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Archive through January 3, 2000

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how do guys post a picture? I tried but to no avail.

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And look how ugly those Turkish women are. Skanks, they all look like they were inbred.

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Any news from front line. The clownare not making any statements about the capture of Grozny. I think the battle has taken a turnaround and the Grozny Meat Grinder is very usy. This time no escape route for the Russians. Keep them to use as manual labor to rebuild the country. Russia must pay war reparations to escape from Chechnya. If they cannot pay, their friends in West should bail out Russia.

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Muslims causing problems in Lebanon, you guys keep it up the whole world is going to turn on you and then KAPUT no more muslims. All this shite being exported from IRAN and AFGHANISTAN.Time to nuke you bastards.Keep pushing Russia<I think Putin will see the wisdom of ending you miserable lives.

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Igor the Clown,

If Putin and the other clowns( Russian Generals) kill all Muslimss , who will buy the weapons from Russia and West. If all consumers die, Russia will definitely die slow death. You think Putin will use Nukes and thereby destroy himself.

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"...A gunman shot dead in Beirut after firing grenades...The Russian embassy building is not believed to have been damaged..."

:o) Woa! If this is the work of the notorious camel jockey, I say let him work!

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how do guys post a picture?.."

note his name spells "parasha", not "parsha". You can check in his previous postings.

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"...This time no escape route for the Russians..."

J What a moron! Yeah, no escape for those who surrounded and locked the smelly pile of bandits in Grozny. They are outside, genius! Now the name of the city is revealing it's meaning to the murderers and rapists trapped inside.

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The Russian Eagle:


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The Russian Eagle:


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to PARASHA(aka balalaika, balabolka, soska)

Privet Soska..I see you're still on your neverending, regarless of how much you gonna scream and spit of anger we're still killing dirtyAssed monkeys...even as we speak...and that's what really the way - did your flat Japanese ass get laid yet? Hey - I speak Japanese too - how's this - SUKI DICKIE :O..slurp, slurp :O. Hey, can you say letter "L"..I didn't think so..hehe.. by the way, you little biaaaatch, you still a little bit of a chicken to reveal you nationality officially?

And on the final note - did you pass on my message to you and your lawyer? If not, I'll gladly post it for ya. And once again, no matter how angry and bitter you are - chechen fanatics are GETTING KILLED.

Your Master

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look what the eagles!!! are saying:

"We are suffering heavy losses. The artillery is not giving us enough support. We ask them to destroy the buildings where snipers are holed up, but this is not being done."

"That's why we are losing our men," the commander of an OMON interior ministry unit told AFP.

Most officers were pessimistic about the likelihood of any rapid progress because of Moscow's cautious tactics, deploying only small units of elite interior ministry troops and keeping tanks and armoured vehicles behind the lines.

"It is not possible to take Grozny in this way. We need more assault troops. If the army does not get more involved, the operation risks dragging on for much longer," a high-ranking officer said.

******They are not eagles after all, may be chickens??? They said they need more troops, more than 100,000 chickens to fight 2,000 chechens... what a freaking JOKE>>>

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To Parasha:

Well, I'll be're even stupider than I thought (and I thought you were VERY stupid, you know). Nice new name you've picked for yourself..'Parasha' suits you real well ;

Your Master

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