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Archive through January 3, 2000

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Muslim brothers and sisters

salamu alaykum-
alhamdulillah, the lessons of afghanistan and checnya teach us that Allah Almighty strengthens us with iman, and angels that fight alongside the believers which the enemy see and beleive that thee number of mujahideen is greater than it truly is...what more miraculous gifts could we want this ramadan?

Allah has shown that soldier for soldier we are better than these kafir pigs, who excel in killing innocents and raping and pillaging like their serbian orthodox brethren...may Allah give them the hell that they deserve. Similar reports surfaced from Afghanistan and Bosnia as mujahideen were able to fight back. The russians were kicked out of Afghanistan like Saladin kicked the crusaders out of Jerusalem.

t is to early to claim victory in this "battle", but the mujahideen are guaranteed victory in the world to come regardless of the outcome of these skirmishes.

Please refrain from using the filth that these poor lost souls use on this message board. We are representatives of al-deen al Alhaq, and alsiratul mustaqeen, carriers of the Quran.let us not become as lowly as them. They are exposing what their religion truly is, garbage.


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Nope, I won't, but if you come to OAK-town - I'll definetily give you hell, boy ;)..whoops..I forgot you're too much of a chicken sh1t..

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Nope, I won't, but if you come to OAK-town - I'll definetily give you hell, boy ;)..whoops..I forgot you're too much of a chicken sh1t..

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Sellone Ciomberpi,

bambina, why don't you go to your italian vino and maccaroni, instead of stilling one's words and twisting it..I mean you defenitely don't bring any points of your own on this board, right?..oh, shut, I almost forgot about your stinky vino..take a hike, signora Mussoligni, will ya..

Eminent Member
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Dimitri you are clueless - what is religion to
godless people, anyway?

"To the surprise of the Russians, the militants sometimes leave their trenches and charge across
open terrain. One rebel ran up to the Russian positions five days ago shouting "Allah akbar" ("God is great") and tossed a grenade into a Russian armored personnel carrier before he was gunned down.

The militants are sometimes so bold that Russian
troops say they must be taking drugs, an allegation for which there is no evidence but
which reflects the Russians' astonishment at their
aggressiveness." - NYTimes on the web

No "Dimi", These are REAL Mujahideen, building on
their experience from Afghanistan and Kosova. It
isn't drugs that make them do it, it is the scent
of Paradise!!

They were trying to help out in Daghestan against
(Ras)putin's horde, to establish an Islamic Union
when Rasputin had bombs burst in Moscow so that he
could illegally start a war with Chechnya with
whom a legally binding agreement had been signed.

Rasputin seems to think that he can fool the west
into believing that the Mujahideen - who do not
have gas masks - are foolish enough to use toxic
gases such as chlorine and ammonia against civilians - it is obvious that the people who are
ready prepared with gas masks are the ones who are
breaking the Geneva Convention. Along with all the
other illegal breaking of the accords that they
have done to date. Do you think that the Mujahids
who have no gas masks themselves are stupid enough
to detonate gas bombs on themselves? It takes
intelligence, planning, and courage to fight as
they are fighting.

We have been reading about such martyrs in our
history books and MASHA ALLAH (what Allah is
giving us), we now see it in real life and death
again. What an Excellent Cause! And how great the
differences in numbers, and how thrilling the
victories nevertheless. May all the martyrs be

Get it straight, Dimi. The Mujahideen are trying
to set up a righteous, God-fearing, Islamic State,
and the Mujahideen from other countries are helping, not for their own selfish reasons, but to
proclaim that the Muslims are One Nation.

The babies of those innocent civilians that are
trapped and slaughtered in Chechnya, and amongst
the Chechens in Ingushetiya, will Insha Allah
become proud Mujahideen themselves, So There's NOWHERE TO RUN, Dimi-boy. Face it.

