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Archive through January 30, 2000

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A Chechen Breaks Russia's Information Blockade

A Chechen human rights activist describes dodging Russian checkpoints and risking his skin to expose the conditions of refugees and prisoners of war in Chechnya.

By Erik Batuev in Moscow (CRS No. 16, 28-Jan-00)

During his last visit to Chechnya, Inalbek Sherilov was sentenced to death. A Chechen passport combined with an uncompromising stance on human rights was enough to convince Russian border guards that Sherilov was a dangerous rebel spy. They led him off into a nearby wood and jabbed an AK-47 into his back. A shot rang out.

Sherilov's life was miraculously saved, but this brush with death has done little to weaken his determination. The 28-year-old Chechen documentary film director is head of Pravozaschita ("Rights Protection"), an organisation which campaigns for human rights and civil freedom. Sherilov's work covers the whole gamut of human suffering in Chechnya, from the plight of Chechen refugees to the treatment of Russian POWs.

During the 1994-96 conflict, Russian human rights activists stood their ground in Chechnya. Since Moscow again moved troops into the region in September last year, they have been forced to keep their distance. Sherilov has twice succeeded in breaking through the Russian blockade, crossing the ragged frontline during some of the fiercest fighting.

Q: I understand that your organisation was only recently founded.

A: Our centre was founded last year just after Moscow police began arresting Chechen nationals en masse, on suspicion of involvement in the terrorist bombings in Moscow, Buinaksk and Volgodonsk. We launched an investigation at the time and discovered that, in Moscow alone, 768 Chechens were taken into police custody. Many of the suspects later claimed they were severely beaten by investigators and held indefinitely without formal charges being brought against them.

But incredibly, not a single one later lodged a complaint with the Russian Prosecutor-General about illegal detention and police brutality. This would suggest that many Chechens living in Russia simply aren't aware of their own rights or at least don't believe that the Russian Constitution will protect these rights. Desperate to secure their release, they simply took the easiest way out - paying bribes or appealing to influential friends.

Q: What was the purpose of your trip to Chechnya earlier this month?

A: I wanted to see with my own eyes what was going on there, to find out how prisoners of war were being treated and the problems being faced by refugees. Many Russian POWs refused to have anything to do with me because I am a Russian human rights activist, rather than a representative of a foreign organisation. One prisoner was so terrified that he actually burst into tears when I came up to him. They don't want to give their names or talk about their ordeal. They find it easier to relate to foreign journalists. Some don't want their parents to know where they are; others are afraid of what will happen to them after the war - they think they might be court-martialled. It was the same during the last conflict: plenty of POWs, who feared possible repercussions from the Russian authorities, simply never returned home after the fighting was over. Some took the Islamic faith and joined the Chechen rebels in their bid for independence.

In general, the fighters treat the prisoners well and feed them regularly. Of course, they aren't so favourably disposed to the "kontraktniki" [hired mercenaries] and the professional soldiers. The prisoners are made to build defensive positions and dig trenches. That's why they're afraid that, after the war, they may be accused of collaborating with the terrorists.

It's hard to tell how many Russians have been taken prisoner so far. The Chechens told me that there are more than 1,000 Russian POWs in Grozny alone, and a handful scattered through the mountain regions. In the highlands, most of the fighting involves elite airborne units who generally put up a fierce resistance and don't get taken prisoner. Apart from anything, rebels in the mountain strongholds have constant problems with

Q: Did you have any trouble getting into Chechnya?

A: It wasn't hard getting in, the problem was getting out. Especially when it came to crossing the frontline. I crossed it twice, first in Grozny and then near Dubay-Yurt. There are several federal outposts along the road into the capital. When the military checked my documents and discovered that I was a human rights campaigner, they immediately branded me a traitor. "It was you lot who didn't let us finish off the war last time," they said. And then they started threatening me, "If it was up to me, I'd shoot you on the spot." In the end, they returned my documents and sent me on my way.

