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Archive through January 3, 2000

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Wounded Sick Deases Bear:

Russian Ground Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs entered Chechnya to restore Russian sovereignty and to thwart the proclaimed independence of Chechen President Dzhokhar Dudayev. A year and a half later, despite their combat experience and numerical superiority, the Russian Armed Forces still have not crushed the Chechen fighters. The Russian military experience in Chechnya, however, is not unique. During the Cold War, the Soviet Army fought for nine years in Afghanistan without achieving military victory over the Mujahideen resistance.

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Have fun morons congratulating yourself and when you wake up everything will be the same.You will be counting dead bandits

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Photographs From a Battle in the Village of Dabor-Yurt, Chechnya - Saturday 1st January 2000

" You killed them not, but Allah killed them...." [Quran 8: 17]

1. Aftermath of todays battle in Dabor-Yurt [A] and remains of a Russian army vehicle on fire today

A. B.

2. Corpse of a Russian solider lying near a burnt army vehicle [C] A Russian solider got delayed and lost his head [D]

C. D.


3. Corpse of a Russian soldier lying besides his vehicle [E] A group from amongst the Mujahideen, with some delighted over the war booty [F]

E. F.


4. The Mujahideen inspect the inside and outside of a Russian army vehicle for bodies [G]
Two Field Commanders: Yaqub and Abu Waleed with their Chechen comrades after one of the victories [H]

G. H .

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Don't mixe Allah and war...The russians will win this war and it has nothing to do with Allah.They will win because they are stronger.That all.You have to be logic and rational now. What will you say to Allah at the end of this war?:"Allah was with the russians?". Don,t mixe spirituality and Mohammad was doing. War is made by man only.War is bad...

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Photographs From a Battle in the Village of Dabor-Yurt, Chechnya - Saturday 1st January 2000

" You killed them not, but Allah killed them...." [Quran 8: 17]

1. Aftermath of todays battle in Dabor-Yurt [A] and remains of a Russian army vehicle on fire today

A. B.

2. Corpse of a Russian solider lying near a burnt army vehicle [C] A Russian solider got delayed and lost his head [D]

C. D.


3. Corpse of a Russian soldier lying besides his vehicle [E] A group from amongst the Mujahideen, with some delighted over the war booty [F]

E. F.


4. The Mujahideen inspect the inside and outside of a Russian army vehicle for bodies [G]
Two Field Commanders: Yaqub and Abu Waleed with their Chechen comrades after one of the victories [H]

G. H .

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go for it
you will like it

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How could a beggerbowl country spend peoples money for war?

The regime hasn't found any way other than war to rally the public, of whom one third or 51,000,000 persons live below the poverty level. The frequent replacement of prime ministers this past year (it is noteworthy that the last three have all had KGB connections) has possibly been the result of a conscious or subconscious search for someone capable of deciding for war.
Primakov was too cautious. Stepashin's dismissal most likely was the result of his willingness to talk with Chechnya's president Aslan Maskhadov, and even to arrange a meeting of Maskhadov with Yeltsin.

Putin took Stepashin's place, most likely because he recognized the Kremlin's wish for war, not peace. It's worth recalling that last August, in one of his first interviews as prime minister, he answered a question about his attitude toward his appointment by stating: "I'm a soldier."
Later, Putin - not the President - was the first to declare that the Khasavyurt agreement and the peace treaty, signed by Yeltsin and Maskhadov, were meaningless scraps of paper Putin falsely claimed that Maskhadov is not a legitimate president, so that there is no sense entering into negotiations with him. Russian public opinion has accepted that the blowing up of apartment houses in Russia and the hundreds of deaths that resulted, even though a Chechen connection to these explosions remains unproven, and the raid into Dagestan justify the anti-Chechen campaign

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you should not call Russians "pigs". Pigs do not use toilet paper, but own body parts to clean up dirty ass. I use to live in Caucasus and know muslim customs a bit. You guys clean your hairy muslim ass with bear hand after you ••••.

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Who bomb mos crow?
PUtin the potka, Your answer is Right.

The explosions have allowed our Russian politicians to call this war a fight against international terrorism and Russian officers to announce to the whole world that they will prosecute this war to the very end and will not let any civilian casualties stop them. An unprecedented anti-Chechen campaign has been launched in the mass media, especially on TV. Chechens have been banished from Russian cities, with Moscow leading the way in violating their legally protected rights.

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Let's look at today's news. Media here was reporting that Chechens terrorists retook control of three, some say four, villages. Alkhan-Yurt, Alkhan-Kala, Kulary and Krasno-Partisansky. From the beginning it sounded fishy. You see, you have to be a complete moron to do a full scale assaults while you are outnumbered. Why lose more men if you know that you won't have time to even fortify your new positions? So, I looked at the map of Chechnya and I noticed that ... villages mentioned above are either _suburbs_ of Grozny or really close to it. Since we know that it would be impossible from rebels to come from the south, we come to the conclusion that either 1) nothing happened 2) a small number of terrorists were able to break out of Grozny and hole up in those villages. Too bad that Basayev is not really there as it was reported by some Chechen sources.