A Muslim

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Mr. M.Pokrovskii in his book titled "Diplomacy and Wars of Tsarist Russia in the XIX century", Moscow, 1924, page 201, describing the first Russian-Caucasian war, writes that despite the anti-Chechen propaganda spread among soldiers by the Russian generals, "the soldiers had a different opinion and a lot of them joined the democratic Chechnya. The requests by the Russians to turn those soldiers over were an issue that worsened the relationship between the Russian administration and Chechens". At the same time, kidnappings of civilians was one of the main Russian warfare methods in the Caucasus.

In particular, a well known Russian commander, A. Ermolov strictly advised his officers " Avoid leaving without hostages. These people are ignorant and damaged by our weakness and they might think that it would be possible for them to not fulfill our demands" ("Russia and Caucasus", Sankt-Peterburg, 1995 page 25).

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A Muslim ( -

well said brother.

the war will be won and invaders thrown out
it is written

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to Guistino(my personal bitch),

Are you gonna give me a latin sword? C'mon, tough cookie, we all know how "brave" you are.Wanna come and visit me? I am for real. Are you? Would you like to taste my non-latin BIG Russian •••• in you filthy unwashed mouth. I'll tell you how to find me,you "brave"(LOL) bitch, but will you come? cuz u sound so tough, u know..ever been urinated on? if biiaaatch(YOU) only will come to me...oh please be REALLY brave and just do it..hmm..please?

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All the infidels learn from your past and change for the better before it is too late.

ramadan mubarak

Monday, 20-Dec-1999 10:17:20 writes:

The majestic and Inimitable Qur’an states, "Did the people of the town
feel secure against the coming of Our Punishment by night while they
asleep?" (A’raaf 97)

By the grace of Allah Ta’ala and His taufeeq we had the opportunity to
practise on the following advice of the Quraan al-Kareem: "So travel in
land and see the consequences of those rejectors." (Quraan) On the 17th
August 1999 at 3.05 in the morning a devastating earthquake struck
towns in Turkey close to the coast of the Marmara Sea. Since Muslims
not allowed to take relief goods to Turkey unless it was handed over to
Red Cross, we
decided to go and assess the situation for ourselves.

After arriving in Istanbul, our local Turkish brothers took us to the
affected areas. The first town we visited was Adapazari. The shock of
devastating scene
of destruction virtually took our breath away. We were unable to
express our
mixed emotions of astonishment, sorrow and awe at the tremendous
manifestation of Allah Ta’ala’s might and power.

Solid Structures - Concrete, Rubble and twisted steel These were the
common sights that we saw: solid five storey concrete buildings that
collapsed as if they were pancakes piled up; buildings that had
become a massive pile of concrete rubble and twisted steel; buildings
were torn in half and lay on either side; buildings that had fallen on
buildings and
caused a domino effect whereby a row of buildings fell one upon the
buildings whose supporting pillars beneath collapsed thereby crushing
parked in
the basements; buildings that were still intact but totally abandoned
(resulting in an eerie ghost-like atmosphere) due to the fear of
(some 900 aftershocks were recorded).

People’s Reaction
The population of Turkey is 95% Muslim. The people in the affected
were very pleased to meet Muslims from a foreign country. They
welcomed us and appreciated our moral support and Deeni advice.
Musjids were averaging half to one row. After the earthquake we
were seeing at least four to five rows in some areas while in other
they were almost full. The elderly men were quite emotional since by
nature they are very softhearted and warm people. Some men actually
us and cried. Some brothers told us that they had forgotten to
make Sajdah to Allah Ta’ala so He made their buildings fall in sajdah.

People told us how they were harshly awakened from their sleep during
early hours. (Refer to the opening verse above). They were thrown from
to side in total darkness since there was an immediate power failure.
virtually tumbled, crawled and fell out of these collapsing buildings
the thick dust
which resulted from crumbling buildings added to the problems of poor
visibility and inability to breathe. Many came out in only their
while some were even naked (Allah Ta’ala save us). A brother told us
that he
rushed out in such panic he totally forgot his two little daughters in
house. Another said he only remembered his paralysed mother in the
house two
hours later. This reminds one of the verse in the Quraan Kareem: "On
Day (Qiyaamah) shall a
man flee from his own brother, and from his mother and father, and from
wife and children. Every man, that Day, will be in such a state that
make him unmindful of others." (Abasa 34-37).

