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Archive through January 5, 2000

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ALGIERS, Algeria –– Islamic insurgents killed five members of a family and shot to death two soldiers in separate attacks, newspapers reported Tuesday. The fresh violence raised the death toll to nearly 150 since the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, according to unofficial reports.

About 10 armed men killed five members of a family and kidnapped the sixth member, a 20-year-old woman, in an attack early Monday near the town of Medea, some 60 miles south of Algiers, according to the daily Le Matin.

In a second attack, an armed group shot to death two soldiers in a military truck at a fake roadblock near Dellys, east of the capital, at about 4 p.m. Sunday, the newspaper La Tribune reported.

The killings brought to nearly 150 the number of people killed since the start of Ramadan on Dec. 9, media reported. Ramadan has proved a time of heightened violence since the start of the Islamic insurgency nearly 8 years ago. ABDULL Muslims peaceful ?

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In 1994, the Saudi sent Khattab to Tajikistan to aid Islamic revolution there, then transferred him to Chechnya in 1995.
Bodansky says forensic tests show the explosive devices in the Moscow bombings are similar to those used to blow up U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania last year.
While we fretted about the terrorist mastermind attacking America on New Year's, the Clinton administration continued to slam Russia for using excessive force against bin Laden's Chechen allies.
National Security Advisor Sandy Berger urged Moscow to "deal with it (terrorism) within the constitutional framework." How? By inviting the terrorists to a parliamentary debate? Resolved: That bombings and torture aren't nice.

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But after the strong performance of Mr. Putin's allies in the Russian parliamentary election on Dec. 19, the Kremlin is unlikely to back down. "No sanctions or threats are capable of stopping Russia -- the nation is only becoming angrier," the Moscow newspaper Sevodnya commented.

The daily said the election had been won by a "party of war" with the support of most voters. "Russia is hell bent on revenge -- whatever the price it and the Chechens may have to pay. . . . Putin is well aware of this, and therefore cannot stop the war machine. . . ."

Good news MUSLIMS

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MATTHESSON THE CRACKHEAD YOU got to stop smoking that •••• it makes your head vibrate.By the way is the check in the mail, I need to get some vodka.

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Thanks I saw this site.

please refer to my previous postings. I am not sure to which one you are replaying.
There are criminal gangs operating in both Moscow and the Caucasus who are both Russians and Chechens. Time will prove that most of these gangs are in the payroll of Kremlin.
Untill time will prove it, please do not use it as it is alread known. Also, then you say Kremlin, do you mean one person or whole goverment of russia or whole people leaving in russian federation.

Bislan Bantimorov, an ethnic Chechen appointed by Russia to spearhead the ill-fated drive to capture Grozny is a known criminal and was recently released by Yeltsin to use him in Chechnya in order to fool the West and the Chechens.
It could be try, I have not information to say otherwise, nevertheless there are 2 Chechen guys who lead the "pro-moscow" forces. Also, you are saing that since Bislan is (was since he is released) criminal than "Kremlin" controls the mafia? Two point on this:
1. This could be true, but without any actuall proov it sounds like good conspirocy theory.

2. Do you know that Bislan was sentence for? I thought it was money laundring not killing.

Even former General Lebed has accused Kremlin to be the culprit in Moscow bombings.
As I mention in my posting before, please refer to the yahoo, some of the news articles clearly state that there is a proof that bombing were done by terrorists located in Chechna (confirmed by CIA)

And When a Nation is unjustly accused of crimes that are commited by someone else and then brutal war is unleashed on a peaceful people then there is no alternative but to declare Jihad to reddress the tyranny and oppression
Please answer my question about jihad i posted previously and my comments about invasion of Basaev in Dagestan.

also please see the site indicated by igor


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DRAKE I have posted site before and have yet to see reply from any MUSLIM.

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"...BTW, denounce commies and you'll be alright..."

Armenian, love that. Lol

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518 DRAKE Acouple of interesting sites particularly first one author GERVASI

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I know, I did not remember the url.

That seems to be a problem, people here just use insults, but no one wants to talk it out or post website (like you did) and then discuss it.

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To drake

( Also, I believe it was Basaev and his terrorists who invaded Dagestant first. Also, CIA agreed with Moscow that bombs where very similar to ones used in Africa against USA.)

Drake,let us talk in a reasonable way. Do you have a proof for that ? I mean if the bombs were VERY similar, does it mean that Basayav and his commrades did it ?

Basayav denounced that many times and he declared that this war is about elections and revenge of the last defeat. My friend, politics is a diry game, a very dirty one, and if you want to understand it, you have to understand JEWS first.

Jews are controlling the media, newspapers, Hollywood, CNN and so on. They can convince you with something which is not true. The media could successfully convince people that Muslims are terrorists and Islam is the religion of violence. Now, think about it in a fair way, what do you consider the actions of Russia in Chechneya right now ? What do you think of the actions of Jews in Palastine ? They have occupied a land which is not theirs, and they are killing and humiliating the original owners of this land since 1947. In one small massacre which happend 5 or 6 years ago a jewish guy opened the fire inside the Aksa mosque and killed 37 muslims while they were praying. One month ago, the jewish planes threw bombs over a lebnanese school and killed lots of kids. Every day, the Isreali army arrests some palastanians and accuse them of fighting against Israeil. Lots of agreements have been done with jews and Palastine liberation organization, and all these agreements have not been carried out from the Jewish side, and it will not be carried out. About 13 years ago, the Isreali army destroyed an iraqi nuclear reactor. These are few things to be mentioned. JEWS ARE THE REAL TERRORISTS. They are doing their best to make a conflict between east - Islam - and West - Christianity-.

Russia is full of corruption and every one in the kermlin is doing his best to get a high position regardless his qualifications or the way to get that position. Do you think a man like Putin can lead Russia ? Do you think he can manage the ecomomic problems in Russia ?

Why did Yeltisin resign ? Health problems, no, he has been sick for a long time, he resigned as he got promises from Putin to protect him and his family from the crimes of corruption that might face him. Putin is not qualified to lead a country like Russia, he has one card in his hand now, just one, the Chechneya war, if he can win that war, he can win the election as a hero who has defended Russia against terrorism and separation trends.

He MUST win this war before March 26. Will he win ? By Allah's leave, NO.

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They don't want to discuss it because all their theories about peacful people and Russia attacking them for nothing go up in smoke. Her is another one to read DRAKE

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To Igor

Can not you talk in a decent way ?

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you know my vote. I SAY NUKE 'EM. So it is 2 to 0 for nuking.

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OMAR I AM SPEAKING DECENT SAME AS THE REST OF THEM.If you can defend Chechens how else should I speak to you?

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