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Archive through January 31, 2000

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I understand what you mean about tzigans. It doesn't mean we need Hitler because nazis will kill tzigans, jews, muslims, blacks, and maybe you too.
So you see in shouting Hail Hitler you take a big risk.
I think they will disapear from natural extinction. The western world will absorb them. They ought to get out of prehistoric age. If they don't want to work, this world will fit less and less for them. They ain't gonna be happy so they will disapear.

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OK i am not quite sure what you guys are talking about today. What is a tzigans?

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Ultra Russian Marxist
I just learn that chief of separatist kurds Ocalan (first name: ABDullah!!) is a marxist!


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Hello anyone arround?

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>>> What is a tzigans?

IMHO, this is how lazy armenians are called in Eastern Europe.

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Oh great now sterotyping . When did this board turn from one of political discussion to one of racial and national sterotyping.

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Dmitri: it's like that. i don't really care about jews. it's not nazism i'm interested in. it's their power, how they were able to conquer the whole europe. i don't give a •••• about jews, because i don't live with them. see, it's the same. hitler and geramny lived with them, so they knew, just as we both know what cigani are.
as he once said to one of his generals :

"You've spent years in military academies, and all you've learned is how to hold a knife and fork! But you understand nothing! -- nothing about the job of soldiering! I didn't go to a military academy, but I read Clausewitz and Moltke! I didn't even go to a cadet school, but single handed, I conquered Europe and all of Russia!

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Well time to go later

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hey Gonz,
tcigans, you ask?
since brotha 'balalaika' a puzzled answer, it'll be my pleasure - we were talkin' about european gipsies.

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dmitri: this has nothing to do with russians.

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In west Europe countries, tzigans are traditionaly (though not always) homeless poeple. They are moving by tribe. They main professional activity is begging. They main income come from mendicity. You will rarely see men begging. Usualy a woman sit on the sidewalk with a small child, preferably looking ill or asleep or if taller, dressed in dirty rags.
Women are walking feet naked. Girls often go prostitutes. Men are told to take the money for themseves.
They can be recognized easily theyr skin of color and dark hairs and eyes. They speak the rom language or a related dialect and speak poorly the language of theyr homeland. Some wrongfully call them romanian. They are thought because of they race to come from India but they may have no link with India for centuries.They have a king living in Poland which is quite rich. But it's possible that not all Tsigane of the world recognize him.
They religion constist in begging with a portrait of the Virgin Mary.
Socialists and communists tried to socialise them in logging them in appartements and giving them a working way of life but most kept living as nomades and beggers.

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cb1, Balalika & Co.

You are mutually worthy. It's not an honor to be mentioned by scams like you. About white girls. Cb1, are you jealous? Do you think I am on your way? Check out Balalaika. He is a well-known schizophrenic and will make a good company for you. Way to go. Don't forget to check Balalaika's "arse".

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I asked you a simple question, a question that even a simple crooked conman like yourself could answer.

I'll repeat it,

When are you going to Turkey?

When all know how fond Armenians are of Turks,
Turks know how to treat an Armenian right!

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then why doncha admire Alexander the Great or Cezar, or Napoleon instead in your posts?
Because otherwise we all think that you're a pure-case Nazi..
See, Hitler did not wanted get rid of Jews because he HONESTLY thought that they were UNhumans..He knew that Jews in Germany are:
1)the wealthiest community in Germany of the 30's(cuz they're smart and clever)
2)they owned a huge percentage of German industry
3)they were put down by ALL throut the human history(because of reason #1).

Knowing all of the above, Hitler used what we call "propaganda" to get rid of all Jews in Germany in an unforgivable way. NO GREAT LEADER SHOULD BE RESPECTED FOR METHODS LIKE HITLER USED..Even Stalin, who murdered more Russians than Hitler did, isn't hated by people as much uncle Adolph.

As far as his military vision I could give a lot of credit to him...but..ask yourself this was it really Hitler or was it Vermacht generals who had a brilliant vision? I know it wasn't Stalin's contribution that Russians finally kicked the hell out of Germans at the end but rather a genious of Rissian commanders (Zjukov, for instance) that hepled to drive the German forces out of country and put the end to the whole "Ariens Only" idea..
BTW just for the record Germans NEVER conquered USSR due to the fact that this country has NEVER been conquered by anyone, with a slight exeption of
Mongols of the 12th century(that only occured due to the fact that Russian dukes(kniazi) were in a constant state of war with each other and this is precisely why it took Russians more than 100 years to put their petty little wars behind and kick some Mongolian ass). But that's besides the point...

So I'd take it you not the real Nazi, you just like the idea of getting rid of all the gipsies? RIGHT conclusion, WRONG methods.

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>>> Don't forget to check Balalaika's "arse".

Hey, ara, what happened to you that you started to use expletives?!!

It is not my fault that most armenians whom I happened to meet in my lifetime were not much better than turks. One of these armenians was trying to steal gold from radio transistors. I swear!!

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