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Archive through July 1, 2000

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pardon me?

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Cheers, rogazzo...!

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if i knew you prior to the 'NDMSO' i dont
recognize you now.
you say:
="you are not reading jake's posts but..."=
i dont know what you're saying.
sure i read 'em.
me and ber-STEEEN go a _long_ way back. he knows fact a squad of sephardic assassins may
still be looking for me in russia, heh, because he
sentenced me to _death_ last winter.
no. if you're saying turner _was_ barufi, i'll
attempt to respectfully but absolutey disagree.
you say:
=" how many sec will it take to remember other
names who has kept your side before?"=

i'm not sure; i dont know who _you_ are.
who have i "failed to remember?"

i tried to show others, step by step, how to get
their names back [like i did] but it didnt work
for them the way it did for me

i should have recognized bacon more quickly; i
believe he had used that name here, pre-Bacon.

huh...maybe we can get some of those cheesy
convention-style name tags: HI! I'M...etc"
but i still dont know what you were trying to say.

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It,s allright L'menexe. Barufi was not real cretin, just played the character and had sort of pleasure. When I don,t recognize the style I check the #, wich normaly the same or in 2-3 variations. Forget about it, or you may ask somebody else, it's details. I see Bernstine has complete muscle distrofy to rase his sword or weapon fully rusted, from lust winter sentence not fulfiled. Igor also antisipate to meet this "sephardic" bailiff, he has some cleaning job to him in backyard.
As I say, cheers!

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"By Mask ( - on Saturday, July 8, 2000 - 11:07 pm:
Fred, actually the system that was allegedly total waste of money is protecting U.S. aircraft carriers and fleet with the technology very similar to tested yesterday. Last year, American-Israeli laser was successfully tested on battlefield rockets."

That's fine. But I was talking about a test on a satelized defense against ICBMs, not post-Patriot battlefield device.
I'm sorry to have so few information or reference to this experiment. I red about that a long time ago.

By L'menexe ( - on Sunday, July 9, 2000 - 03:29 am:
we both throw beer bottles at each other from 50 yards away.
you go first.
then i'll throw my beer bottle
at your beer bottle
and cross my fingers."

That's exactely what the "patriots" tried to do in the Gulf War. But now the distances are 10 times bigers.
"we both throw beer bottles at each other from 500 yards away." UUUUUUH!!!

"The North Caucasus is a strategic target for many countries, including the USA"
By IVAN Grozny ( - on Saturday, July 8, 2000 - 06:36 pm

Plausible. But I wonder what is the part of imagination in this. Sure, they would love to take it but I'm not sure they are involved in Chechenya, at least for the moment.
BTW (or BTGOHMH)what country in the world is not a strategic target for the US?
To DMS' Muslims
To type faster use BTGOHMH in each sentence for: By The Grace Of Hallah Most High

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Alehandro, actually, my joke about not betrayed expectations was referring to your info on Hitler "sculping" ancient people in Tadzhikistan like some sort of Mohegan Chief.

Regarding sources, take a pick, given your definition of Vedas as non-religious, anything goes. And before you blast me out of water on Aryan issue, let me reiterate again - it's merely a language classification and Sanskrit is the oldest known in the family. Historic interpretations differ from source to source, Brittanica, for instance, unlike Columbia, puts origin of European languages in Southwest Asia. And unlike Columbia, it does not deprive Germans of Indo-European heritage. Generally, if you want to discuss "aryan" in terms of race or ethnicity, you are very welcome, but not with me (hopefully I'm out of now).

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What can we expect from Jews? A pounding, never-ending mental problem for Antonio. Nothing less.

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st. tony.

may you choke on your hubris, you disgusting
excuse for a human being.
i will do what i can to get you thrown off of this
if it doesnt work,
it wasnt for my lack of trying.

dont keep 'god' waiting.

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sorry, you were mistaken.
i read those numbers too.

i'm also a bit of a student of language.
with editorial and proofreading experience.
turner was turner.
barufi was barufi.(and, briefly, a couple others)

believe what you want.
i wont discuss this further.

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By Dimitri ( - on Friday, July 7, 2000 - 03:45 pm:
>>By Antonio ( - on Friday, July
>>7, 2000 - 03:55 am:
>>"""That is not true. The Armenians really have
>>lost millions to Turkish butchery. The Jews
>>only lost about 1 million to Hitler. """

>Source? Otherwise I will consider this as a bold

The World Almanac in 1947 quoted the American Jewish Committee as estimating the world Jewish population in 1939 at about 15.5 million. In 1948, the New York Times (Jew-owned) said that the world Jew population was between 15.7 million and 18.6 million. So do the math.

15.5 million Jews in 1939
- 6.0 million Jews allegedly killed by Hitler

15.7 million Jews in 1948
(or make it 18.6 million)

That would mean that 9.5 million Jews were left to produce 6.2 million (or 9.1 million) additional Jews from 1939 to 1948 without any of them dying off themselves. Considering the percentage of the population which is female is 50 percent (4.75 million), and of the female population (assuming an even distribution in age) that would mean that the maximum number of Jewish females between the ages of 18 and 45 available to produce babies would be approximately 2 million
so 2 million Jewish women (assuming they are all healthy and able to give birth) would have to produce 6.2 to 9.1 million Jews between 1939 and 1948, about a 10 year period. And that is with no deaths in the existing Jewish population due to old age or disease or violence etc. That would be a 67 percent population growth rate every ten years, and at that rate, the Jewish population would grow from 15.7 million in 1948 to 25 million in 1958, 33 million in 1968, 44 million in 1978, 60 million in 1988, and 80 million in 1998. Are there currently 80 million Jews in the world? If there are not, then the 6 million figure allegedly murdered by Hitler is a hoax. The Hoaxacaust.

