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Archive through January 30, 2000

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I've been mistaken about my believes

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Hey, idiots: Roger, Adder21, British, Abdullah (aka abd) & co. where are you my dears? Post your crap in smaller font.

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good one, ara-gian! LOL

sorry, for my bad Armenian spelling 🙂

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Russian fags are piece of S-h-i-t!!!

Lets destroy the Russians before they destroy us with their communism!!!

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Russian fags are piece of S-h-i-t!!!

Lets destroy the Russians before they destroy us with their communism!!!

Russia is dead it was dead 10 years ago. Some Russian bandits are trying to destroy the whole world. The last time Russian bandits were telling NATO that they will send their Migs to fight against the NATO forces. Russian bandits are to be blamed for the Kosovo. With cheap Russian weapons Serb gangsters were killing other people there. Russian bandits are a danger to the European communtiy.

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ok, British-hairy-mary,

let's talk about your said
"""Lets destroy the Russians before they destroy us with their communism"""

sinse you (obviousely) are too ignorant and having a tough time with your "speech skills"
I will let your lame ass on a little "secret":
WESTERN EUROPEANS AND WROTE IT IN LONDON, as you see, the pleasure isn't Russia's.
So maybe Russia should destroy the whole Western Europe and your tiny-island BEFORE YOU, NUMB-NUTS,

As far as "russian fags"...well let me just ask you one little qustion - HOW ARE THINGS IN THOSE PREP-SCHOOLS OF ENGLAND, NOWADAYS??????

According to American Intelligence report England has the second highest gay population in the world, failling only short of Faggia.

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I am out for the day, so go screw yourself a nice 12 year-old preppy, you BRITISH DIVA.


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Nice to hear from you! What do you mean "lets destroy Russians".
Just go and destroy, you nuts case! "lets do it" assumes you are able do it. I was right referring to you as an idiot! he-he
Thank you for showing your stupid ass again. It will make my day, punk.
BTW allah does not like you, British.

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BTW, before I leave I just just wanted give everyone a "shout-out" from Dimitri :)))
vsem privet ot Dimi-odessita !


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Just for those of you who remember. British confessed here once that he was "Tatarian from Tatariastan". This stupid "british" cannot even spell his nationality, neihter knows what place he's come from.
British, Allah hates British idiots like you.

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Fred wrote "what's that for Muslims"

Anything that is done in disobedience of Allah
(or if in obedience, not for His sake,) is not
accepted by Him.

As to sins, it is up to Allah to forgive or to punish.

Muslims do not have to justify what others did
especially if they did wrong.

The guiding principles are:
Actions will be judged by Allah according to the doer's intentions.

Each of us/you will be responsible for his or her own actions, and for the actions of those in his or her charge (eg, family, state, etc). Allah will not question you (ie hold you responsible) about the actions of others.

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Hey! What are the Russians are scared of...?

Answer: THE TRUTH!!!

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January 30, 2000

Mothers Help Sons Outwit Draft Board in
Wartime Russia


MOSCOW, Jan. 29 -- With Russian soldiers dying again in Chechnya, Galya A. is ready to do anything to keep her gangly 18-year-old son, Ruslan, from doing his compulsory two-year military service.

If she could, she would bribe her local draft board. But on the paltry $25 pensions she and her disabled husband get each month, it would take them another lifetime to save up the going price, which ranges from $2,000 to $5,000.

She could try to dramatize Ruslan's list of childhood ailments, but none are serious enough to warrant a coveted medical exemption.

So at a time when draftees are going to war just six months after they learn to fire a gun, what is a desperate mother to do?

"Divorce, my dear," said Ludmila Obraztsova, a volunteer for the Soldiers' Mothers Committee who
conducts a weekly seminar on ways to dodge the draft legally, held oddly enough in a central Moscow veterans club. "You can live together with
your husband, you do whatever you want together,
but if you want to get your son out of the draft, your best chance is divorce." In that way, Mrs. Obraztsova said, Ruslan could legally argue that he was the only able-bodied person available to support his 63-year-old pensioned father, a certified invalid.

This is the kind of blunt if convoluted advice that Mrs. Obraztsova has been giving since 1990 when she, a mother of two sons, joined the Soldiers' Mothers Committee, an advocacy and support group that sprang up during the Soviet Union's war in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989.

Mrs. Obraztsova, 53, a researcher at a medical-technical institute, has counseled thousands of mothers on how to get their 18- to 27-year-old sons out of Russia's twice-yearly draft, guiding them through the maze of draft laws, past a hostile military that has resisted the concept of alternative service, and around the increased pressure created by two bloody wars in Chechnya.

