Starting to go into withdrawel i.e., shakes, cold sweats, etc, from not going after you know who. But a promise is a promise. Ummm, wonder if the High Lord Hashish can send me over some of his good fixer up stuff to help carry me through this most trying time?
Oh well, another weekend. What's a poor little, timid lady to do? I know, I'll take a nice quite drive in my dump truck to the countryside for a picnic. Anyone care to join me?
>>>By IGOR ( - on Friday, June 30, 2000 - 09:39 am:
... so we know from experience what these Chechens are all about.I also have Serb friends who were over there and told me first hand about the kidnappings in murders in Kosovo. .... Both the wars are totally justified and the struggle will continue until these people will respect law and order.>>>
It is easy for you to talk about law and order from the comfort of Canada. Yesterday on news I heard she was found to be the best country in terms of welfare she provides. So you can buy your vodka, and have a roof over your head without ever working. However in these two countries, there is no welfare, and no civilised law-abiding government structure. What they have, in both cases, a despotic regime, hell-bent to smash these people of different ethic origin who also happened to be from a different religion.
Western countries more than 50 years ago learned imperialism imposed on others using brute force does not work. Russia will also learn. Until such time people will fight to fend off these criminals out of their lands and gain their independence. Law and order then will become their problem, not of filthy Russian and Serbian armies which kill and rape with impunity. So much on law and order! However your hypocracy no longer amazes me.
twas nothing there intended as an insult.
what exactly _is_ your problem?
aside from your belaboring >>stupid old books<<
and castigating others for not following suit.
in that respect you can get in line w/the other
rhetoric-dependent-types like bacon, ber-steen,
antonio, ad nauseum.
No Turk we will throw out FILTHY MUSLIMS.
Until such time people will fight to fend off these criminals out of their lands and gain their independence
This statement says it all.In other words the countries belongs to Russia and Serbia respectivly.The fights are not against people but terrorists.TAKE OFF THE BLINDERS, your opinion is in the minority.
By the way Turk I do not drink at all since the stuff tastes absolutly terrible.Just so you know.
>>>By Dimitri ( - on Friday, June 30, 2000 - 06:10 pm:
...It's just pollish extremists who constantly try to 'bite the Russian leg' so to speak, that annoy me. Don't get me wrong, I don't enjoy a company of extremists of any kind, whether they are of a Russian, Polish, Afgan origin and so forth [don't mix 'extremist' with 'nationalist']
As far as Baltic people..that's a bit diffirent. I've been to Vilnus and espesially Riga on numerous occasions and I've had bad experiences with Baltic people being hateful, mean, and backstubbing towards my Russian friends. On a few occasions I was even involved. It's like they letting their anger towards Russian government on just ordinary Russian people who happen to lieve in Baltic there not by choice, but because Joe Stalin wanted so. It is low, it is just mean and •••••• up what they do. >>>>
Nothing demonstrates better your self-centredness than above. Obviously empathy is not your cup of coffee. How does it feel to be on the receiving end?
You people of Russian origin need to learn first to be civilised. Nationalism is a form of extremism, and you are not even aware of that! Maybe a few generation of absorbing western values will teach your off-springs what sort of evil Nationalism is.
Charity starts at home. The world will be better place if you can start treating minorities better in your own "beloved" Russia first. Why do you think everyone hates Russia? Did you ever tried to look history from the other people point of view, just try to understand?
IGOR Thought you went off to Toronto?
>>>By FredLeDingue ( - on Friday, June 30, 2000 - 08:59 pm:
"The poor little albanians want KFOR out."
To my mind, Nato came to Kosovo to prevent islamists to control or influence the KLA.
I think that was the main reason.
The mujihadeen just started to understand that and now are shaking the shi't to push the Kfor out. >>>
You are spot on, I think. Just look at Bosnia to see the similarity. When mujahideen from all over the world started to come to fight with Bosnians, and when the Islam started to take a hold in Bosnian hearts and minds, and when battle started to turn in favor of mujahideen, NATO intervened.
If you look all over the world where UN has intervened, there is not a single success story. They only brought with them drugs, prostitution, and AIDS. A lot of people in NATO and UN really care about what happened to these people and want to help, but on organisational level UN is too inefficient to make slightest difference in these countries.
Anyway I said enough for today.
>>>By IGOR ( - on Saturday, July 1, 2000 - 08:59 am:
By the way Turk I do not drink at all since the stuff tastes absolutly terrible.Just so you know.>>>
I am really happy for you if you are not joking. Whatever the reason you are doing the right thing. Have a nice weekend.
Yeah Mary I came back last night.It was a very interesting day and evening.I had to get pirate cards for satellite updated,now I can watch it for free.After I met the most amazing Russian girl...............Also went ot visit my sister and nephew.She will send him to kindergarden when he is 3 at a cost of 7500 a year.She has plans for this boy,finishing school in Switzerland.
>>>Anyway I said enough for today.
>>>You quite often are sensible (except while making mischief), but it is clear that you have no idea about the people of Islamic faith. If you had, you would not use the name of our creator in such a sentence.
It's FUNNY that Belly Dancing DUMBFucked Turka should talk about "civilized". As far as I know he whipes his ass with fingers. HAIRY(?) MARY, my good stuff is on the way, via AFGHANI AIR.