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Archive through January 4, 2000

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>>> Why should there be any time predictions? I'll leave this q. for Your sorry explanations, since You vaulted right into banzaing about the board whooshing BS like about the Embassy lines, fees, Ru financing, etc. . A strong sign, that You ran out of all reasonable arguments and ransake every netrashcan for garbage to dump here in Your no less sorry attempts to insult Russia, which, BTH, couldn't care less about Your garbage and Your sorry personality. Japan, well, since You abuse ICSEAD's servers, You might be better off by explaining how they/You feel about the Southern Kuril Islands while rushing to Russia to lend it money in the sum of $375 mln.?

You asked why there should be any time predictions? I also want to ask the same question, wondering why time and again Russian generals make promises that too often fail to materialize.

As for lending Russia 375 billion dollars, I consider this a mistake, but everybody may have a personal opinion on the issue. What is more clear, if Russia continue its barbaric offence, chances for similar credit line will be much slimmer, if any.

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You asked why there should be any time predictions? I also want to ask the same question, wondering why time and again Russian generals make promises that too often fail to materialize.
As for lending Russia 375 billion dollars, I consider this a mistake, but everybody may have a personal opinion on the issue. What is more clear, if Russia continue its barbaric offence, chances for similar credit line will be much slimmer, if any.

* I didn't ask this question, - You fail to realise stresses. FYU, go sift through the PR of NATO briefings on the Kosovo conflict and thee shall learn. And trying to make a point on capture time predictions sounds kiddish. Obviously, the "personal" opinion of the Japanese Govt. is realpolitik as distinct from the "humanitarian" BS. Be advised, credits would and will be given. Even for one perverted reason of keeping Ru at bay by means of debt (not much help in this case, anyways;o)), - too big a piece to swallow ...). What the "West" fears now is that Ru might phase out credit dependence, and that will be the start of even bigger vois a la.
Barbaric, hhe! Where were You, hypocrite-'n-spinner-san, he-he, during the Kosovo campaign, Iraqi campaign, Sudan bombing, Afghanistan bombing? Applying for a server connection?
P.S. FYU, Ru is now honouring the debt of the then USSR, thus honouring the debt incurred by all former USSR participant-states. That's where IMF credits go. IMF didn't refuse new loans (and keeps silent about it). It refuses the money intended to cover USSR debt payment to keep Ru permanently in debt as means of political leverage (and keeps silent about it too).
P.S.S. Thomas Jefferson new it and advised to encourage Indians into debt.

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2 Kissie,

>>> Barbaric, hhe! Where were You, hypocrite-'n-spinner-san, he-he, during the Kosovo campaign, Iraqi campaign, Sudan bombing, Afghanistan bombing?

For your reference, I was against the Yugo bombing, and there are a few references to my opinion in the internet. giving them to your would be too generous. As for Sudan, Afgan etc., they were not my business, and still i do not care.

>> Ru is now honouring the debt of the then USSR, thus honouring the debt incurred by all former USSR participant-states.

you are mentioning just half of the story. russsia is responsible for the former debt of the ussr because other soviet republics gave up their claims on soviet property abroad (embassies, foreign bank assets), which was very stupid of them, judging from the amount of then soviet property just only in japan (it is real huge).

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>>> What the "West" fears now is that Ru might phase out credit dependence, and that will be the start of even bigger vois a la.

The possibility that russia will abandon western loans is very small, especially if oild prices drop from their current (too high, in most opinions) level, or/and the chechen war continues. the only solution for russia then would be to use chechen/north korean tricks - print dollars themselves.

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Ãðîçíîì èäóò ñåðüåçíûå áîè, áîåâèêè îêàçûâàþò îæåñòî÷åííîå ñîïðîòèâëåíèå.

