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Archive through July 1, 2000

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By C. ( - on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 05:26 pm:
Dear Turk,

>You are too kind to suggest that the creature
>calling himself Antonio, may not be bad after

>After reading this mental fanatics idotic posts.
>I am simply glad that I do not have to come in
>contact with such venemous, hate filled
>creatures like Antonio.

Thank you C. Your slanders contribute to my merit.

>This Antonio creature is remarkably ignorant
>about the faith he professes to follow.

Oh really? And you have studied the teachings of Roman Catholicism as presented by the Church? Or have you only been reading the works of the enemies of the Church?

> The dumb moron probably doesn't even know that
>the concept of the Trinity was INVENTED three
>centuries after the death of Christ.

On what basis do you make this claim? Where is your proof? I suggest you read the Torah, which was written more than 1000 years before Christ's birth. "Let us make man in OUR image." (Genesis 1:26) Now if there were not multiple Persons in God, then did God say the plural "Our" instead of the singular "My", and why would God have spoken at all instead of just directing His words to man narrating a past event saying "I decided to make man in My image"?

> His name was not even Christ, (which derives
>from the Greek for annointed one.)

You prove your ignorance here, as most of the Judeans and Israelites spoke Greek and Aramaic (having been long since Hellenized), and Latin was the official language of the Judean and Samarian province in which the Romans governed and Hebrew was unknown among the masses but was only spoken in the religious rites of the Temple of Jerusalem.

>A true Christian (something that the godless
>bastard Antonio is) would never denigrate the
>faith of others.

You prove your phoniness by presenting yourself as not godless and not a bastard and a true Christian that you would be in a position to judge me, but then saying that a true Christian would not denigrate the faith of others when you denigrate not only me but the very teachings of Christianity - i.e., the Holy Trinity.

Therefore, your attempt to present yourself as a true Christian is laughable. And in fact, Christianity condemns all other religions as false religions.

> Especially, Judiasm or Islam which share the
>same common Abrahamic root as Christianity.

Neither Judaism nor Mohammedanism is rooted in the Faith of Abraham. Judaism is a perversion and an apostasy from the True Faith of Israel and Mohammedanism is the invention of a highway bandit who robbed caravans for a living.

>Like most fanatics, the creaure Antonio would
>probably lacks any kind of education.

It is you who lack any education.

> This creature functions ONLY at an emotional >hate filled level.

If you are so loving yourself then why are you spewing hate and venom at me. Hypocrite!

How funny that some of you phoneys presume to condemn me as unemotional and some condemn me as emotional.

"You are like little children squating in squating in the streets calling out to their playmates: 'We piped you a tune, but you didn't dance! We sang you a dirge, but you didn't wail.' In other words, John the Baptist appeared neither eating nor drinking, and people say, 'He is mad!' The Son of Man appeared eating and drinking, and they say, 'This one is a glutton and a drunkard, a lover of tax collectors and those outside the law!' Yet time will prove where wisdom lies." (Gospel of St. Matthew 11:17-19)

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By IGOR ( - on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 06:48 pm:
>Antonio a old Greek once told me that
>Constantinople will be reclaimed as the center
>of Orthodox faith.Is this mentioned in
>Revelations?Could you please give me links to
>that effect and Revelations in general.Thanks

I'll look into it. For now, I suggest reading City of God, by St. Augustine. He writes that there are two cities - the City of Heaven (the Church), and the city of the earth (or city of hell). Constantinople is a symbol of the City of God, and Istanbul is a symbol of the city of the earth.

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well well well....
things have changed at DMS russ.

had to figure out how to come back as L'menexe,
but i was registered here a long time ago.
you proved my every word.

oppressive fascist fanatic
hiding behind the bible.
presuming to speak for god.
a killer masochist,
condemning assorted other religions and cultures
hanging on his cross.
and LOVING it.

me? atheist?
perhaps more of a taoist
if anything.

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By L'menexe ( - on Tuesday, July 4, 2000 - 01:14 am:
>well well well....
>things have changed at DMS russ.

>had to figure out how to come back as L'menexe,
>but i was registered here a long time ago.
>you proved my every word.

Yeah, I proved your words false.

>oppressive fascist fanatic
>hiding behind the bible.

You yourself need something to hide behind, as your phoniness and maliciousness as well as your lack of intelligence are impossible to conceal.

>presuming to speak for god.

I presume nothing. I tell it like it is. It is you who are presuming that I don't speak for God. What a ridiculous person you are.

>a killer masochist,

it is you Liar'menexe who are a killer, a killer of truth.

>condemning assorted other religions and cultures
>to DEATH.

