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Archive through January 4, 2000

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I like to post dead Chechens here myself. I have one reason for it. May be I am sick bastard as Balalaika put it. But who knows what the word sick means? Believe me I know very powerful people who don't know what the word "is" is. So what do you what from me?
Poor Armenian.

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The Russian Eagle.


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Sounds like thunder.Did you hear that BOSNA

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2 caucasian,

you have nothing to be proud about but these russian jets, for which russia has no fuel (or if it has, that it will be at the expense of civil users). why not you show pictures of russians waiting at the doors of u.s. or german embassies in moscow?

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2 svoloch, igor

>> Sounds like thunder.Did you hear that BOSNA

it would be better to spend the money on feeding poor russian males who could not even manage to live past 65 years on average.

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Oyasumi nasai balalaika! Go •••• yourself! Sayonara!

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There are many hungry in the West. It does not stop the development of expensive hardware, though. Very beautiful and click jet! And looking at its fins, I can tell it is a dodger too. Unfortunately, there is a long way from a prototype to a serial production. Most gadgets never see the end of the tunnel. Maybe Iraqis buy a lot of them. 🙂 This will help NATO think twice before bombing the independent nations.

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Latest news from great power:

Ïîä Êðàñíîÿðñêîì çàìåðçøèå ãðàæäàíå ïåðåêðûëè àâòîìàãèñòðàëü

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2 Rus,


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Someone who's sitting in Japan and understanding such word as DURILO will complain about long lines to US and German embassies in Moscow. Don't be so harsh to your compatriots B. There is no need to be rude.

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Awesome power.


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oops! Another one bites the dust Sorry Chechens.

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If you are a citizen of the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, Peru, the Philippines, or any country other than Japan, the method of applying and required documents are exactly the same as for Japanese citizens. There are additional requirements for citizens of the People's Republic of China and citizens of the Russian Federation. These additional requirements are described later in this section.

If you are citizen of the Peoples Republic of China, or a citizen of the Russian Federation, please note the following application requirements:

Please note that there is an issuance fee for PRC passport holders in addition to the $45 application fee. This fee varies depending on the type of visa, and ranges from $10 to $120 per visa.

Issuance fees are also required of citizens of the Russian Federation. They range from $150 to $450 per visa.

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Quatation above - from: #REQUIREMENTS

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Joined: 17 years ago
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Hey everyone. What about voting for NUKE or DON'T-NUKE on this board? Would not it be a democracy? I could orange a web site for that but time is running out for poor Chechens

I SAY NUKE. And score goes one against zero for nuke.

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