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Archive through July 1, 2000

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alright alright alright, gentlemen!

thank you messrs. conrad and gonzo.

might i ask you, politely, from whence has come
your savagery towards the 'US Regime?'. in terms
of your own personal experience and interaction..

i was just wondering... not fighting.

not with you neether, hm.

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Look at the:

Today the new documental movie "Slave Market" wes introduced in Berlin and London. Ex-hostages tell the story of the slave-trading state of Chechnya

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By L'menexe ( - on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 06:05 pm:
alright alright alright, gentlemen!

thank you messrs. conrad and gonzo.

might i ask you, politely, from whence has come
your savagery towards the 'US Regime?'. in terms
of your own personal experience and interaction..

Just one more repressive regime. I don't have anything in particular against it that couldn't be said of any other cowardly brutal bloodthirsty megalomaniac empire throughout the course of history, but I spoke out in response to its glorification by the resident lap-dogs on the board who seem to think the US regime is so great for some reason or another. It is simply hypocrisy to say that the US is better because everyone else is worse.

My own personal experience and interaction is irrelevant. It is principles that are important.

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But what about BinLadin? What about Khattab? Basayev? Oh, my bad, they are not terrorists. That's right. They are just modest Traffic Coordinators. Of Drugs. In Europe.

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U.S. apologizes in Japan molest case

Okinawans call for reimposition of curfew for American G.I.'s

Associated Press

NAHA, Japan, July 6 — The commander of U.S. Marines in Okinawa expressed his regrets to the island’s top officials Thursday over an American serviceman who allegedly entered a home and fondled a 14-year-old girl as she slept.



THE 19-YEAR-old Marine lance corporal remained in a Japanese jail in a case that has generated anger in Okinawa ahead of a summit that President Clinton is due to attend this month with leaders of the Group of Eight leading industrialized nations.
The Marine was arrested early Monday after he allegedly entered an unlocked apartment in Okinawa City and crept into the bed of the junior high school student. Her mother, awakened by her screams, allegedly found the drunken, half-naked Marine on top of the girl, kissing and fondling her.

The woman took her daughter from the room and called police, who reported finding the Marine asleep in the girl’s bed. The Marine’s name was withheld by police because of his age.

On Monday, police charged the Marine with indecency and unlawful entry. If convicted, he could face up to seven years in prison. The Naha District Prosecutor’s Office is considering whether to indict him.

Police in Okinawa urged the U.S. military to reimpose a late-night curfew barring U.S. servicemen from Okinawa City’s entertainment district that was lifted in October. The 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. curfew had been imposed after three servicemen were convicted of raping a 12-year-old girl in 1995 on the island, 1,000 miles southwest of Tokyo. That crime sparked widespread demonstrations against the U.S. bases there.

On Thursday, the Marine commander in Okinawa met with the area’s top two elected officials and “expressed his regret” about the latest problem.

Lt. Gen. Earl B. Hailston also said he ordered his officers to reinforce the standards of conduct required when Marines are off duty, including rules meant to prevent excessive drinking.

Hailston met separately with Okinawa Gov. Keiichi Inamine and Deputy Gov. Hideo Ishikawa, who both protested the alleged attack on the girl, said a Marine spokesman, Capt. J.M. Plenzler.

About 47,000 U.S. military service people are stationed in Japan, nearly two-thirds of them in Okinawa.

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By Gonzo ( - on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 05:36 pm:
Oh THX one more difference between the North Korean and US "Regimes" as you put it. In the US we will overthorw our "regime" in November. It is called an ellection.

