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Archive through July 1, 2000

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ivan....that you, igor?

yeah, i had to edit my account so that 'L'menexe'
would be my posting real name kept
showing up as being the poster, which i didn't
want, so i never used that account.

for most of the last year and a half i would put
my e-mail address on posts, and got..._one_
response. i e-mailed people twice; one to the
dreaded barufi, and one to the aforementioned

we'll see who stays, who goes, and who never makes within the 'New DMS Order'.

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L'menexe yes it is Igor.I checked the other boards and they do not have the same BS to get on.I wonder whose great idea it was to mess everything up.

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Under edit user accounts you can change it so your e-mail does not show as you can see by my last 2 or 3 postings.

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any comments on this "1500 russian soldiers killed
in an hour"?
750 killed in half an hour.
375 killed in 15 minutes.
125 killed in 5 minutes.
25 killed per minute.

i am reminded of a post [instantly deleted] from
months ago, which alleged that [allah] dispatched
'1000 warrior fleas' to infest the ears of
[thereby killing] russian soldiers.
i would have to submit that '1500 soldiers killed
in an hour' is about as ridiculous as the tale of
[allah's] 'warrior fleas'
sorry, turk, i didnt make it up.

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I think it was Uzbek that posted that comic book stuff.Anyway I have to go for breakfast at the restaurant back soon.I hope the regulars find their way back and maybe barnswein will make a mistake and put his real e-mail here.

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Come out come out wherever you are.

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L'menexe, looks like neither Chechen nor Russian side will ever share a true number of their losses with the outside world.

It took 15 min, however, for twin car bombs, detonated near US Embassies in Kenia and Tansania,
to kill 257 people and to injure 5,500 others.

Very similar to those 5 bombings in Chechnya a truck bombing of US Marines barracks in Beirut in 1983 killed 243 servicemen in no time.

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By L'menexe ( - on Tuesday, July 4, 2000 - 06:32 am:
>....and the woeful intellectual pygmy replied:

>see, gang, several weeks ago i sent st. antonio
>a one-line e-mail via my AOL mail. i dont use my
>AOL name here, but it's DASLUD, if you must
>know. the one line, axually the subject title,
>was the following: "what a WRETCH you are."
>his reply was along the lines of:
>"yes, i'm a wretch, but at least i know i'm a

When you are not lying, you are telling half truths. My exact response was:

"be that as it may, I am better off than you, for
while I know of my wretchedness, you are blind to yours."

>so on saturday, i used the word 'wretch' in
> regards to him on the board, and _bingo_!
>as if i didnt know he'd most likely figure it
>out. so now he thinks he's sherlock holmes.

You are indeed pathetic. I had already figured it out the minute I received your email.

>as far as what i'll accept and what i _won't_
>accept, well, i rerserve my most grave
>intolerance for the intolerant.

You pathetic hypocrite! If you are "tolerant" then you have to be tolerant of everyone, even if they are not tolerant.

> absolutely. i am decidedly _not_ 'accepting' of
>people who posture and bray like jackasses.

Well then put your money where your mouth is and go kill yourself jackass!

>and it's not _moi_ who is, in effect, killing
>more people than the crusades and/or the nazis
>did, in the name of the Catholic church.
>and people who cower behind the bible while
>sentencing a frightening proportion of the rest
>of the world to DEATH qualify as 'intolerant'.

"Methinks thou dost protest too much." People like you approve of the murder of infants still in their mothers wombs. Every year your agents the abortionists kill 1.5 million babies in the U.S. alone. That means you "tolerant" people have killed already more than 40 million people in abortion chambers since 1973. Who are you to condemn the Catholic Church? Who are you to condemn the Bible? Do you offer the same condemnation of the U.S. regime for dropping nuclear bombs on Japanese cities? Do you condemn the Atheists, Marxists and Liberals who under Stalin murdered 80 million people? Do you condemn the Mohammedans for their atrocites against Spain from the 8th through the 15th century? Do you condemn the Mohammedans for their
aggression against France in the same period? Do you condemn the Jews for murdering an innocent man - i.e. Jesus Christ? How about condemning the Jews for their murder of Christians in Judea up until the time when the Pagan Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D.? How about condemning the Illuminati/Freemasons for all the death they caused in the French and Mexican Revolutions, and for their intolerence toward Catholics and state-imposed atheism! I could go on and on.