I got out of Grozny with a Russian woman. She had been living in a cellar for several weeks, sheltering from the bombardments. Then, during a lull in the shelling, she decided to make her way to Rostov where her daughter lived. The woman was very frail but she insisted on pushing along this little cart loaded with her worldly possessions. I offered to help her. I pulled her cart for about two kilometres until we ran into a military checkpoint.

One of the OMON [Special Police Unit] troopers immediately pointed a finger at me and yelled, "Take him to Mozdok!" [headquarters of the Combined Federal Army Group in Northern Ossetia]. He didn't even ask who I was. His men tried to grab hold of me but the Russian woman stood in their way. "What are you doing? He saved my life!" She fell on her knees and began to sob, begging them to let me go. In the end, the soldiers gave up. They checked my bag for weapons, audio or video tapes but they found nothing and let me through.

Then I ran into problems at Dubay-Yurt. It was just after all the Russian TV and radio channels had announced that any Chechens aged between ten and 60 would be considered rebel suspects and barred from refugee convoys. I went along to one of the checkpoints to find out if [acting Russian President Vladimir] Putin's directive was actually being implemented. Sure enough, any male Chechen aged over ten was being taken aside and detained. I went up to the soldiers and said that I was a human rights activist and demanded that they let all the refugees past. But an army captain ran up to me and shouted, "We'll let them through when they hand over Khattab and Basaev [Chechen rebel leaders]."I replied indignantly, "What's that got to do with the refugees?"

But there was nothing to be gained by arguing with the soldiers. They still wouldn't let the male refugees go. Towards evening, the crowd melted away. They went off to a nearby village in search of a bed for the night. On the next day, I returned and made a second attempt to pass through the checkpoint. But I ran into the same captain. He asked for my documents, opened my passport and saw that I was a Chechen national. "Who do you work for? Basaev? Khattab?" I said I didn't work for anyone. "We'll soon loosen your tongue." I told him again that I didn't work for anyone, that I was campaigning for human rights. It was then that he ordered his men to take me into the woods and shoot me. They led me away.

"What the hell are you doing? Where are you taking me?" I wanted to ask them. But every time I opened my mouth, they hit me in the back with their rifle butts. Then there was a shot. I thought they had fired at me and it was a few seconds before I recovered my senses. Then I realised that the shot hadn't been aimed at me - it hadn't even been fired by my would-be executioners. Apparently an OMON police officer had noticed the soldiers leading me off to the woods (I was wearing a red jacket at the time). He asked the captain what was going on and was told, "We've caught some human rights guy!" That's when the OMON officer fired into the air, to stop them from carrying out the

Erik Batuev is a journalist with Svet newspaper in Nazran


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Saturday, January 29, 2000
Chechen Civilians Perish in Russian Bombing

Chechen families sheltering in basements fall victim to the latest Russian onslaught on Grozny.

By Ruslan Isaev in Nazran, Ingushetia (CRS No. 16, 28-Jan-00)

Dozens of Chechen civilians are reported to have been buried alive after a blizzard of Russian rockets pummelled central Grozny.

Rebel leaders say the tragedy took place Tuesday, January 25, during the build-up to a two-pronged armoured attack mounted by federal troops.

The civilians were sheltering in basements near Minutka Square when the Russians launched salvoes of Grad and Uragan rockets at surrounding Chechen strongholds. Entrances to the cellars were blocked by huge slabs of reinforced concrete from collapsed buildings. Attempts to dig through the rubble proved futile.

The use of multiple-rocket systems at this stage in the fighting reflects the Russian army's growing frustration at the loss of momentum in its all-out attack on the city centre.

A barrage of 40 Grad ("Hail") rockets is capable of destroying an entire block whilst 16 Uragan ("Hurricane") missiles fired simultaneously have a saturation area of 400,000 square metres.

Launched from federal positions on the Tersky and Sunzhensky ridges, the weapons are notoriously inaccurate. Chechen sources claim that Russian front-line positions were shattered by friendly-fire while Moscow puts rebel losses at a record 500 during the missile attack.

Said Abumuslimov, aide to Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov, reported in a telephone interview that the rocket strike had failed to break the deadlock on Minutka Square.