You are very much out of touch with reality and a victim of brainwashing. Elections do not result in the overthrow of any regime, because it is the regime that holds the elections. The mere exchange of constituent parties between the position of "minority" and "majority" only gives one party a greater measure of power than the others within the regime, but they are all still parties to the regime under the umbrella of the regime, whether "Democrat", "Republican", "Independent", "Libertarian" etc. As proof, ask yourself what the various political parties would do if there were no US Constitution, no White House, no Congress, no Supreme Court etc. Then the existence of those political parties would be irrelevant, now wouldn't it? They need a vehicle on which to operate, but their own ideologies limit them to participation in and subscription to the gas-guzzling environment-polluting, oil-spilling, pedestrian-crushing US regime. The drivers and the vehicle are one with each other. When the regime stages elections, all it is doing is choosing who gets to drive and who will sit in the passenger seat. And by the way, the legal definition of passenger is a paying customer.

After the US elections nothing will change. The US laws will be the same and the regime organs and structures will remain intact, and it will still command the same military forces which believe in its ideology.

A real change of regime, is one where a particular class of people who do not subscribe to the ruling regime and are not in any way a part of it, wrest power from it. This can happen in one of three ways. Either the ruling regime surrenders without a fight, or it surrenders after a fight, or it is utterly destroyed after fighting to the death.

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Jake Bernstein has an attraction to IGOR, dont distub, let him rich the affection.

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Antonio, I dont think your classification of armenians is quite accurate. For my knowlege some of them out of homeland doesn't appreciate armenians who lives in Armenia. I know russians better than you, that's why will never totally idealize them.
I'm not armenian, like you are not russian, and HairyMary not a jew.
ps. "Ku mery k'hunem" I can translate into russian, georgian and azery.

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By alehandro ( - on Friday, July 7, 2000 - 01:11 am:
>Antonio, I dont think your classification of
>armenians is quite accurate. For my knowlege
>some of them out of homeland doesn't appreciate
>armenians who lives in Armenia.

That is partially true to some extent, but is of no relevance.

> I know russians better than you, that's why
>will never totally idealize them.

You may indeed. Are you Russian? I only was in Moscow for 2 weeks and Odessa for 2 weeks and I fought in the same platoon alongside about 20 Russians for several months until I transfered to the NKR army.

>I'm not armenian, like you are not russian, and
>HairyMary not a jew.

So are you a Russian?

>ps. "Ku mery k'hunem" I can translate into
>russian, georgian and azery.

Miyayn chmdadzes ayt aneloo eem morus. How well do you know Vratseren and Turkeren?

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By Dimitri ( - on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 05:23 pm:

>LOL. Yeap, I know what you mean. Antonio took a
>liberty to speak for all of us Russkies, when in
>fact only so few actually know anything in

I never claimed to speak for the Rooskies at all. As for the Armenians I can only tell what I know. Are you really Russian, or are you a Jew?


>you seem to know a lot about Armenians, which I
>don't doubt, but I think you're incorrect about
>1 thing - I trully don't think Armenians from
>Armenia hate Jews.

I myself was amazed at how strongly the Armenians in Armenia despise the Jews and recognize the Perfidious Jews for the global conspirators they are.

> At least Armenians that I knew (about half a
>dozen form Kirovokan and a couple from Erevan).

I have no doubt that there may be some Armenians here and there who don't despise the Jews. I lived in Yerevan and Stepanagerd for 18 months and got a pretty good idea from the inside.

>And WHY the heck should they - Armenians are the
>only other nation in the world whose percentage
>ratio of lost human lives throughout the history
>could match the Jewish one.

That is not true. The Armenians really have lost millions to Turkish butchery. The Jews only lost about 1 million to Hitler. 1 million out of 17 million Jews in the world at that time is a much lower percentage than the 2 million Armenians out of 2.5 million that lived in Turkish-occupied western Armenia in 1915.

> That is if you do not take the Gypsies into the
>account. Mutual sufferings usually unite souls
>and do not fill them with hatred as you claim.

The Jews have inflicted most of the suffering.
And most Armenians are aware that Vladimir Lenin's mother was a Jew and his father was a Turk. The Armenians also are aware that Enver Pasha, Taalat Bey, and Jamal Pasha were ethnic Jews and that it was the Jews that directed the Turks and Kurds to murder the Armenians. The Armenians are also aware of the Israeli support of Azerbaijan during the Nagorno Karabakh war.