Ýòî ïðèçíàþò ñàìè âîåííûå. Ïî èõ äàííûì, ïîçèöèè ôåäåðàëüíûõ ïîäðàçäåëåíèé îáñòðåëèâàþòñÿ èç ìèíîìåòîâ è äàæå çåíèòíûõ óñòàíîâîê. ×å÷åíñêèå ãðóïïèðîâêè ïåðåøëè â íàñòóïëåíèå â ðÿäå ìåñò è çàõâàòèëè íåñêîëüêî êðóïíûõ íàñåëåííûõ ïóíêòîâ - ñîîáùèë íàì ãëàâà ñôîðìèðîâàííîãî â Ìîñêâå ãîññîâåòà ×å÷íè Ìàëèê Ñàéäóëëàåâ. Ïî åãî ñëîâàì, ïîä êîíòðîëü áîåâèêîâ ïåðåøëè Õàíêàëà è ßðìîëîâêà. Ýòè íàñåëåííûå ïóíêòû âïëîòíóþ ïðèìûêàþò ê Ñòàðîïðîìûñëîâñêîìó ðàéîíó Ãðîçíîãî. Ðàíåå âîåííûå óòâåðæäàëè, ÷òî ýòîò ðàéîí íàõîäèòñÿ ïîä èõ ïîëíûì êîíòðîëåì.

Eminent Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 43

Can you post some more pictures???
I really enjoyed the previous one.

Arbi Barayev is alive and knocked Russian army out of Alkhan-Yurt

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2 Everest,

I was scolded by KISSie for off-topical postings, and from now balalaika will be more serious (but not as nasty as our russian friends are).

P.S. Though i would post a picture of baraev with immense pleasure, for most of us still remember the russian triump that they killed him (with reference to SEVERAL sources, but apparently working for the same agency, like

Honorable Member
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Posts: 553

see you later, everybody, and please do not nuke each other before balalaika comes back.

Reputable Member
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Posts: 384

For your reference, I was against the Yugo bombing, and there are a few references to my opinion in the internet. ...
* I'm glad You had been sane enough.
... giving them to your would be too generous.
* Yeah, posting embassy BS and the like is easier.
As for Sudan, Afgan etc., they were not my business, and still i do not care.
* Where's Your "humanitarian" concern, hypocrite-sun?
russsia is responsible for the former debt of the ussr because other soviet republics gave up their claims on soviet property abroad (embassies, foreign bank assets), which was very stupid of them, judging from the amount of then soviet property just only in japan (it is real huge).
* They did just right. After recalcs on property division they thought it better to give up, than to be treated as "foreign" entities without subventions + the curse of paying for energy in $, etc. .
... soviet property just only in japan (it is real huge).
* Pity, could have been more ... .
The possibility that russia will abandon western loans is very small, especially if oild prices drop from their current (too high, in most opinions) level, or/and the chechen war continues. the only solution for russia then would be to use chechen/north korean tricks - print dollars themselves.
* BTH, an old approach, which views RF as oil exporter only. Suitable to fool the gen. public. RF enjoys it's current positive trade balance with Europe - a healthy sign. And, judging by Putin's words, he's not going to tolerate any RF backwardness.
... chechen/north korean tricks - print dollars themselves.
* Agh-ha. So Chechens do print dollars in massive quantities.

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Posts: 384

... and from now balalaika will be more serious ...
* With three strings still ... .

Estimable Member
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Posts: 160

Here are sme more pictures to please your heart. Some pictures where the chechens raining on using Stinger (Anti Aircraft)

Estimable Member
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Here are some more pictures to please your heart. Some pictures where the chechens training on using Stinger (Anti Aircraft)

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Posts: 160

igor, caucasian:

it seems that u dont have any more eagles in soldiers format (the pictures you were posting of russian chickens), are they all dead???

The answer to your new eagle is found in the photoes above.
look and weep.
dont forget to give us more different eagles, like pigs, rats and the like.

The last photo was of your eagle you posted a couple of days ago. Give us another one so i can post his headless body.hehehehehe

Reputable Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 384

it seems that u dont have any more eagles in soldiers format (the pictures you were posting of russian chickens), are they all dead???
* Bosna's sandbox IQ.

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Posts: 228

bosna-the-doggie is showing some class and taste;
"clear" for landing granted!


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