The strategically important position was still held by rebel units, Abumuslimov claimed - although Moscow has been boasting that it controlled the city centre since January 23.

The presidential aide said it was impossible to estimate how many civilians had been buried by the rocket blasts: some cellars were home to as many as 40 people who survived on siege rations or by bartering their possessions for food during lulls in the bombardment.

Just over two metres deep, the basements are damp and airless. To reach trapped occupants, rescuers have to run the gauntlet of Russian mortar-fire and artillery shells. Often the rubble is too heavy to move by hand.

The rocket attack was the prelude to two concerted armoured assaults on Minutka Square. In the evening of January 26, around 300 federal troops made a cautious advance from the east, moving through streets choked with debris and shattered vehicles.

Abumuslimov said the rebels allowed the armoured personnel carriers (APCs) to reach the Yuzhnaya ("South") bus station before strafing them with machine-gun fire and rocket-propelled grenades.

Five APCs were destroyed and 60 Russian servicemen killed, according to Chechen estimates, although the attacking force is said to have retreated, dragging wounded soldiers from the battlefield.

The rebels say they lost five men during the assault, which continued until the early hours
of Thursday morning.

Fighting raged from building to building and even from floor to floor, with combatants pouring machine-gunfire down stairwells and lift-shafts.

Meanwhile another thrust towards Minutka was launched from the north of Grozny, cutting
through the Kalinin district. Chechen field commander Aslanbek Ismailov reported that the
force of around 100 Russians was beaten back after crossing the River Sunzha.

He went on to say that the vital bridge across the river was still not wholly controlled by the federal troops and soldiers venturing into open ground were easy targets for Chechen snipers concealed in nearby buildings.

But despite their street-fighting skills, the Chechen units defending Grozny, believed to total between 2,500 and 4,500 men, are hard pressed.

City Hospital No. 9 in the Leninsky region is operating in desperate conditions, with wounded fighters crowding the filthy cellars and power provided by decrepit generators. The rows of graves in the makeshift cemetery at the Kirov Park of Culture grow longer by the day.

Ismailov announced that the Grozny defence force had finally been purged of Wahhabi extremists. The militants, trained in Emir Khattab's secret camps before the war, are "better suited to mountain warfare", Ismailov explained.

However the Chechen leadership will no doubt be relieved that the "Islamic Cossacks" - who have previously threatened to divide the Chechen ranks - have been banished to the hills.

It was a dismal end to a dismal week for Russian generals, who, by Wednesday, were forced to reveal that overall casualty figures for the five-month campaign were much higher than previously reported - 1,055 rather than just over 500.

They have also grudgingly admitted that resistance is still fierce in the Staropromyslovsky and Zavodskoy regions, around the Lenin and Anisimov oil refineries and west of the chemical factory. Heavy snowfalls have slowed down progress on the ground and made aerial bombardment problematic.

Bislan Gantamirov, former mayor of Grozny and leader of the pro-Russian Chechen militia, said that consolidating federal gains in the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th districts was proving to be tougher than anticipated. He claims that rebel units are using a network of underground tunnels to outflank his troops and attack them from the rear.

According to Gantamirov, militiamen "liberating" the 3rd and 4th districts last week discovered thousands of civilians who had been hiding in basements since the beginning of the federal assault on Grozny.

They were escorted through the settlement of Staraya Sunzha to the Nadterechny region and to Urus-Martan.

Ruslan Isaev, a freelance Chechen journalist who has reported for Radio Free Europe and Vremya MN, is a regular contributor to IWPR.


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By British ( - on Sunday, January 30, 2000 - 01:55 am:

>Antonio this is not a Bible forum. As far as we
>British are concern, You Catholics are the
>people of devil.

It would seem that there is a large infestation of Mohammedans turning this into a koran fornum.

The truth is, that the British are Anglican heretics and Turk-lovers. Go Continuity IRA!!!!!! Fight on, spirit of Bobby Sands!!!

Have you been informed that the Anglican church has female "priests" and female "bishops"? Did you know that the Church of England, the Episcopalian Church, and the Methodist Church (the churches of the Anglikan Communion) allow homosexual marriages? What are the British if not filth incarnate, and the cradle of Freemasonry?