A building contractor told us personally that he was involved in laying
foundation of the El-Mas (Diamond) Hotel. Just the foundation of this
five-star hotel had 350 tons of concrete and steel. He said that if
Ta’ala could destroy this building, then He (Ta’ala) can destroy
This hotel collapsed
completely in a pile of rubble and about 300 people were dragged out,
which approximately 80% were in the state of Zina (fornication) -
Ma’ath-Allah. Then there was the banker who arrived back from a
trip to search in the remains of his house for his wife. He found her
crushed with his best friend in the
shameful act of Zina. In this are great lessons for the ummah, since
tragically many of the same vices are prevalent in our society.

Ismit-The best help
We went next to Ismit which is an industrial town. Almost 35% of the
industries were destroyed in the earthquake. Here we spent two days and
found that conditions were much the same. We managed to visit a few big

camps. People told us that they experienced difficulties in acquiring
Prices shot up exorbitantly. Many people were forced to use tree
and plastic sheeting for shelter. When we saw this we were reminded of
squatters back home.
Some of them told us that their homes are still intact but they are too

terrified to return to their homes. Yet many owned two or three homes
here they were living like squatters. 45 seconds reduced them to this
How safe are we? Yet we sacrifice our Aakhirat to purchase a so-called
mansion on interest when in
seconds it can be reduced to rubble.

We were also fortunate to gain access and visit a big camp which was
run by
American Missionaries (manned by military guards). These people are
easy access to promote their religion while Muslims are restricted.
camp had very comfortable facilities, nice tents, toilets and feeding
Yet when we spoke to some of the young people there, giving them Deeni
advice and brotherly moral support, they responded by saying that this
of ours was the best help
anyone had ever given them. Their thirst and zeal for Deen was

Istanbul: Panic
We returned briefly to Istanbul and while there, we experienced a brief

tremor which lasted less than 10 seconds. We happened to be in a narrow

street which had four-storey buildings on either side. The street was
crowded with pedestrians and vehicles. To get out of harm’s way of
buildings was virtually impossible. We came out of the building to find

people hurriedly leaving to get out of danger, panic and fear was
visible on their faces. Shops closed up
and people were busy using cellphones to check on their families. This
reminded us of Surah Hajj wherein Allah Almighty says, ‘Indeed, the
shaking of the Hour (of Judgment) is a terrible thing. The day you
shall see
it, every nursing mother will forget her suckling child, and every
being will drop its load, and you shall see mankind as if in a drunken
state, yet they will not be drunk, rather it is the punishment of Allah
is severe.’ (Sur 22-Ver.1-2)

We found out that this tremor measured 5.8 on the Richter scale and 60
people in Ismit died. Ten people died when they jumped out of high
buildings. These people were desperate to get out in order to avoid
buried in the buildings.

Golcuk-The Ball of Fire
In the previous towns we heard reports of the naval base in Golcuk that
destroyed. We were anxious to establish this news from the locals in
town. What we discovered was shocking to say the least. The following
was repeatedly verified by the local people while it had been totally
concealed in the "free" media:

On the fateful night of 17 August 1999 a big bash (as reported by local

caterers present there till midnight) was held at the Turkish Naval
Base. It
was attended by foreign military advisors (Israeli, British, American
French). Junior officers were being promoted and senior officers were
retired. A junior officer
was rebuked for reading the Quraan Kareem and the senior officer threw
Quraan Kareem to the floor (ma’az-Allah). This resulted in a scuffle
them. Furthermore, anti-Islamic sentiments were expressed at this
(Keep in mind that on 28 February the military govt. had issued a
proclamation banning the wearing of the Amaamah (turban), Hijaab, long
and banned Islaamic education for children under the age of 14: We were

shown a few madressa buildings that were closed down by the military
They had therefore declared war on Islaam). Furthermore, the following
statements made by the
Officials at this function were repeated to us several times by various


It was reported to us that one of the officers said, "We (NATO in the
disguise of the Turkish Military) are now in a position to totally
Islam from Turkey." Another also said, "We are in such a secure and
fortified position (in the Golcuk Naval Base) that we are now ready to
execute our plans for the rest
of Eastern Europe (as has been done with Western Europe under the
control of
Nato) that nothing can stop us now. He then said mockingly, "Not even
can stop us now."

