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Archive through January 30, 2000

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To : Kissie

Don't you as a woman is ashamed to be so obscenely abused or is it a traditional attribute of a western woman - more masculine and least feminine. I feel sorry for you - Why not surf women-oriented websites to protect your womanly dignity. Battle-field not this message board will determine the fate of Chechenya.

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Ultra Rusian Taliban
"ALLAH is speaking to me now. He says that we should kill all women of muslim decent. For they will be the fall of the muslim race if we do not kill them. You are reading this so it must be true. "

Goddamn Hell URN! You got purer than the purest taliban ever distilled!
To be a good muslim a muslim must be a man! Yeah!Women are evil so they shouldn't exist.
Men must have male descend only, own only male animals, have only male relatives and a male whife.

to the others

What's going on on this board. Impossible to talk about other things than "sluts" and "2$ bitches"

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Teenage Russian conscript kills five, self

MOSCOW, Jan 30 (Reuters) - A teenage Russian borderguard, on the run from his unit, shot dead five people to steal their car then killed himself, NTV television reported on Sunday.

NTV said it was unclear what had prompted Oleg Protsenko, 18, to desert and go on the shooting spree.

He left a suicide note, written in jam, in the car's glove compartment, saying: ``I'm sorry, Mum.''

NTV quoted borderguard officials as saying Protsenko had left his unit in Russia's Baltic Sea Kaliningrad enclave late on Saturday, taking a Kalashnikov assault rifle with him.

He killed three men and two women travelling through a nearby village in their car. Protsenko's body was found early on Sunday in the stolen car, which he had driven into a forest.

NTV said he had shot himself and suggested the young conscript might have run away to escape maltreatment.

Young conscripts, drafted for two years, routinely desert because of beatings and humiliation by soldiers nearing the end of their term. Russia's armed forces, which once rivalled the West's military might, have been plagued by poor financing and low morale since the 1991 collapse of Soviet rule.

12:51 01-30-00

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i'll sure as hell "rat" on this scumbag as soon as
i'm done addressing you. you got a problem with
that? c'mere, i've got a place for you to kiss,
comrade -_-

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``A majority of citizens in these countries have come to equate democracy with inequality, insecurity and the unraveling of the social fabric,'' she said.
* That old hideous curse of humanity - Albright at her "best" - twisting the notion and position of democracy again, by (thinking, that everyone's stupid like Abu Zbale Bin Idiot) hiding the economic basis, i.e., capitalism, to which inequality, insecurity and the unraveling of the social fabric is simply inherent.
With trade and investment expanding, modern technology available and the burden of debt eased, more people in more countries can live better lives, she said.
* Sure, in countries most protected like Sweden, Finland. Others can participate in NIKE sweatshops.
She has praised Putin as a leading reformer, but also said the Clinton administration was not ``starry-eyed'' about what to expect from the new leadership.
* The hell really Putin cared. Praised ... a diplomatic BS.
Albright has been especially critical of the Russian military offensive in rebellious Chechnya, a use of force endorsed by Putin and identified with him by nationalist-minded Russians.
* Look, who's talking ...

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Faiz Khan
"Why not surf to protect your womanly dignity."
Of course women must stay appart from men:

-They must do street demonstration separately from men.

-They must pray in another mosquee than for men.

-They must post messages on other message boerd than for men and visit only women-oriented websites

What else?
Why are the islamists so sexist? Why do you think women lose theyr dignity as soon as they attend a meeting with other men? Why do you think at conferences on Chechenya or at a demonstration or at a religious ceremony relations between men and women can be only of sexual nature?

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oy oy oy ...


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By Faiz Khan ( - on Sunday, January 30, 2000 - 03:03 pm:
To : Kissie
Don't you as a woman is ashamed to be so obscenely abused or is it a traditional attribute of a western woman - more masculine and least feminine. I feel sorry for you - Why not surf women-oriented websites to protect your womanly dignity. Battle-field not this message board will determine the fate of Chechenya.

* ... to be so obscenely abused ..., why, yeah, by your "brother", a moslem - "an upholder of high moral ..." BullSh. in short, heh-heh.
... is it a traditional attribute of a western woman - more masculine and least feminine.
* Feeling jealous?
I feel sorry for you ...
* ...
Battle-field not this message board will determine the fate of Chechenya.
* Actually, no.

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By kissie the tranny ho! slut ! bitch...
Priest dying from AIDS

By Polaski
Teenage Russian conscript kills five before shoting himself in Kalingrad

WHAT THE HELL IT HAS TO DO WITH THIS MESSAGE BOARD_________________________________________________

Flash news:

5000 chechen fighters commited suicide in Grozny and the southern mountains.
They said as a muslim can't kill another muslim (hence can't kill himself)they asked russians to do it. They said they wanted to return to theyr creator and sacrify theyr lihe to the Ummah.
Chechens and Afgan leader hailed theyr bravour and claimed that many elegant mujahideens will do the same during the next month til the 23 of Feb date aniversary of Stalin deportation of Chechens to Siberia.

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Dear L'-san, it's really appalling (various Abus. Genetic?) - I'll think I'll have to kinda maintain a dbase of IPs.

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oh really?
you approve of the obscene abuse being heaped upon
kissie today?
abuse from a psychopath who within the past week
was making the most pious religious proclamations?

you're damned right i ratted on this degenerate
disgrace to, and defiler of, his own so-called

and i've been on DMS since april, pal. so maybe
it's =you= who should "out!!" 'cause i aint

i know kissie laughs at this, but i really like
her, get it straight.

and this is the last time i'll respond to you.
but provoke me enough and i'll try to hurt you
"it's a bee-yoo-ti-ful day in the neighborhood..."

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Russian Generals Cash in on Hostage Taking:

In what may be considered one of the most gruesome crimes against humanity taken by Russian forces against the Chechen population, Russian generals have been arresting all Chechen males aged 15 – 40 in the regions of Atkay, Argun, Sasi-Yurt and several other villages. The detained civilians are then dispatched to Russian military headquarters at Mozdok that is located in the Republic of North Ossetia. The Russian generals then offer to release the prisoners in exchange for ransom money that must be paid by the families of the detained. Families that do not pay the ransom will have their imprisoned loved-ones sent to concentration camps deeper within Russia. This cowardly act is the latest in a series of crimes against humanity committed by Russian force against the civilian population of Chechnya. In addition to this growing trade of hostage taking, Russian forces have routinely bombarded towns, villages and other defenceless population centers. Russian troops and officers have also engaged in a systematic campaign of looting entire villages, and murder of those who attempt to defend their homes against soldiers whose actions proves they are nothing more than common criminals.

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That guy had too much Quaran reading...

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Dear L'-san, real Igor uses an Ontario entry point. Hell, my fault. Sorry, was kinda lazy to check on it. Same impostor as usual, You know.

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at the very least, the boards are inspected as part of their routine at DMS; they wouldnt want this (expletive) horrorshow to stay on the page.

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