Honeymoon is over for Russians.
Grozny Airport at Khankala recaptured by Chechens. 60 Russians captured. Russians suffer heavy losses. The Chechen counter attact has begun. Thousands of Russians dead and thousands injured. But Alas, Putin the blood thirsty war criminal will not care about his own people. The man who killed hundreds of Russians in their sleep in Moscow apartments will not stop until the Russian Army will turn its tail and descend on Moscow to hang the Criminal for all lies and propoganda.
don't you ever forget: every paycheck you get (do you get any?) you cut a piece to Russia. Oh, yeah. And there's nothing you can do, moron. Can you. I thought so.
->> Anti Rasist
Thank you my friend,
Day will come and Russian Army will be beaten again.
Day will come and Chechnya will be recognised as an Independent State.
Day will come and Caucasus will be Confederation of Independent States!!!

Breaking News for anti rasist:
"...MOSCOW (Reuters) - Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov appealed to Russia on Wednesday for a truce..."
Oh, boy I guess he needs that to keep the momentum of the successful actions. NOT! He-he..
the picture of the nazis is from the website of the Commersant magazine: www.commersant.ru
Just like in the last War, Truce is only for collecting dead Russians still abandoned on streets of Grozny. Beginning of the end of Russia
New generation will be born in Chechnya and they will continue struggle for Independence
gimme yo money whitesnow! Are you deaf? Money, you moron!
"...``There can be no truce. The only way to end bloodshed is for the fighters to stop senseless resistance and lay down their arms,'' Manilov said..."
O-oh, what a disappointment, right everest?
Agh-ha. Dear Segnor R. Matthesson, aren't You tired of posting BS under my name? Don't be a porko, please, post BS Yourself, - You've got the honor.
still like dead bodies, hm...
You are posting interesting messages:
Chechenya was independend for 3 year!!! (not officially) and look where it took them!!.
Would you like to see video to relative of kidnapped victoms? How about dead bodies of western workers?
ultra nationalist:
thanks for info
please change your username, it is insulting to the people who actually oppose rasists ideas.
Where did those stinky chechens go? Aha, there goes an American! Roger Matteson! Shoot the dog!