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Archive through January 7, 2000

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Reb'ata spasibo vam vsem..thank guys spoil me :)))))))))))))

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Kisyla a ya smotru ti po ryski ponimaesh a che ne govorish ne che? stesnitelnae shtoli?

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Bitter? Since when? The last time I checked I was for neither side. I believe the terrorists should be eliminated but I also believe there are other methods available. And conversation is not one of them.

My last post was asking for a clarification, that's it. And if you're talking about my posts last night, they were in response to others who think Russia is all that and a bag of chips. And I never said America was either, we have our own problems.

You question me for "opinions" on Russian advances, which by the way, they have to to win this war but you never discuss your failures. Why is that? And to think, I thought you were more opened minded. My mistake.

And I'll leave you with this.

"To maximize their chances to survive, Russian soldiers wear bulletproof vests and have been taught basic first aid. They carry syringes with powerful painkillers and wrap rubber tourniquets around the barrels of their automatic weapons for use if they are wounded.

But the soldiers have often proved remarkably casual. Instead of helmets, many prefer to wear black ski caps or green bandanas, copying heroes in American war movies. With rebel snipers on the prowl, head wounds have increased, Dr. Sukhomlinov said." NY Times/International 1/5/00

And why is it that Russian soldiers who are actually in the front in combat say one thing but the Russian Generals say another?

I guess you want me to be against you. Should I start posting dead Russians? Sorry, but it isn't my style.

There, I've posted quite a bit, you can pick it all apart and take it out of context now if you wish.

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Depends on the kind of combat entered.

And yours?

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For what it's worth, Happy birthday too.

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Svoloch, ia conechno ne ee advokat, no podymai sam - dajze ESLI ona i govorit po rysski - zachem ie vidavat takim kozlam kak "mattesson" ili "bosna" svoiu informatsiu..nam s toboi vse eti kozli poxyi, a ei mojzet net..Ia tak dymaiu

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svoloch, ya staboi ne govary, ya staboi ne rygaus.
Idi gulai.

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Ny togda u ne goni svou xyinu pro KPRF.
A eshe che?

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I guess it is you turn to misundersand me. I was actually agreeing with you that there's a lot of BS behind this war. Such as when government "writes off" the war supplies(planes, ammo, missiles, etc.) and sells it should know how it goes..
You accusing me of being closed-minded person? Why? Because I saw your scepticism in some of your articles? But I did.You accuse me of not discussing failures? But then I can accuse you of discussing failures MOSTLY. I am sorry if that bothers you, but I really did see you scepticism on the more frequent occasions than your undependably opinioned analysis. And most of all - I NEVER refused to discuss failures..for the future reference, I'd be glad to answer all of those questions..I just hope that wouldn't be ALL you want to discuss.

As far as Russian sodiers being careless in battles - I don't know what you think, but I'd say this is pretty dumb thing of them to do..I would(did) ware my helmet at all times.

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Ny pyskai ne govorit, mne v princepi vse ravno...

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Spasibo, LOCCo za pozdravlenia, proshy v vide podarka Putinskii kinjzal dl'a oxoti na chechenskix loxov 🙂

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Thank You for congradulating on my B-day..

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Svoloch, a tbl blya ne pizdi shto tbl jivosh vruccie. Tbl blya ne znaesh shto tam shas tvaritsa. Po povidy KPRF, ani tebye vrot ebali kogda tbl blya svayu kravat machil.

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When I wrote "undependably opinioned analysis" in my last post to ya - I meant "independently"..sorry for the confusion

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