The Church anathematizes and condemns all error, and all obstinate heretics and those who oppose her teachings. You condemn yourself to to death, and when you are burning in hell, you will be suffer unspeakable torture from the knowledge that you have only yourself to blame.

>hanging on his cross.
>and LOVING it.

To be sure, hanging on the cross is not pleasant, but when one is united through his cross to the Cross of Christ it is cause for joy, for we know that we shall suffer only a little while, and then have great merit toward salvation in Heaven. If it were not so then there would be no meaning to life and the only thing to do then would be to eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.

>me? atheist?
>perhaps more of a taoist
>if anything.

More like a terrorist.
Taoism is garbage, and if you choose to follow it then you make yourself into garbage too.
Hey why don't you ask the Turk what he thinks of Taoism.

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i'm not sure if i _care_ what turk thinks of

and as you are so thoroughly self-ensconsed in
your _sickness_, not much point in doing this
back-and-forth with you. careful you dont get tossed out of
the 'New DMS Order.

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By L'menexe ( - on Tuesday, July 4, 2000 - 04:15 am:
>i'm not sure if i _care_ what turk thinks of

And likewise I don't care what you think about Catholicism.

>and as you are so thoroughly self-ensconsed in
>your _sickness_, not much point in doing this
>back-and-forth with you.

You are right about one thing - there is no point, as you do not present to me any intellectual stimulation and your arguments are of the most pathetic stupidity and lowest mentality. I have occasionally been challenged by sharp-witted clever heretics whose errors required careful study and meditation to figure out their weaknesses or contradictions. Such worthy opponents have provided stimulation and forced me to excercise my mind and push it beyond its limits. But you on the other hand are such stupid idiot with a puffed up sense of pride unworthy of a cowardly weenie and woeful intellectual pygmie like yourself who knows nothing of real manhood that I only responded to your spastic whinings so that you wouldn't pride yourself on thinking that you had somehow intimidated me.

> careful you dont get tossed out of
>the 'New DMS Order.

Are you suggesting that I should be afraid of censorship? So much for your puffery about accepting everyone and everything. The real thing to dread is not getting tossed out of the DMS, but of losing Heaven and being cast into Hell forever. The less you fear it now, the more likely you will go to Hell.

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....and the woeful intellectual pygmy replied:

see, gang, several weeks ago i sent st. antonio a
one-line e-mail via my AOL mail. i dont use my AOL
name here, but it's DASLUD, if you must know.
the one line, axually the subject title, was the
"what a WRETCH you are."
his reply was along the lines of:
"yes, i'm a wretch, but at least i know i'm a
so on saturday, i used the word 'wretch' in
regards to him on the board, and _bingo_!
as if i didnt know he'd most likely figure it out.
so now he thinks he's sherlock holmes.
as far as what i'll accept and what i _won't_
accept, well, i rerserve my most grave intolerance
for the intolerant. absolutely. i am decidedly
_not_ 'accepting' of people who posture and bray
like jackasses.
and it's not _moi_ who is, in effect, killing more
people than the crusades and/or the nazis did, in
the name of the Catholic church.
and people who cower behind the bible while
sentencing a frightening proportion of the rest of
the world to DEATH qualify as 'intolerant'.
don'tcha think?

and you can _hope_ i'm 'lacking in intellect', if
it's any consolation to you.

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Apparently we have to re register to get on this board again.This is .... Mary sent you e-mail before I figured it out.You may reply or disregard.

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PS do not fill in real name unless you want it posted here.I would advise using a hotmail account if you do not want your e-mail being flooded with garbagge from the undesirables.

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The Russian Embassy in Ankara has approached Turkish authorities with a request that they as soon as possible extradite one of the most dangerous leaders of the Daghestani Wahhabites, Magomed Tagayev, detained in Istanbul, Viktor Melnik, first secretary and press attache of the Russian Embassy in Turkey, reported to RIA Novosti by telephone. According to him, the embassy has forwarded notes with the above request to Turkey's Justice and Foreign ministries and the local Interpol bureau.

Tagayev, born in 1945, a native of Ansalta, in the Botlikh district of Daghestan, was apprehended by Turkish authorities in Istanbul last week. Melnik reports that this past April the Wahhabite leader entered Turkey using a counterfeit passport of an Azeri citizen. He is wanted by the Russian General Prosecutor's Office and Interpol for complicity in an armed attack at the Botlikh district and acts of terrorism and sabotage, and for affiliation with militant groups.

RIA Novosti was told by top officials at Daghestan's Interior Ministry that Tagayev, commander of the so-called Rebel Army of Imam Shamil, came to Turkey from Chechnya.

The Russian Embassy is now waiting for an official reply from Turkish authorities, Melnik said.

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Antonio, 2 way radio communication with Azeri government takes a cake for now.

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