You talk about the Nazis. The Nazis weren't agents of the Catholic Church. They didn't promote Catholicism. The Nazis were financed and armed by the Illuminati, which is controlled by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and other Jews.

You are a pathetic weasel Liar'menexe.

>don'tcha think?
>and you can _hope_ i'm 'lacking in intellect',
>if it's any consolation to you.

Actually it is. Because even though intelligent enemies offer mental stimulation and require excerising the brain as well as the body to combat, they also are more dangerous and deadly because of their increased ability to mislead and deceive the more intelligent members of the Church and even its leaders. But low-life pea-brain morons like you are only able to deceive those with lesser intellects. To me you are nothing but an annoying dirty fly that needed swatting.

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Another cake.
If anything certain, it's "the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and other Jews" who got no promotions from nazis.
In 1933, however, Vatican signed a Concordat with Germany making Catholicism the only recognized religion in the 3rd Reich.

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why you people give more credits to the Turk's posting than to Antonio's, they are saing sometimes the same but from the different sides of barier, either don't have a pacific look. Antonio, I have a knowlage of russians and armenians as well, still can't encode "gyote".

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By Mask ( - on Tuesday, July 4, 2000 - 06:02 pm:
>Another cake.
>If anything certain, it's "the Rockefellers and
>Rothschilds and other Jews" who got no
>promotions from nazis.

There were lots of Jews who served the Nazis, as regime officials, soldiers, and capos. Furthermore, the U.S. pilots were ordered to avoid bombing certain city blocks in Dresden because members of the Illuminati were there.

>In 1933, however, Vatican signed a Concordat
>with Germany making Catholicism the only
>recognized religion in the 3rd Reich.

What is the exact text of this alleged concordat?
I know only of am agreement in which the Nazis agreed not to exterminate the Catholic Church as long as the Church did not officially call for the overthrow of the German government. Whatever was signed, the Church signed it under duress at the point of a gun. Everyone knows the Nazis had itchy hair-trigger fingers.

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By alehandro ( - on Wednesday, July 5, 2000 - 12:23 am:
>why you people give more credits to the Turk's
>posting than to Antonio's, they are saing
>sometimes the same but from the different sides
>of barier, either don't have a pacific look.

If you study the teachings of Catholicism and the teachings of Mohammedanism, you will see that they are not the same thing, and they do not worship the same God. Mohamedanism rejects the God revealed by Jesus Christ and believes in a false god whose spokesman is Mohammed.

>Antonio, I have a knowlage of russians and
>armenians as well, still can't encode "gyote".

The word is a street-slang word not found in dictionaries.

Where is your knowledge of Russians and Armenians from? Have you traveled to those countries or just met people from there where you live?

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in regards to st. tony....

i think

'killer mascochist'

is gonna have to sum it up.

[insert haughty dismissals]

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By IGOR ( - on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 06:48 pm:
>Antonio a old Greek once told me that
>Constantinople will be reclaimed as the center
>of Orthodox faith.Is this mentioned in
>Revelations?Could you please give me links to
>that effect and Revelations in general.Thanks

Here is a link on Constantinople:

It is apparent to me that the old Greek who spoke to you was not speaking about any revelations from God. In the Apocalypse of St. John there is nothing to indicate Constantinople being the center of "Orthodox" faith. There are messages to the 7 Roman Catholic Dioceses of Asia minor, however.

The only way Constantinople will be liberated from the Mohammedans is by the Catholic Russians.

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day 1 of the 'New DMS Order' found st. anthony
holding forth, p*ssing in the wind....

and not much else.

what if they gave a russ page
and nobody came?

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