And did you know that the Anglikan church is ruled by the British Harlot Queen.

>The Angelican protestants are kicking some
>Devilish Catholic ass.

The Roman Catholic Church is the one true Church of God, and it is rather, the Anglikans who are the devils. Furthermore, the Catholics may have been sent to the ropes, but we are not down for the count, and just as you English limeys think you have achieved victory, the victory will be snatched from your hands.

>Poor Catholics.

Poor British. You get into bed with the Mohammedans, and then they want to collect on the debt, so they send Al-Fayed to pop your Princess Diana.

By British ( - on Sunday, January 30, 2000 - 02:02 am:

>Igor its time for your medicine you Russian
>queer pig. You Russians should keep your filth
>in Your nasty Russia. We don't want you
>Russians to pollute our clean world.

Who are the queers? Everyone knows that the Mohammedans are the worlds priemier buggers. And you British are in bed with them. So if you Brits are in bed with buggers, than what does that make you? Straight?

Unlike the Anglikan church, the Russian Orthodox Church does not permit homosexual marriages, nor female priests/bishops.

It is not Russia, but England which is the filthy nasty pollution messing up the world.

After the Russians nuke Chechnya, perhaps they will do the world one more favor and nuke England.

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 240

By British ( - on Sunday, January 30, 2000 - 02:02 am:

>Igor its time for your medicine you Russian
>queer pig. You Russians should keep your filth
>in Your nasty Russia. We don't want you
>Russians to pollute our clean world.

And how did the Anglikan church come into being in the first place? Because King Henry VIII wanted to commit adultery and sought the Pope's permission, which was denied. So Henry, bolted from the Roman Catholic Church and founded the "Church" of England, making himself its head. And since Henry was the head of his own church now, he could give himslef permission to have all the women he wanted. And when he got tired of one adulterous affair, he had the woman's head cut off, and then he would proceed on to his next female victim. All in all, Henry had more than 12 women, all of whom he had beheaded after the affair was over. And as its beastly founder, so also all its members, the Anglikan church - devils.

As everyone can now see, the English and the Turks are perenial allies because they have a lot in common.

