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Archive through January 30, 2000

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k-san? even if the numbers arent exactly the same?
if you say so...

she says you're cleared, igor.

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Do You know the meaning of proxy?

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wow, that means the sick man is sending from more than one approach...d'oh! as i switched myself just now. it's still me.

'prove it', you say, cheri?


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You posted some rubbish earlier about the decline in the Russian Federations population and then blamed in on the US. How about taking some responsibility for your countries own failures. Some of you "Russians" should quit crying about the West and do something to help your own.

"Experts have argued about the exact combination of reasons for the decline, but most point to Russia's high rate of alcohol consumption, especially among men, who lag far behind women in life expectancy. In one 1993 survey, 80 percent of Russian men said they drank alcohol, and other studies have shown that average consumption for both sexes is 400 grams per day, or three bottles of vodka a week.

Russia has an astonishingly high number of deaths from accidental alcohol poisoning, with 35,000 compared to some 300 a year in the United States, which has almost twice the population and a fair number of heavy drinkers as well. Heavy smoking and a fatty diet also contribute to high rates of heart disease.

Other experts point to "ecocide": the poisoning of the air, land and water by the Soviet authorities, and to the collapse of the Soviet-era health care system. Death rates from injuries suffered in auto accidents, for instance, are said to be several times higher than in European countries."

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question for me?
i've seen the word used; not in this context, 'intermediate' for his posts?

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are you an eastern jew or a western one? i mean, are considerd, in israel, to be equal to dogs and pigs or you have rights as an israeli citizen (western ones)? you damn shitheads, how does israel traet jews from eatern europe like dumb russians and from jews from the middleeat and africa?? you pussie dear, where did your parents come from? from shitty russian, or shitty ukrain, or shitty lethuania??? ha girly???
what else do you do other than prostitation on the street of tel aviv? may be licking the assess of western jews?? that is why you have a hell of filthy mouth?

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Another idiot, ... one of many ...

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If this is the truth, wouldn't the advance be quicker? Those damn spin doctors just mix things all up, don't they? LMAO!!!

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Bones, howdie, old piece of lovable crap?

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By Kissie ( -

Dear kissie*

were you asking me what a proxy is ?

dont tell me ... wait.. u know wverything about computers done a bit of ... unix havya... how bout..novell...maybe some nt to eh ! wait... your a sys admin are you. lol.....right you may impress individual who cant tell the difference between ip and isp as in dear lemonexe...
but you revealing @ home entry port ontario.was lame and did not impress me at all infact we had a laugh over here...but nice try.... go scare some dummys like your self...

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URN is not there so let me answer: His point was a plot masterminded by the west to destroy USSR and by extend the russian nation.
Death rate by alcohol is a side effect of such a policy.
If this view is a bit extreme (he is Ultra),
it's certainely a side effect of pauverty for which we can blame the west.
Because western-backed Yeltsin's policy favored the high finacial system while hampering local economy, employement-rich industry and even western company trying start ups there or to do business.
It was disastrous in many points including the worsening of the high level of alcoholism which was already high under Soviet Union.
Adder21 the genetical error system is still there!

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"By Ukrainian Girl: Russians have killed millions of Ukrainians"

How they did it?

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Ukrainian Girl
I can see by the way you speak that you are not Ukrainian and even less a girl.
If your only goal here is to talk about the use of a toilet but if you still want to play the girl...TAKE A DILDO AND LET US!

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Ukrainian Girl,
Those Russians who "killed millions of Ukranians" forgot to get rid of one more. I am sorry they did. They should have done it. There is no need in this world for crappy girl like you. Go back to school and repeat social studies course one more time.

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