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Archive through January 6, 2000

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Roger, come on out! I'll give you five bucks.

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Do you think Ziuganov has any chance to beat him for the next elections in case the chechen campain doesn't go well?
My bet is that he will be president because there is no real democracy (was Ziuganov, it woulnd 't be more democratic neither).
It's exact if he can only get rid of islamist terrorists once for all it will be a good stuff.

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Yes Roger,
Everybody here agrees practicaly on everything.
Even Bones!
We need somebody like you to punch at. It's so funny and so easy...
Please show up and give us an occasion to frenzy!

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Ziuganov is a communist right? Ziuganov is for anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya. So if it goes bad, neither Ziuganov or Putin will benefit from it. I also seriously doubt that Ziuganov will have any real chance because the generation that supports communism slowly dying out.

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Historiquement,la naissance d'une démocratie (droit de vote,libre circulation des biens,liberté de parole...etc...) est essentielle à la bourgoisie si elle veut prospérer et assurer son pouvoir.Sans cette liberté (toute théorique car ne pas confondre avec justice),une bourgoisie ne peut survivre à long terne. Aussi la nouvelle bourgoisie russe ,si elle devient assez forte, fera tout pour assurer la démocratie et Poutine est l'homme de cette bourgoisie. Poutine fera tout pour sauvegarder une démocratie à l'occidental. Ce sera long car la Russie n'a pas de tradition bourgoise et démocratique.Si cette bourgoisie survie, inévitablement ,elle deviendra extrêmement puissante car les richesses matérielles et humaines de la Russie sont illimitées.On ne doit oublier que le communisme a ,malgré tout, intruit beaucoup les russes(leur degré d'éducation est étonnant).Quel énorme potentiel.

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Yeltsin was not Y2K compliant. Or it is already an old joke.

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Je m'excuse pour la grammaire dé dactylographie peu souvent...J'écris mieux à la au stylo.

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Salut Fred.
finalment nous avons des gens du Québec ici!

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Où as-tu appris le francais? Est-ce au Québec?

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Oui, ici au Montréal.

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Merveilleux. Je suis certain que tu es un élément qui enrichit notre société québécoise. Un ami à moi (professseur) a épousé une russe immigrante d'une grande intelligence et d'une merveilleuse beauté. Il l'a rencontré lors d'un voyage à Moscou. Elle avait appris le francais en Russie et elle le maîtrisait parfaitement.

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Even Armenian must admit that Russian girls are the best.
Roge M., I'll give you 7 bucks. Come on out of your hiding! What are you a chicken?

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Even Armenian must admit that Russian girls are the best.
Roge M., I'll give you 7 bucks. Come on out of your hiding! What are you a chicken?

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merci pour tes mots chalereux..

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News from the front lines:

Monday 3rd January 2000 The Mujahideen Surprise the Russians With Shamil's Attack

The daring Mujahideen launched an attack on the two cities of Kankalah and Yarmolak this morning from several cores, under the leadership of Field Commander's Shamil Basayev, ‘Arabi and Jihaad, may Allah preserve them. With the help of Allah, they were able to drive out the occupying Russian Forces, and inflict upon them heavy losses in lives and equipment, reaching more than 64 soldiers and the destruction of 21 motorised units; from them 15 lorries and army personnel carriers and six armoured vehicles. The Mujahideen captured two Kamaaz lorries, a fuel tank, a quantity of various reserves and a portion of light Klashnikov weapons. Three brave Chechen Mujahideen were killed in this battle. O Allah! Accept them from the martyrs.

They Were Not Successful in Disassembling the Siege...

The Mujahideen surrounded a group from the Russian Forces in the city of Yarmolak and asked them to surrender. The Russians took the initiative to send a support group of infantry to them, lead by four motorised vehicles. The Mujahideen became engaged with the group and destroyed two motorised vehicles, whilst most of the soldiers ran away. Then the Mujahideen attacked the surrounded group, killed four and took the rest as captives.

Destruction of the Russian Leadership....

The Mujahideen launched an attack on the village of Najr-Yurt, which is on the Grozny-Russian route, and fierce battles took place there. The Mujahideen destroyed the headquarters of the Russian Leadership in the village. More than 25 soldiers from the enemy were killed, three were captured, one of them a Commander. Likewise, in this battle; the Mujahideen destroyed two army personnel carriers, a movable Shalacher, captured two Tanks, two BMP vehicles and a lot of ammunition. No one from the Mujahideen was killed, except four who suffered small injuries.

The Cowards Rebelled...

The Russian soldiers announced their disobedience to their leaders, when they wanted them to enter the village of Dabor-Yurt, in which the Russians suffered heavy losses in the past two days. The Mujahideen heard a conversation via radio communications between the Army generals and the soldiers, who were attempting to persuade them to enter the village, but without any success.

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