>As for Lebanese, well..SOME (not all) have a
>tooth against Israelis (due to a local conflict)
>and NOT towards the Jews of theb World. That
>would be a Palestinian department

Don't be fooled. It's only the Americans who haven't yet seen the Jews for what they are. The rest of the world is not fooled. Certainly not the Russians. Even the people in Odessa warned me to be careful of all the Jews there. I just met an Armenian man the other day who told me that Odessa is a Jewish city!

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By Conrad WB ( - on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 05:24 pm:

>I have read many posts here, many good, many
>bad. I have no problem with difference of
>opinion. Thats what makes the world interesting.
>What really irks me though are the posts by the
>two resident DMS clowns: namely, Antonio and
>Jake B. One claims to be a rabid catholic, the
>other some kind of loony Jew (with a sword!).

Jake Bernstein is a typical Jew. At least he doesn't try to cover it up. Anyone who reads the Talmud will see that Jake B. is a moderate mainstream Jew. What is really pathetic is not Jake Bernstein, but those Jews who pretend to be "tolerant" and accepting of non-Jews, when in their hearts they feel just as Jake B. does. Let 'em all have Hitler. They deserve it. But save Jake B so that future generations can see what Jews are all about (read the Talmud too, before you burn it).

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Separatist Fund-Raising Operation In Full Swing 07/06/2000

July 6, 2000, Thursday

Rossiiskaya Gazeta, July 6, 2000, p. 1

The Chechen information center Nakhchi is raising funds for illegal armed formations. Sources in the Russian Defense Ministry say that the center is an element of the Caucasus information center, which is also located in Tbilisi and regularly updates its extremist website.

Nakhchi provides all sympathizers with details of bank accounts in the United States and Georgia, to which they are asked to transfer money. Telephone numbers in Tbilisi are also given for those who want to financially assist the "fighters for free Ichkeria".

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HA HA HA HA You made me laugh big today. Inferior sex, is that how females are treated in you fami, strike that, tribes household? I have no household chores for I hired this cleaning company to handle these duties for me. Oh for your edification the 2 people that come to my home to clean weekly are Jewish. Nice people I might add not like a certain slimmy sword swollowing idiot that shall remain nameless. The same 2 have been cleaning my home for the past 3 years and every Christmas I give them a lovely CHRISTMAS PRESENT which they very much look forward to receiving. Yes Christmas, you know that wonderfull Christian Holiday that falls on 25 December.

Where do you come off telling me to mind my business schmultz for brains. I'm longing for the day when IGOR grinds you up into Gefilter fish.. As for those reciepes, yuk, you people eat some nasty sh!t.

Again thanks for the laughs, now go tend to your barnyard animals. Whose turn is today the hog?

As an afterthought, without aid and support from the US wonder what Israel would be like today.

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Prosecutors Explain Charges Against Head of Media-Most Holding

MOSCOW, Jul 7, 2000 -- (BBC Monitoring) Russian Deputy Prosecutor-General Vladimir Kolmogorov has sent an official letter to the chairman of the State Duma security committee, Aleksandr Gurov, outlining the criminal case against Vladimir Gusinskiy, chief executive of the Media-Most holding company.

"Gusinskiy's criminal activities directed at taking over federal property have been proven by objective evidence such as witness reports, documents, expert analysis and other materials in this case," says the letter, copies of which were distributed to State Duma deputies on Friday [7th July].

"The investigating team has evidence that Vladimir Gusinskiy, director of the Most Group company, was involved in the fraudulent acquisition of ownership rights to the 11th TV channel, which was a structural unit in the federal state-owned enterprise Russkoye Video," the letter reads.

The evidence shows that, "acting in criminal conspiracy", Gusinskiy and Russkoye Video head Dmitriy Rozhdestvenskiy (who himself was earlier brought to justice) "initiated in 1996 the setting up of several legal entities and entry into existing ones", it reads.