We had been told that in the whole of Turkey no place was more strongly

fortified than the naval base. It was earthquake-proof and bomb-proof.
the important supplies, equipment, weapons and ammunition were stored
This is how events that occurred thereafter on that same night were
described to us by the local people: "A crying sound first emanated
from the
earth (as though the earth was crying because of the weight of the
Thereafter a terrifying roar
was heard from the depths of the earth." One brother said, "The sound
was so
frightening that it gripped our hearts. We thought it was Qiyaamah (Day
Judgement) and we thought we were finished." A musician also told us
that if
the sound had lasted for a minute longer, people would have died from
alone. The Quraan Kareem declares, "And when our command (of
came, We saved Sh’uaib and those who believed with him because of
Mercy from Us, while As-Saihah (the awful sound) seized the wrong-doers
they lay (dead) prostrate in their homes." (Sur.Hud:Ver.94)

In Surah al-Haaqqah (Ver.5), Allah Ta’ala says, "As for Thamud, they
destroyed by the Thaagiyah (an awful shout which exceeds all limits of

Thereafter people noticed the ground becoming hot with steam coming out
some places. Furthermore, they noticed the tide on the coastline of
(Sea of Marmara) very low until the sea-bed was visible. Suddenly, a
ball of fire (lava) erupted from the sea-bed into the sky. Some people
noticed the sky
crimson-red at that time. The ball of fire landed square on the Naval
At the same time the earth had become alive causing waves on land as if
was water and buildings were shaken violently for 45 seconds until they
crashing and crumbling down. This was followed up by a massive thirty
forty metre-high
wave which crashed on to the Golcuk coastline and went almost half a
kilometre inland. (Satellite pictures showing how far the coastline had
eaten up by this tidal wave had been published in the local Turkish
newspaper).This wave virtually swallowed the naval base, a casino and a

hotel nearby into the sea.

This entire incident was not reported in the so-called "free media".
Who is
responsible for this cover-up? Was it because Nato and the Turkish
were so
embarrassed after their boastful and arrogant statements that they
ordered a
complete cover-up? This is the consequence of those who behave
just as the people of Aad who built homes out of sturdy mountains and
"Who is greater in strength than Us?" Allah Ta’ala destroyed them with
fierce and icy wind.

Furthermore, the Turkish brothers who were our guides told us that they
met an American scuba-diver who was sent down to see if there were any
traces of the naval-base. He told them that he went down 100 metres and

there was no trace of the naval base. The Unchallenged Quran declares,
do you see any remains of them?’ (Surah al-Haaqqah;Ver.8), ‘Do then
who devise evil plots feel secure that Allah will not sink them into
earth, or that the
punishment will not seize them from directions they perceive not?’
an-Nahl Ver.45)

On the diver’s return toward the surface, he noticed at about 62 metres
remains of the casino. What he saw there shocked him. He saw a person
in a
position with arms wrapped around a tree trunk while holding a bottle
liquor in his hand. He was wide-eyed in terror and his face was
into that of a pig! Another person holding cards in his hand had the
wide-eyed expression, but his face had been transformed into that of a
monkey! The diver said he
will never again go down there. This may sound like a fairy-tale sucked
of wild imagination. But consider this, Allah Ta’ala says, " ... Those
incurred the curse of Allah and His Wrath those of whom He transformed
monkeys and pigs, those who worshipped false dieties"
Furthermore, Hadrat Anas (r.a.) reports that Rasoolullah (s.a.w.) said:
group of people from my followers will be transformed during the latter

period (end-time) into monkeys and pigs.’ They (the Sahabah r.a.) said:
Prophet of Allah, even though they will bear witness that you are the
Messenger of Allah and that there is none worthy of worship in truth
Allah?’ Rasoolullah (s.a.w.) said: ‘Yes, they will also perform salaah,
fast and they will perform Hajj.’ ‘Then what will be the problem with
O Prophet of Allah?’ they asked. Rasoolullah (s.a.w.) replied: ‘They
indulge in musical
instruments, dancing girls, drums and they will drink intoxicants. They
spend the night in this condition (intoxicated) and find themselves
transformed into monkeys and pigs.’ (Fathul-Baari, commentary of