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CHto interesno: na Novyi: god my vsegda vozlagaem bol'shie nadejdy, a oni pochti nikogda ne sbyvautsya, ili sbyvautsya, no ne srazu. I ne u nas. I to- chastichno, Kto vinovat? Ded Moroz. Ego tak jdali, pili za ego prixod shampanskoe, elku naryajali, a on von chto vykidyvaet!Vo-pervyx, v magazinax vse ochen' dorogo. Muj, okotorom vsemi govorilos', chto on pogulyaet, pogulyaet i vernetsya, - ne vernulsya. Ili vernulsya, no za rubashkami i galstukom bukval'no na minutu, a vy kak raz v starom xalate i bigudi, kak dura. V to je vremya ne ischezli dvoi:ki po peniu v dnevnike vseobschego lubimca s unosheskimi pryschami na nosu, kak polagaet babushka,- ot mandarina... I esche eta glupaya zapiska, vypavshaya pered stirkoi: iz ego bruk: "Milyi:, pozdravlyau, u nas, kajetsya, budet syn! Sveta." Tak chto ei: kajetsya? CHto budet, ili chto syn? Eto je raznica! Vot tebe i zdraste. Jdali-jdali. Daje tost skazali:"S Novym godom! Snovym schast'em!"I gde vse eto? Davai:te razberemsya.Govorya " S novym schast'em"-chto vy konkretno imeli vvidu? U vas navalom etogo schast'ya, no vy ot nego otkazyvaetes' v pol'zu novogo? Vot i poluchilos', obrazno govorya, proshlogodnuu kartoshku vybrosili, anovaya esche ne narodilas'.Konechno, Ded Moroz toje ne angel, v chem-to vinovat i on... Predpolojim, net na baze xoroshix, nujnyx nam veschei:, mog by prinesti v dom pod elku den'gi. Pust' ne dollary, ne funty, soi:dut i rubli. Ne obidimsya, esli mnogo... No vot chto samoe lubopytnoe: okazyvaetsya, bol'she lubyx podarkov jenschiny ot Deda Moroza jdut poleznyx sovetov. I vovse ne "kak prigotovit' xalvu iz otrubei:", a esche pozakovyristei:!"Podskajite, pojalui:sta, sredstvo otlubvi" Stop! My tak ne dogovarivalis': vpred' pishite konkretnee. V dannom sluchae mojno ispol'zovat', esli my vas pravil'no ponyali, sredstvo ot tarakanov - xlorofos. On otstanet, esli obryzgat' vsu sebya i ego... Esli xotite izbavit'sya ot svoei: lubvi, dai:te emu vina i poslushai:te, chto on skajet."CHto nado delat', chtoby vodilis' den'gi?"Xoroshii: vopros. Na nego est'xoroshii: otvet. Natrite morkov' i drugie ovoschi na terke. S"esh'te, zapei:te obil'no sokom svejix sliv. Syad'te na stul - nogi vmeste, glaza zajmur'te. Teper' predstav'te sebya bogatoi:... Vot, vidite? Vse v poryadke!"Xochu jit' za granicei:, kak eto sdelat'?"Ochen' prosto. Otpravlyai:tes' v turisticheskuu poezdku v polubivshuusya vam po otkrytkam stranu. Tam, v sootvetstvii s vybrannym vami srokom projivaniya, delaete sleduuschee: b'ete po licu pervogo vstrechnogo (dva goda), brosaete kamen' v proxodyaschuu mashinu (tri goda), vyxodite na ulicu v chem mat' rodila (ot odnogo mesyaca do 10 let, v zavisimosti ot vozrasta i figury). Vo vsex sluchayax trebui:te kameru s vidom na more. I:odistyi: vozdux omolajivaet.I, nakonec, samyi: neojidannyi: vopros: "CHtodelat', esli rebenok jutkorugaetsya matom?" Zarubejnye botaniki v vide panacei rekomenduut remen'. Nashi pedagogi uspeshno praktikuut slabitel'nye sredstva, tipa purgena. Eto detei: otvlekaet ot durnogo vliyaniya ulicy. Kak krai:nuu meru, kogda mat ne prekraschaetsya daje v gostyax, uchenye vsego mira rekomenduut brosit' vyrajat'sya roditelyam. Takoi: primer, utverjdautakademiki, byvaet zarazitel'nym...Teper' o samom glavnom. O medicine. V strane, gde nichego tak deshevo ne cenitsya, kak nashe zdorov'e, nado kak mojno men'she rasstraivat'sya ot togo, chto ne sbylis' kakie-to nadejdy. Oni esche sbudutsya. Esli ne na Novyi: god, to na 8 Marta. V konce koncov est' Pervomai: i klyatvaGippokrata...A vot poslednii: sovet na proschanie:nado radovat'sya jizni - kakaya est'!

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> >> >> > > A housewife took a lover during the day
> while her husband is at
> >>work.
> >> >> > > While this takes
> >> >> > > place she locks her 9 year old son in the
> bedroom closet.
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > One day her husband comes home while the
> lover is there so she
> >>locks
> >> >> > the
> >> >> > > lover in the
> >> >> > > same closet with the boy. They stand in
> the gloom for a while,
> >>then
> >> >> > the
> >> >> > > boy says,
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Dark in here."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Yes, it is."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "I have a baseball."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "That's nice."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Wanna buy it?"
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "No."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "My dad's out there."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "OK, I'll buy it. How much."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "$25.00."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Gee. OK, I'll buy it."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > A week later the man is over again. The
> boy is locked in the
> >>closet
> >> >> > > again. The father
> >> >> > > comes home again. The man is locked in
> the closet with the boy
> >>again.
> >> >> > > They stand in the
> >> >> > > gloom until the boy says,
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Dark in here."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Yes, it is."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "I have a baseball glove."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "That's nice."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Wanna buy it?"
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > Remembering the previous week, the man
> says,
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Sure, how much."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "$75.00."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Fine."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > The following weekend the father says to
> the boy,
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Son, go get your ball and glove and lets
> play some catch."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "I can't, dad. I sold them to some guy."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Really? For how much."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "$100.00"
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Son, you shouldn't rip off strangers off
> like that. It's the
> >>same
> >> >as
> >> >> > > stealing. I'm taking you
> >> >> > > to church, so you can confess your sin."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > They go to the church to the
> confessional. The boy goes in and
> >>sits
> >> >> > > down. The little door
> >> >> > > opens so the Priest can hear his
> confession.
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "What is your sin, my son."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > The boy says
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Dark in here."
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > The priest says
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > > "Don't start that •••• again." >>
> >> >>