The Prosecutor-General's Office "has evidence at its disposal suggesting that Vladimir Gusinskiy obtained in commercial banks, notably those that he controlled, loans against shares in organizations and enterprises of which he is the chief executive or founder, and deposited the funds into the accounts of other organizations in Russia and abroad", the letter reads

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Kosovo: From Difficult to Impossible
2246 GMT, 000706
Angry over security concessions that the United Nations has granted to ethnic Serbs, Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian leader, Hashim Thaci, has temporarily withdrawn from Kosovo’s interim civilian government.

The most powerful Albanian figure in Kosovo, Thaci is openly challenging the United Nations for control. He is setting up a confrontation in which he is likely to prevail, forcing the international community to reverse its agreement with the Serbs, proving that he – and not the U.N. – is the true power in Kosovo. There are broader signs of rebellion, too; international forces recently seized 70 tons of weapons, over the protests of ethnic Albanians.

Even before the war, which ended one year ago last month, the Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian leadership and the international community have pursued distinctly separate goals. The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) – its political wing led by Thaci – waged a war for independence; NATO and later the United Nations have pursued a peaceful multi-ethnic co-existence, short of independence. And the province’s Serb population has increasingly grown to believe that the international community favors the ethnic Albanian community.

Several facts appear to prove the Serb population right: NATO stood by while Serbs fled, the alliance accepted a local administration dominated by Thaci, and the ranks of the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) have been filled with members of the officially disbanded KLA. Unsurprisingly, Serbs have largely boycotted the Interim Administrative Council (IAC), the civilian governmental authority set up by the United Nations.

With the Serbs in protest, the director of the U.N. administration, Bernard Kouchner, arranged a deal which would have granted Serbs additional protection, partly with the help of a Serb security force. In exchange, Serb representatives would participate in the interim government. This infuriated Thaci, who suspended his own cooperation with the IAC; the existence of a Serb police force in Serb-majority regions of Kosovo could trigger a de facto split of the territory.

More importantly, Kouchner’s deal indicates that NATO and the United Nations are finally thinking like the locals – understanding that the Albanians and Serbs simply don’t trust each other. This dawning realization threatens Thaci, since he’s done quite well manipulating NATO and the United Nations. Still, neither is adept at playing the Balkan game.

With the KPC in his pocket, Thaci does not have to do much to put a casualty-averse NATO in an intolerable position. Already, anti-KFOR protests are erupting among Kosovar Albanians. On June 28, 1,000 Kosovo Albanians protested against the KFOR seizure of a 70 ton KLA weapons cache, anti-tank rockets, mortars, grenades and machine guns. According to Agence France Presse, protestors shouted a slogan unthinkable a year ago, when peacekeepers first entered: “KFOR out of Kosovo!”

The United Nation’s already difficult position is getting invariably worse. By withdrawing his participation from the local government, Thaci is showing he has the ability – and will – to sabotage the entire U.N. operation. The United Nations will ultimately find it next to impossible to govern the province until Thaci and his party again pledge their support.

But Thaci’s boycott unearths a more serious threat. If Thaci withdraws his military, as well as political support, the international operation stops being difficult and starts being impossible. As a result, the United Nations will probably give in to Thaci. A spokesman for Kouchner has reportedly made conciliatory statements, denying any desire to partition Kosovo or let the Serb “neighborhood watch” – as it is called – wear uniforms or carry weapons. The next step will be dismantling of the security improvements the United Nations has managed to give the Serbs.

Thaci now appears to have all of the cards. Now it’s just a matter of finding the proper semantics to hide the fact that Thaci is in control, not the United Nations, and to save Western face. The protests in Mitrovica in February demonstrated that Thaci could force the United Nations to be explicitly pro-Albanian.

Now, in threatening to destroy the interim government, Thaci is driving the point home. He is making it abundantly clear that there can be a U.N. operation without the Serbs – but not without Thaci. When events play themselves out, he will be one step closer to his original goal: an ethnic Albanian state.

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