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Archive through January 4, 2000

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scroll 2/3 down. Can't miss it.

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you got that straight. And believe me I don't feel any joy (unlike poor creature bosna) looking at these deceived, mislead and then killed people. I swear, my heart broke when I saw it for the first time... I certainly didn't want to post this picture but then I realized - it should be done, so these noumerous parashas and bosnas would stop fooling themselves and try to look at the sobering reality...

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Oh, boy! I couldn't agree with you more, Caucasian. I used to live in the USSR and did not like it much. But I do not remember that Caucasians lived worse than Moscowits, for instance. They had more money and more freedom. Now they have their country (Chechnya) devastated, people suffering. So for their own sake, I SAY NUKE 'EM.

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2 Armenian

>> So for their own sake, I SAY NUKE 'EM.

After writing this, you are just sick, dirty bastard.

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I believe Russia and Armennia will clean up the place on the both sides of the Caucasian ridge. 1914, Sumgait, Chechnya - never again!

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Where are you? Where is our conscience "the great America":talk about Vietnam. You were to young? Talk about the "moral" relation the United States had in the past the poors countries? Morality? Robbery of the poor peoples"(south America)...Oh! You don't remember? To young? You should know how poor peoples hate the americans....Hypocrite.

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Where are you? Where is our conscience "the great America":talk about Vietnam. You were to young? Talk about the "moral" relation the United States had in the past with the poors countries? Morality? Robbery of the poor peoples"(south America)...Oh! You don't remember? To young? You should know how poor peoples hate the americans....Hypocrite.

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2 Balalaika,
>>After writing this, you are just sick, dirty bastard.

Pardon me? Why? I respect your opinion but don't agree with it. Could you please be a bit more tolerant?

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Kind of pathetic that by posting old pics of dead people those sick bastards (bosna, balalaika) get aroused. We laught at them but to be honest it's not their fault that they are sick idiots, it just something bad happened to them when they were kids. I think bosna was molested by his father and balalaika abused by his uncle's friend. So instead of making fun of them let's hope that they can get professional help as soon as possible. Otherwise we all know what could happen, they can snap one day and kill themselves.

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Oh hell, who am I kidding. Those sicks bastards can't afford help and uncurable anyway. So it's only for the best if they kill themselves.

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2 Caucasian
Yeah, nobody wants to talk about 1914 these days. All those lecturers are so clean and correct. They got what they wanted and can afford to be morally clean and decent. All others are just barbarians to them. This comes from stupidity. And stupidity leads to disaster sooner or later.

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Never forget that the russians where the real liberator of europea agains Hitler :the russian did the greatest part of the job.The americains were to afraid to liberate Berlin. Russia is still a great country ...and the futur will show it.

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"...fact remains that Russia’s problems are mostly its own creation..."

first of all I have to admit - you're right: I wasn't too civilized on this board. Second you're certainly right about Russian problems and mistakes. Russia runs into them on every step as the country tries to overcome the poisonous heritage of the 70 years of darkness and to build a healthier society. What you forgot to mention is that right now Russia is fighting with ugliest evil of muslim terrorism and you, civilized and politically correct Americans are trying meanwhile to cut a bit of a geopolitical pie - even it means siding up with the disgusting monsters like bin laden... Civilized, eh?
Now Russia is a democracy and people have a bigger say in the country's policy. So guess how they will feel about America after the dirty tricks in Kosovo and Chechnya wars: THANKS FOR NOTHING.
But I think you saw my (and other Russians' and Armenian') postings out of the context.

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Mr. X,
"Russia is still a great country ..."
I have no doubt in my mind. Have I ever said the opposite? You are mixing Armenians with Balalaikas! πŸ™‚

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