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Archive through January 5, 2000

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The Chinese are also extremely concerned about US machinations. They see Americans offering Taiwan theater missile defense systems. They see Americans drooling over the Dalai Lama. They see the leader of the Falun Gong movement living in the United States. They see their Belgrade Embassy smashed to pieces. They understand that if they do not act now they will become satellites of the United States. The Russians and the Chinese – protagonists during the Cold War – are today the closest of friends, united in hostility towards the United States. At a recent Sino-Russian summit, President Jiang Zemin warned that "hegemony and the politics of force are on the rise, with new forms of so-called neo-interventionism being revived." The communiqué announced that both Russia and China are "opposed to jeopardizing the sovereignty of independent nations" on the pretext of human rights. Russia is selling 60 advanced SU-30 MKK fighter jets to China. In addition, Russia, China and three Central Asian States – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan – have pledged to fight security threats to the region – chiefly ethnic and religious separatism. China is also strengthening its ties with India – another protagonist of long standing.

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ALGIERS, Algeria –– Islamic insurgents killed five members of a family and shot to death two soldiers in separate attacks, newspapers reported Tuesday. The fresh violence raised the death toll to nearly 150 since the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, according to unofficial reports.

About 10 armed men killed five members of a family and kidnapped the sixth member, a 20-year-old woman, in an attack early Monday near the town of Medea, some 60 miles south of Algiers, according to the daily Le Matin.

In a second attack, an armed group shot to death two soldiers in a military truck at a fake roadblock near Dellys, east of the capital, at about 4 p.m. Sunday, the newspaper La Tribune reported.

The killings brought to nearly 150 the number of people killed since the start of Ramadan on Dec. 9, media reported. Ramadan has proved a time of heightened violence since the start of the Islamic insurgency nearly 8 years ago. ABDULL MUslims peaceful ?

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In 1994, the Saudi sent Khattab to Tajikistan to aid Islamic revolution there, then transferred him to Chechnya in 1995.
Bodansky says forensic tests show the explosive devices in the Moscow bombings are similar to those used to blow up U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania last year.
While we fretted about the terrorist mastermind attacking America on New Year's, the Clinton administration continued to slam Russia for using excessive force against bin Laden's Chechen allies.
National Security Advisor Sandy Berger urged Moscow to "deal with it (terrorism) within the constitutional framework." How? By inviting the terrorists to a parliamentary debate? Resolved: That bombings and torture aren't nice.

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But after the strong performance of Mr. Putin's allies in the Russian parliamentary election on Dec. 19, the Kremlin is unlikely to back down. "No sanctions or threats are capable of stopping Russia -- the nation is only becoming angrier," the Moscow newspaper Sevodnya commented.

The daily said the election had been won by a "party of war" with the support of most voters. "Russia is hell bent on revenge -- whatever the price it and the Chechens may have to pay. . . . Putin is well aware of this, and therefore cannot stop the war machine. . . ."

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In reality, you guys are NOTHING!!! your pathetic Russian army can not even fight a few chechen rebels!!


POOR piggy putin must be soiling his pants now, wondering how much can go wrong from now and the elections!!!


I do not care what Russians, armenians and other third world trash do. Just stay way from USA!

By the way? how much are Russian women selling for these days?

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It is nice to hear from you too. Staying up all night? Counting the money? It is kinda late on the East Coast, ah? Yes, I am cheating taxpayers like you and at the same time looking hard for a municipal job. I was really missing you, dear, and frankly thought you left for Chechnia to kill some Russians for $5,000 a head. Oh well, if you still here I guess no one will help your brothers. So they die. Very well, judgment at last.

Your Armenian.
P.S. What nationality are you, white boy?

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To Roger Mathesson

" By the way? how much are Russian women selling for these days? "

It depends on the place my friend. In Russia, you can do it for $10 due to the ecomomic reforms, in other places like north America, you can have a nice russian chick for $50-$80.

In every country there is a very common activity, for example, agriculture in South America, hunting in Africa, industry in Europe, but in Russia, the main activities are prostitution, drug smuggling and getting loans from IMF and USA.

Nice to meet you Roger Mathesson

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Your deep knowledge of the market is impeccable! Are you a pimp by any chance?

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I personally saw Russian female "freeway-walkers" with cardboard signs "v ruku $5 v gubu $10 v eto $20" in countries of central Europe last summer. Local guys told me that they are mostly former university students, fluent in quite a few foreign languages, protected by pimps from Russian mafia.

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Do you hear Roger? After paying taxes you can afford it for $5.

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I am quite amazed how many people are interested in young full of life hitchhiking Russian babes. Nobody gives a s..t about dying Chechens. On another hand, this is the way it should be. Who cares about the entire nation being exterminated! Own •••• that's what counts, ah guys?

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Thank you Edward and Ch

I really was getting sick of these third world migrants who abuse the American system


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Nozhai-Yurt is taken by Russian forces. I'm sorry, I meant to say Chechen rebels did a tactical retreat from Nozhai-Yurt. Of course, it has almost no strategical importance, but don't worry, Serzhen-Yurt, Kharachoi and Vedeno are next. I hear that people from southern villages are standing up againsts the terrorists. Damn traitors, right abdulla & co.?

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To ®

and other supporters of terrorism, money laundering, prostitution, drug dealing


How are the Russian bigger beggar terrorists doing?

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