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Archive through January 9, 2000

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Ultra Nationalist Russian
I had no time to read your link...Sory

But in the "Soviet Union" you would like to restore, do you include the Baltic States?
Do you think these three tiny countries should come back to USSR?
I hope not because actualy I'm living there...


For all new people on this board

Roger Matthesson is the Y2K human bug of this board.
Do not pay attention to his drag-and-drops.

By the way you can entertain us by posting your opinion about him: i.e.:
"Roger is a sexualy impotent exhibistionist" and so on.

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Fred, Armenian+,
don't use this prayer too much though - who knows what it's going to turn you into :o)

Mahmud Esembaev (famous Chechen dancer, who was born in Starie Atagi) died yesterday, in his will asked to be buried in Moscow...

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Armenian pig ! I was wonering why Turks liked you guys so much.

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ProudCircassia or whatever bsh*it you are
I am just curious what else you are "wonering" about.

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ProudCircassia, I admit I've lost my temper in the previous message but you deserved it/

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actually I find you were pretty polite in this case :o)

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Your statement about Armenians(I do not want to repeat it) proofs my point about Chechnya. You can not teach this people to act like normal humans. Most of them are crazed fanatics who want to spread their sick beliefs and rob their neighbors. They are bigots and racists. Russian soldiers will kill so many of this bastards that you will run out of virgins in your “heaven”.
Nobody can live next to a rabid animal. It is time to put to death this beast in it’s den.

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To Roger Matthesson

Ha Ha
Whats you real name my friend ?
You smell like "AZERI"
You still remember how we kick your ass ???

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To bones

I would like to see you explain what in hell happened in Somalia not that long ago? Feel free to use any excuse. I mean (and, mind you, I am sorry to offend anyone's gentle feelings in here) - the elite U.S. forces (was it Marines, Seals, I am not sure?) were badly beaten there by a bunch of drug lords and guerrilllas not even nearly as well trained, equipped, or dedicated, as the Chechen islamic militants, while the U.S. forces were supposed to be better trained, supplied and equipped than the Russian forces in Chechnya. What the hell happened? Huh? All it took, was 18 casualties and a downed UH-60 (shotdown with an unguided RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenade) and guess who was running with the tail between their legs. Now, be careful when you bring on the subject of "puff cakes", because you don't know what might come up 😉

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Do not be so tough on Rog-fag,
AZERIs did not have time to fight, they were busy selling rotten bananas all over former USSR.
P.S. I know that Rog-fag is not a Christian, but do you really think that he is Aseri ?

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Karabax, Cossack,
I also suspected that matthesson's either azer or turk but I think L'menexe is right - matthesson is an unusually stupid American.

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To chechen

“What about Afghanistan war in 1979-1990 between Mujahids and Russian.
Did Russian occupy Afghanistan for the same things.”

O man
We lost 15000 solders (you happy, I’m now)
We kill 2,000,000 afgani (100-1000 from them Dudaev kill personally J)
1-150 What a sweat rate.

My brave friend, look on this picture.
I’m hope you will have a nice sleep.
Vaxabit body looks so good on real white snow J

BTW, is it cold in Moscow? Where are you hiding my brave friend?
Go sleep kid, so far you can…

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To Roger Matthesson

“Why is you third world beggar Russians using an AMERICAN message board? If you beggars are so clever why don't you develop your own?”

Are You stupid ? (sorry) There is 100+ Russian message board.
But when we need real ZOO, we come to see you here :_)

Pentium –mean Petrovski(or similar ,Last name of Russian engineer who work for Intel) so …
Don’t be scary; we let you use your Pc for a while …

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(Pentium –mean Petrovski(or similar ,Last name of Russian engineer who work for Intel) so … )

Get a life pig, Could not Petrovski invent a way to feed the beggers of Russia and to raise the price of Russian prostitutes a little bit ?

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To Pal

Man did you always pay for sex?
Nobody give it to you for free?
You just so good about prices J

2(a guy who left Elbrus team appeared in Intel so you can trace Intels development of Pentium:In 1990 Pentkovski began working on El91S, the successor to the El90. But the political and economic changes in Russia stopped the financing. We don't know anything about Pentkovski between 1991 and 1999. In 1999 his name appeared again in Intel Technology Journal. According to the Author's Biographies section of the article devoted to Pentium III architecture, (, Vladimir Pentkovski led the development of Pentium III processor architecture.
It seems that Pentium has been named after its developer - Vladimir Pentkovski. Really, in 1995 Intel introduced a more decent architecture, Pentium Pro, which has caught up with the Russian microprocessor of 1990. Pentium Pro had an improved x86 instruction decoder, improved superscalar core, and additionally got speculative and out-of-order execution with register renaming. Besides, it also featured better floating point numbers processing unit and multiprocessing support.)
here is something for westerners to think about (elbrus team history):
Team History
The team has designed many generations of the most powerful Soviet computers used in most critical applications in the Soviet Union and Russia. These are:
M-40 1957-59 vacuum tube computer used in the first successful antimissile experiment
5E92b 1964-69 IC computer, the main computer in the first antimissile system protecting Moscow
Elbrus 1 1973-79 MSI, 10 processors
Elbrus 2 1977-84 MSI/LSI, 10 processors
second generation antimissile system mission control center
Arsamas 16, Cheliabinsk 70
Elbrus 3 1985-94 LSI, ECL, 16 processors
two times faster than CRAY-YMP
Developed Technologies
While designing these systems a number of new technologies have been developed, many of them well ahead of the Western companies.
The main technical achievements include:
High speed arithmetic
Fast execution of basic arithmetic operations
(carry safe adder and multiple bits calculation)
square root
First Western publication of similar algorithms -1956
Fault tolerant computing system
full hardware check
all single faults detected
non-stop graceful degradation
fault tolerant multiprocessor
Shared Memory Multiprocessor
10 processors
efficient solution of cache coherence
Secure programming
(HW and SW design)
strongly typed
dynamic types
used in system and real-time applications
highly safe
EL-76 programming language
modular and OOP supported
Till now there is no Western implementation.
Operating systems
multiprocessing and multiprogramming
file protection based on capability
modular, OO implementation
simple naming convention
NO assembly programming
simple code preparation
(without link editor and loader for code)
real-time support
Superscalar implementation
multiple instruction issue
out-of-order execution
(looking ahead up to 30 instructions)
speculative execution
register renaming
precise interrupts
Run time transformation (like in PentiumPro): variable size instructions transformed into fixed size register based three address instructions
First Western superscalar implementation -early 90s

PentiumPro delivery -1995
Fine grain parallelism
Explicit parallelism
Wide instruction
Theoretical limit of logical speed
Cooperation with Western companies
After economic changes happened in Russia the team has used its abilities to implement projects for a number of Western companies. Now the team has a 6 year successful experience in such cooperation with:
Sun Microsystems

and here we go... westerners never gave a credit in mass media to russian developers. Ask yourself why? -Pigs!

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