Many of the mothers who come to the sessions and take copious notes
would come anyway, but the latest war, while popular as a move to keep
Russia intact, has added urgency to their quest. "Who would want to give
up their son to such a war?" said Tanya Knyazina, who came on behalf
of her 19-year-old son. "As my son says himself, if it were a question of
fighting for the motherland, of defending Moscow, he would gladly serve,
but why should he go and fight, and die, for Chechnya?"

Avoiding the Russian draft is, in many ways, similar to unraveling other
Russian bureaucratic tangles: it takes intimate knowledge of arcane
regulations, and a readiness to juggle family, residence and more to avoid
a direct conflict with the authorities. If all else fails, you can try to buy
your way out of a situation -- if you have the means.

"People who can afford to pay bribes don't come to our Monday
meetings," Mrs. Obraztsova said. "We counsel the middle class, the ones
who can't pay."

Mrs. Obraztsova's suggestion made sense to Galya A., a 56-year-old
pensioner who asked that her last name not be used. Since she has two
sons by a previous marriage, the family could not argue that Ruslan was
the only able-bodied breadwinner. But if Galya divorced Ruslan's father,
then he could get a deferment as his father's only means of support.

"A divorce is nothing, you just show up and do it," she said. "Of course,
we don't want to do it, but with this war going on, what else can we do?
He is our last, and only son. Without him, we would both probably die of

For other young men, the solution could be, for instance, adoption. A
single father of a child under 3 gets an automatic exemption, prompting
some young couples to file for a divorce. The father can also get an
exemption if the mother is under 18, or considered unfit to cope alone.
Mrs. Obraztsova herself used one of these loopholes several years ago
to get her younger son out of the draft.

"A friend of ours had a daughter who was pregnant out of wedlock, and
didn't want anything to do with the father," she said. "They knew our
situation and asked me if my son wanted to be the adoptive father. Of
course he does, I said. It worked, and I often pass on the advice to
others. How many take it, I can't tell."

Even in peacetime, even in the Soviet Union before the Afghan war,
many families go and have gone to great lengths to keep their sons out an
army notorious for its brutal treatment of conscripts. Deaths by beating,
suicides and hazing occur regularly, and are the subject of periodic
investigations and reports, but rarely of criminal prosecutions.

There are no reliable figures on Russian draft dodgers, but the Defense
Ministry last spring claimed their number in 1998 had been halved, to
20,000 from 40,000.

According to Moscow's draft board, about 1,500 are avoiding military
service here, but a board spokesman said many of those are students
from other cities, whose papers are tossed back and forth between

In the spring draft last year, a presidential decree called for 168,776 men
to be drafted, of whom 120,900 were destined for the armed forces. The
rest were sent to other units like the border guards.

With each draft, about 25 percent of the armed forces' personnel is

The easiest way to get out of the army is to study. Indeed, the incentive
of avoiding the draft often encourages a sudden devotion to studies
among 17-year-old males. In Moscow, for instance, where an estimated
50,000 young men were due to be processed last fall, an estimated 52
percent of draft-age men were exempted because they are enrolled in
institutes and technical colleges where they take military courses that put
them on an officer's track.

A student deferment can be prolonged indefinitely if the student is
accepted at bona fide institutions that keep him enrolled until he is 27,
when he is no longer draft-eligible.

Medical deferments provide an increasingly popular way out; according
to recent statistics, more than 30 percent of draft-age men are excused
for medical reasons. The high rate is usually explained by the
deteriorating health of the male population generally, but it may also be
due to efforts by people like Mrs. Obraztsova.

"Get your own checkup before your son is called up to the medical
commission," she said at a recent seminar. "Please, please, remember, if
he has any medical complaints, get them documented -- send him to as
many clinics as you can. I know what they will say at the draft board;
they will say that he is healthy, that you bought the medical records.
Believe me, I know plenty of doctors who want to send your sick son
into the armed forces."

There is not a disease, ailment or injury that Mrs. Obraztsova cannot peg
to an article in the draft law. "Hepatitis," she said. "A, B, C, it doesn't
matter: six months. Spinal disorders. I am glad somebody mentioned that.
If it is a third degree, then it can be a deferrable disease. Migraines?
Accompanied by fainting? Get it checked. It can be deferrable. Ulcers?
Beware of radical imported medicines. They are so effective they can
clear away the scar tissue, and you don't want that."

A mother came up to her with a medical card showing that her son
suffers from a serious disease. "Very good," Mrs. Obraztsova said,
nodding sagely, before she stopped herself. "I mean, of course there is
nothing good about it at all, except in these circumstances."