One young brother in Golcuk on meeting us said: ‘We deserved this. We
deserved this.’ I was stunned at his forthrightness. I asked him: ‘Why
you say this?’ He replied; ‘We lived a comfortable life. Most of us had
or three homes, two or three cars and our pastime was (fornication)
In this is a lesson for those who will take heed.

The only media confirmation about the naval base was by a
intelligence magazine called Executive Intelligence Review (EIR News
Services, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C., 20041-0390) which comes out

weekly at a cost of $10.This article was given to us on our return from

Turkey and it is in the September 3 1999 issue. The article on page 26
headed: Earthquake derails plan for Turkish move into Caucasus. An
reads as follows: ‘Parts of
the coastal city of Golcuk literally sank into the Sea of Marmara,
Turkey’s most important naval base and killing several of its most
officers.’ On page 27 an insert reads, ‘Turkey quake shakes Nato

In this is a lesson for those who will take heed.

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SAlam brother Bosna,

ZazakAllahhu Khairan,
I will take your advise, as you know Islam is the deenul Haque and advise.

Ramadan Mubarak.

Honorable Member
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once again i've reported the scumbags with their
repetitive chanting strings of obscenity; they
should be off the board soon.
whatever my opinions are for islam, there's no
place for that vomit here, and I'LL REPORT IT


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A Muslim,

First of let me get your permission to call your "non"-clueless ass a...Mus'ia..since you took the liberty to address to me in a rather frivolious manner, sooo....

So, Mus'ia, let me start said:
"Dimitri you are clueless - what is religion to
godless people, anyway?"

Mus'ia, don't make me laugh(again). Seriousely, Mu'.. First of all, Russians are very religious people..I guess you're just a bit upset that they don't belive in allah, huh? Secondly, being religious and being spiritual(faithful, believing in Higher Power,etc.) aren't same things. In order to be honest, desent, brave, (etc.) person you don't have to get up with a sunrise to pray to a fake prophet "Mo".

Now, it is funniest qoute of the Day:
"They were trying to help out in Daghestan against
(Ras)putin's horde, to establish an Islamic Union
when Rasputin had bombs burst in Moscow so that he
could illegally start a war with Chechnya with
whom a legally binding agreement had been signed."

LOLOLOL....sorry, Mus'ia, I just couldn't help it, I guess...."legally",huh?..sometimes I think that you're even funnier than your
retard-compadre-Ab(dull)ah. But he has an excuse - HE DOESN'T THINK TOO WELL. What's yours? If you ever lived in the region(I know you didn't), you (hopefully) wouldn't make such clueless remarks. Do you actually know that chechen mafia(read government) used to be one of the meanest, barbaric ones? Kidnepping Russian citizens is legal? Selling drugs on RF territory to by weapons is legal? But I am sure you didn't know all that, right, Mus'ia?

you know something- since you've never been there, you shouldn't be making looong monologs, Mu', prevent your question - yes I have. Lived in North Osetia in the early 90's. That's close enough, u know, Mu'

Mus'ia at the very end all the terrorists will get down on their knees and....I betcha you know the rest...slurp, slurp :O

enjoy your peaceful life, o weak one, and don't get yourself in trouble(you're too careful for that)..

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Noble Member
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WHY don't you muslims go on your own board and you can rant and rave all your islamic garbage all day long .Any of you morons care to explain the negative score card on intertrash or you asses did not go to school BOSNA? or any other stupid raghead

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wait and see, chump.
wait and see.

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