who did that,maybe it was yoyu muslims dressed up as Russians.Payback is a bitch you know.Here is a whole list of links moron enjoy

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"""By allah ( - on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 06:33 pm:

Number of people on this side who support russian offensive disagree with killing of innocent people. """

I like to hear from Russians or their supporters a clear statement that they condemn the violance committed against innocent Chechens by the bandits in the Russian army. Unless they come up with clear condemnation, I will assume they are part of Russian propaganda war (Are they paid by FSB? Just asking.)

Can we agree on a simple principle first? A CRIME IS A CRIME DOESN'T MATTER WHO COMMITS IT.

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