Mrs. Obraztsova is a stickler for the law, which she arguably knows
better than most draft board officials.

She constantly reminds mothers, and the few fathers and sons who
occasionally attend the meetings, how to stand up for their rights.

"Remember you have a right not to agree with the draft board, but do not
lose your temper, keep your voice quiet, just stick a copy of the law
under their noses," she said.

"If they won't listen, don't bother with them, write out your complaint in a
letter and mail it. But keep a copy. Little mothers, always, always, keep
copies of all your documents. One mother came to me, and said the draft
board had kept her medical file, and wouldn't return it. I said to her, my
darling, my little swallow, who do you think you are dealing with?"

For some Russian men, the twice-yearly drafts may be times to get out of
town, and perhaps hide out at the family dacha, or country house.

But increasingly, draft boards have been asking the police to hunt down
stragglers. Late in December, Moscow residents reported that their
buildings had been surrounded by police officers waiting for young men
to return home.

"There are cases when parents think that their children have been
kidnapped," said Valentina Melnikova, a spokeswoman for the Soldiers'
Mothers Committee. "They come home and their sons are gone."

With characteristic sang-froid, Mrs. Obraztsova has advice for parents
who find the police at their door, looking for their son. "Tell them he went
away with a girl," she said. "Tell them you yourself are horrified, but
there's nothing you can do. That one usually works."

To parents whose sons are abroad, her advice is simple: Keep them
away. "If they tell you they want to come home, tell them that an
undeclared war is going on here, and that our boys are being killed," she

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"The unbelieving will have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone." (Apocalypse 21:8)

Pope St. Gregory the Great says: "Persist in the true faith and ground your life on the rock of the Church, lest your many tears and good works avail you nothing, separated from the true faith. Works, however good they may seem, are nothing if separated from the solidarity of the faith."

St. Nilus says: "Wherefore, let us be friutful, not in paganism, not in Judaism, not in any evil heresy, but in the House of the God; for ungodly men bring forth fruits in vain outside the Church."

St. Fulgentius says: "Assuredly, such people possess a certain kind of goodness; but, because it is not the product of faith in God nor love of God, it is not able to help them."

St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori says: "To have merit, each act must not only be a natural work, but also a supernatural work; and this cannot be said of the infidel who, because he is without the faith, cannot perform supernatural good works."

St. John Chrysostom says: "Well should the pagan weep and lament who, not knowing God, goes straight to punishment when he dies!"

St. John Bosco says: "If you die as an unbeliever, you will be damned and lost forever."

St. Peter Mavimenus says: "Whoever does not embrace the Catholic Christian religion will be damned, as was Mohammed."

St. George of San Saba says: "Mohammed was a disciple of the devil, and his followers are in a state of perdition."

Pope St. Gregory the Great says: "We can no more pray for a deceased infidel than we can for the devil, since they are condemned to the same eternal and irrevocable damnation."

Pope St. Pius X says: "Those who die as infidels are damned. Who are infidels? Infidels are those who have not been baptized, and do not believe in Jesus Christ, because they either believe in and worship false gods as idolaters do, or though admitting one true God, they do not believe in the Messiah, neither as already come in the Person of Jesus Christ, nor as to come; for instance, Mohammedans and the like."

St. Prosper of Aquitaine says: "Where knowledge of the eternal and unchangeable Truth is lacking, there is only false virtue even with the best of conduct. For without worship of the true God, even what might seem to be virtue is sin."

"Unbelief is a mortal sin." - The Holy Ecumenical COUNCIL OF TRENT.

St. Benedict Joseph Labre says: "Is unbelief a mortal sin? Listen to Our Lord: 'If you do not believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins!' (St. John 8:24)"

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St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori says: "O ye atheists who do not believe in God, what fools you are! But if you do believe there is a God, you must also believe there is a true religion. And if not the Roman Catholic, which is? Perhaps that of the pagans who admit many gods, and thus deny them all. Perhaps that of Mohammed, a religion invented by an imposter and framed for beasts rather than humans. Perhaps that of the Jews who had the true faith at one time but, because they rejected their Redeemer, lost the faith, their country, their everything. Perhaps that of heretics who, separating themselves our Church, have confused all revealed dogmas in such a way that the belief of one heretic is contrary to that of his neighbor. O holy faith! Enlighten all those poor blind creatures who run to eternal perdition!"

St. Francis Xavier says: "O eternal God, remember that the souls of infidels have been created by Thee after Thine own image and likeness. Behold, Lord, how to the dishonor of Thy name, Hell is peopled with them! Forget their idolatry and infidelity, and grant that they may at length acknowledge Our Lord Jesus Christ in Whom is our salvation."

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