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Archive through July 1, 2000

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Mask, thank's. Actually I can recognize known ethnic traits in a very small propotions and with a Jake it was just a joke. And fogetting about Adam and Eva for a moment I thout that Arian and Iran the relative names of tribe which broke up on two parts, one moved from what now Kasachstan area to South Iran and India and the other to the west and mixed with scandinavian tribes. And Jew is a part of wide spreaded semitic populations with homeland from Egipt to Iran and to north as far as Ghechia.

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"By Delenn ( - on Saturday, July 8, 2000 - 11:32 am:
Yep, the space defence "shield" blew intestinal gases. E-e-e-h-h, what was the price tag? "

Republicans are playing "Star War" again to show off before the elections. Under Reagan, they tested some laser guns. The experiments was an utter waste of money and from scientists minds, impossible to bring any result, even absurd.
The actual project is no more realistic.

Republicans started the Gulf War and later on urged Clinton to undertake total war in Kosovo.
Republicans wanted to send troops to fight in Kosovo.

Whith the "Star War" project, they not only waste huge amounts of money but also undermine Clinton cooperative policy toward Russia and put the out of time cold war on the rails again.

Republicans are very old hawkish racist and militarist and nationalist and ultra capitalist who lives in the past and feel good only with army power.

If George Bush Jnr is elected, it will be a disaster fore the US and the world. Both unemployement and military expenses will be rocketed to theyr highest level in 30 years from theyr lowest level in 30 years under Clinton administration.

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MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian officials said on Saturday the failed test of a U.S. National Missile Defense (NMD) system showed that the creation of the anti-missile shield was illogical and technically impossible.

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Thanks, Fred.
But Your
Republicans are very old hawkish racist and militarist and nationalist and ultra capitalist who lives in the past and feel good only with army power.
can damage Turk's vision of the "values".
Careful, please.:o))

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I see that after a long respite from her mediocre job, that crafty little Jewess, Kissie has returned.

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"...with army power.
can damage Turk's vision of the "values".
Careful, please.:o)) "

What do you mean? Did I use too strong words?

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"I'll be your straight man." Bill Clinton, on his willingness to appear in ads with former presidential foe Bob Dole.

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"The church has tried everything to improve relations with the Jews. But they don't forgive us the slightest thing." Vatican official Msgr. Carlos Liberati, on Jewish opposition to the scheduled beatification of Pius IX, the 19th century pope who abducted a 6-year-old from his Jewish parents and raised him in Rome as a Catholic.


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it's allright:o)
I was referencing the previous post of said person.

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I see that after a long respite from her mediocre job, that crafty little Jewess, ...
* You're dazzled by the shining nimbus above my head.
Add "Your Majesty, Delenn", and, maybe, I'll forgive You, Conrad the Schlimazl.

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The West's anti-Russia hysteria over the alleged violation of human rights in Chechnya is being whipped up in pursuit of one's selfish economic and geopolitical interests and in defiance of the fact that this criminal enclave of a republic is an integral part of the Russian Federation.

The North Caucasus is a strategic target for many countries, including the USA, some European nations, Turkey, Iran and Arab states, an instrument for reaching different objectives. For instance, the zealous Islamists from Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Middle East that are active in supplying Chechen separatists with money, arms and mercenaries, aspire to spread fundamentalism in the territory of Russia.

Unstable and independent Chechnya would be to the liking of those who are seeking a weak Russia keeping aloof from European and global problems. These are above all the USA and NATO resenting Russia as a very powerful military state.

On the one hand, official Washington can't give an open backing to Chechen extremists but on the other, its ambition to oust Russia from the North Caucasus is too strong. Western strategists have already calculated that independent Chechnya would be able to bring pressure to bear upon neighbouring Daghestan, which was attacked by Chechen fighters last August and which provides access to the Caspian Sea, its oil being longed for by many, including the USA.

Following the breakup of the Soviet Union, major American oil companies were quick to lay their hands on Caspian oil prospecting and transportation to the West. They would be happy to direct all the Caspian oil stream around Russia via Georgia to the Turkish port of Ceyhan and the decision on the construction of this kind of a pipe has already been adopted. In this orbit, task No.1 now is to undermine the uninterrupted functioning of the conduit crossing Chechnya and connecting Baku and Novorossiysk, a Russian port on the Black Sea. So, the conflict-stricken Chechnya under the sway of extremists who can be exploited to paralyse the work of the pipe-line is what the West can only dream for. It was already the case when oil stealing by Chechen fighters caused Moscow to suspend the work of the conduit. This plays into the hands of the Americans and OPEC fuel exporters who do not favour seeing Caspian oil on the world markets.

The federal military operation designed to uproot Chechen terrorism has delivered a major blow at these plans. All the leading gangs have been routed and new bodies of civil authority installed; there are facilities to ensure uninterrupted work of the Baku-Novorossiysk pipe-line again.

Life has proved that plans to isolate Russia from Transcaucasia is delusion to which some Western and other strategists are still clinging. As to the economic interests of trans-Caucasian republics, their leaders have declared more than once that they call for close cooperation with Moscow. The sooner the West realises this, the quicker the situation in the Caucasus will come to normal

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Alehandro, terms Aryan, Semitic, etc., have little to do with ethnicity. It's just a language classification. As far as I know, the origin of Aryan languages (with Sanskrit as the closest to the original one) is Northern India. It's even called often Indo-European family of languages.

How Kazakhstan is involved I have no slightest idea. I'm getting an impression that, despite being aware of writings of your compatriot Helen Blavatsky, I have not yet heard the most bizarre ethnic theories.

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Fred, actually the system that was allegedly total waste of money is protecting U.S. aircraft carriers and fleet with the technology very similar to tested yesterday. Last year, American-Israeli laser was successfully tested on battlefield rockets. If you ask me I'd say that abandoning outdated ABM Treaty and deployment of anti-ballistic missile defense are inevitable as well as computerization of the battlefield. And I never saw or participated in the project that was able to avoid unsuccessful tests altogether.

Russia claims that this kind technology is not currently available (or fatally flawed) and U.S. claim that this technology would not undermine the credibility of the Russian nuclear response as a political tool. I think they both know that the opposite is true. Though, I doubt that the deployment will go beyond the needs to keep smaller folks away.

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Mask. I was wrong about original settlement of aryan people, -not the Kazakhstan but south of Tadzikistan, where Hitler made reserch and mesure sculps of ancient people. At thouse time languages followed the people not vice versa. I'm not familiar with a writings of H.Blavatsky, but history book tells that tribe of aryans was located at Tibet, from where they conquare India and Iran, wich probably got that name later, and moved to the west. All relative Indo-European lanquages got name aryan in 18 century, original Hittite and Sanscrite was dead by then.
I wonder why the same book say that not all Jews are semites?

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I see, Alehandro, my initial impression did not betray me.

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