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Putin the liar beast, the son of swines aka monkeys

When they began their military action, the Russian generals stated that their goal was to create a cordon sanitaire along the border with Chechnya, but since mid-October and after the offensive against Grozny and Gudermes, it has become clear that this announcement was made only to appease public opinion. The rocket attack on the Grozny market, when more than 150 persons were killed, including 13 babies in a nearby maternity hospital, signalled the second, even more savage, phase of the war. It is typical that in this case as in all preceding and subsequent instances of ruthless bombardment of civilians, Russian officials, including Prime Minister Putin, have lied and denied that the incidents took place. President Maskhadov in his Octobr 29 appeal to Pope John Paul II on behalf of Chechnya's civilian population wrote that 3,600 persons, mostly women and children, have been killed and more than 5,500 wounded by Russian bombing, shelling, and other ordnance. That same day, a refugee convoy, which included five clearly-marked Red Cross vehicles, was attacked by Russian planes, and according to eyewitnesses, more than 25 persons were killed and more than 70 wounded. Every day, the casualties increase.

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My grandfather use to hang bastards like you during Russian Civil War. And your time will come soon.

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Chechens take villages in daring raids, fighting rages in Grozny

Chechen forces retook four villages outside Grozny in daring overnight raids, a top rebel official said Monday as Russian commanders admitted their drive to take the capital was meeting fierce resistance.

Top Chechen official Movladi Udugov told AFP by telephone that Chechen fighters had expelled Russian troops from Alkhan-Kala, Alkhan-Yurt, Krasno-Partisansky and Kulary, 10 kilometres (six miles) from Grozny.

"The four localities are under Chechen control, but clashes are continuing around Alkhan-Yurt and Kulary," Udugov said, adding that feared Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev was in the battle area.

Udugov said between 140 and 200 federal troops and three Chechen guerrillas were killed in the fighting.

A Chechen refugee who witnessed the fighting, Rosa Ankhadova, 40, confirmed that rebel forces commanded by Basayev and warlord Arbi Barayev, were in control of the first three villages cited by Udugov.

But Kulary remained in federal hands, she said on arrival in the neighbouring Russian republic of Ingushetia.

The defence ministry press service was closed for Monday's public holiday, although military sources told ORT television that rebels around Alkhan-Yurt had been surrounded and would be wiped out.

Chechen military officials reported bitter clashes in the southeastern Oktyabrskaya district, saying Russian forces were unable to keep hold of all their positions there.

Fierce fighting also raged in other suburbs of the capital, with the most violent clashes in the Khankala area to the east.

Senior Russian officers conceded that the intensified drive against Grozny, which began December 25, was running into difficulties.

"We are dealing with people who have prepared for this a long time," an interior ministry colonel said. "They have been besieged for a month and yet they have enough reserves, you should see the defences they have set up.

"It's all been really well thought out, they know the terrain well. No other result could have been expected," he added.

Officers in elite Russian forces spearheading the operation told an AFP correspondent on the Grozny front that 50 men had been killed and more than 100 wounded over a 48-hour period.

"We are suffering heavy losses. The artillery is not giving us enough support. We ask them to destroy the buildings where snipers are holed up, but this is not being done.

"That's why we are losing our men," the commander of an interior ministry unit told AFP.

Officers criticised Moscow's cautious tactics, saying only small units of elite troops were being deployed while tanks and armoured vehicles were kept behind the lines.

Chechen sources said 50 Russians had been killed from Sunday to Monday near the Sheikh Mansur (Severny) airport north of the city.

A further 40 were killed in Oktyabrskaya, where fighting over a strategic plateau has raged for two weeks.

However, Russian General Valentin Astaviyev insisted on state-run RTR television that federal forces had suffered only three dead and 10 wounded.

The rebels had lost 35 men defending Grozny and another 50 had been killed Sunday when Russian warplanes blitzed the area around Kharachoi village as part of a drive against Basayev's southeastern stronghold, Vedeno.

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Very Soon the boris the zombi and putin the monkeys will be brought to court of Justice and will be behaded by the peoples.

The means used to conduct this war demonstrate plainly that this is not a fight against terrorists; the Russian generals are trying to annihilate a large part of the Chechen nation and drive out those who survive from their native land. Their aim is to keep Chechnya as part of the Russian Federation -- but without the Chechens. This is genocide. This is not just another routine violation of human rights -- this is a crime against humanity. And this can no longer be exclusively the internal affair of Russia, no matter how often President Yeltsin and Prime Minister Putin try to assert this point of view.

The means used to conduct this war demonstrate plainly that this is not a fight against terrorists; the Russian generals are trying to annihilate a large part of the Chechen nation and drive out those who survive from their native land. Their aim is to keep Chechnya as part of the Russian Federation -- but without the Chechens. This is genocide. This is not just another routine violation of human rights -- this is a crime against humanity. And this can no longer be exclusively the internal affair of Russia, no matter how often President Yeltsin and Prime Minister Putin try to assert this point of view.

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