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 504

An old cowboy went into a bar and ordered a drink. As he sat there sipping
his whiskey, a young lady sat down next to him. She turned to the cowboy and
asked him, "Are you a real cowboy?"

He replied, "Well, I've spent my whole life on the ranch, herding cows." He
then asked her what she was.

She replied, "I'm a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about women. As
soon as I get up in the morning I think of women. When I eat, shower, watch
TV, everything seems to make me think of women! "

A little while later a couple sat down next to the old cowboy and asked him,
"Are you a real cowboy?"

He replied, "I always thought I was, but I just found out that I'm a

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Posts: 16

Antonio said "After the Russians nuke Chechnia, perhaps they would do world one more favor and nuke England."

You really think Russia will nuke us ? get real. Our country might be small and lost its might of the past, but still we have the ability to fight any country including Russia.

If Russia nuke us British, Don't you think we also have nukes ?

The poor Russian army is paying its soldiers $5 a month. look how poorly they fight. Look in chechnia 5,000 rebel fighters are fighting more than 100,000 Russian soldiers, and still rebels are killing more and more Russian soldiers.

Poor Russians with their poor dreams!!!

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Igor and Fred are both dumbass welfare Cases, just like that slut Kissie is a crazy mixed up leftist jewess

To the moron who keeps telling to me smile as I'm on Camera - I POSITIVELY LAUGHING!!!!!!

Maybe you and and the other subversive Russians will be laughing as I send all these IP numbers to the FBI

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What the hell are you babbling about?


Thank you Henry the VIII for destroying the authority of the corrupt Roman Catholic 'church'
Thank God there are Protestants in the world, Catholics are scum, they have been responsible for GENOCIDE than any other organization in history.


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i see that egor is still suffering from verbal diathrea

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Posts: 229


I have one question for you. You claimed as orthadoz christian as you mentioned before. When did Jesus(pbuh) claimed that he is ELoi, he never mention word God. Then why you curse THe Creator and call yourself christian. I think it is shame for you to call yourself even a christian.

Your time is coming soon and you will meet your Creator and I hope that day you are ready.


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....and 15 hours later, not a whole lot has
changed 'round surprise, heh...

the impersonator "-" has been
reported to DMS; if he doesnt get his arse BANNED
it wont be for my lack of trying.

so, antonio, once you've gotten rid of everyone
and every religion you dont like and overturned
the US government (lolol) who'll be left for you
to lord over as master of the planet? i mean, that
IS your prime objective, aint it? (lolol)

cb1: you're a buffoon with your notions of
reporting ANYONE from here to the FBI. you're just
frustrated that you're beneath kissie's notice. as
you rightfully should be.

turk: the anecdote re: the three soldiers and the
old woman speaks for itself, doesnt it? war is
fukt up and people do fukt up things. no one here
on either side has voiced approval. in their
specific case, yeah, i hope they get theirs.
as if it's the only crime committed by BOTH sides,
which hardly excuses this, or all the others
preceding or subsequent. but you just happened to
read about THIS incident.

happy super bowl day, you non-westerners!
american capitalistic excess at its most useless
and gross! and the best part will be the
as always, my warmest greetings and regard for
k-san, who ROCKS THE HOUSE!

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It is only $12.00 and you can order from

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That British-based fool threatens to pass IPs over to the FBI.:^)))) Naivete...'–•í

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