So it is no surprise that even many Jews admit that the "Holocaust" is a hoax. Aufbrau, a Jewish weekly in New York, 24 Dec. 1948, descibed the whole "six million" story as a pure fabrication.

> ALSO, the Jews lost a lot to Stalin. ALSO the
>Jews suffered during Russian Civil War of 1919-
>1921 when Red Army, White Army and numerous
>gangs were killing Jews left and right.

Whatever punishment the Jews got, it was well-deserved. It was their wickedness coming back on them. You are calling the Russians murderers. In reality, the Russians were probably defending themselves against the perfidious Jew bandits.

> I suggest for you to look up the word "Pogrom"
>and read a bit, see what it's all about.

Whatever "pogroms" there were, the Jews brought it all down on themselves.

> But of course you already know alll about it.
>And if you do then of course you already know
>that Soviets and post-Tzars Army killed at the
>very least a good half a million of Jews during
>those times.

At least they were smart enough then to rid themselves of the Jews. I myself would never advocate extermination of the Jews, but just expulsion or taking the kids away from the parents so that they could be raised as Christians and their souls saved from eternal damnation in Hell, the natural destiny for all mankind.

>You say that Hitler got subsidized by wealthy
>Jews. True to the certain extent (your usual, I
>suppose): Jews did not help him (be very careful
>when you accuse the whole nation), Hitler used
>only few certain very wealthy Jewish individuals
>(Rotchilds, as you wish to call'em, LOL) to get
>the money for his Party.

All the Jews, down to the poorest, follow their leaders and rise with the yeast of the Pharisees.

>Yes, those were not the best examples of Jews,
>but every nation has flaws, just like yours.

Jews are the prime cause of flaws in nations, because the Jews have fought against and subverted the Church, which is the only influence which can remake humanity into something good.

> Or mine. Maybe you want me to spell out why
>those certain few hepled Hitler? It'd be my
>pleasure: el numero uno)fear that Hitler will
>destroy their lives (cowards, right? LOL) Not.
>El numero dos)Hitler assured he wouldn't touch
>them, nor their families., nor their businesses.
>Some of them sure were cowards, but once again,
>we are talking about individuals and unlike you
>I am not speaking for the whole nation. Dixi.

The real reason is that the Jews knew that Hitler was not a Catholic, but an apostate and an occultist who worshipped a prostitute-goddess.
The Jews had hoped, and their hopes were realized, that Hitler would savagely persecute the Catholic Church.

>>"""I have no doubt that there may be some
>>Armenians here and there who don't despise the

>Watta coincedence, all couple of dozens of
>Armenians that I know happen not to have any
>hatred against the Jews!

The only Armenians I know who don't despise the Jews are all living under U.S. occupation. A couple of exceptions are one girl I met in Yerevan who was part Jewish and a few people from Armenia living in LA. For the most part, the Armenians aren't fooled by the Jews.

>>"""I lived in Yerevan and Stepanagerd for 18
>>months and got a pretty good idea from the
>>inside. """

>And I am sorry, but when you say you lived in
>Armenia for 18 months, which I believe of
>course, how exactly did you get such a good
>knowledge of Armenians hating Jews. What did you
> do - came to every Ara and asked him: "now, do
>you hate Jews or what?". And of course every
>single Ara responded" Oh yes, I sure do!".

As a matter of fact, I often found myself surrounded by crowds of people wanting to know what I thought about varius topics. The interesting thing was the questions were all the same and in the same order no matter what part of the country I went, demonstrating the homogeneity of the Armenian mind. Same went for the Russians. Again, don't flatter yourself Jew - you're no Russian.

> No
>offence, but I really find your position on this

The joke's on you.

> That is unless your agenda at that
>time was to do a 18-month survey on how do
>Armenians feel about the Jews. If that is the >case, I'm a believer. But we both know it is >not.

Believe what you will.

>>"""And most Armenians are aware that Vladimir
>>Lenin's mother was a Jew and his father was a
>>Turk. """

>In your own words, that is not true. You're

Oh, so you are going to try to deny it now will you? Of course, whenever some infamous Jew gets exposed you Jews dey he is a Jew.

> What's next you're going to tell me that I am
>Turk? LOL.

Kazars were Turks who converted to Judaism. So you have exposed yourself yet again, Jew.

> I don't have my exact info at work, but I
>guarantee you that on Monday I will bring the
>detailed info with a sourse on what nationality
>his parents were. From what I remember for sure
>though, his father, Ilya Alexandrovich was half
>Kazakh or Tatar, half Russionized Jew.

Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Tatars etc. are Turks, by any other name.

> His father, Lenin's Grandpops, a Jew, converted
>to Orthodox from Judism for financial and
>recognition reasons and took an Orthodox name -

So his conversion was insincere then?

> Lenin's mom comes from Swedish(German?)-Jewish

Youy are downright hilarious! You try to pretend Lenin wasn't a Jew and then you shoot yourself in the foot presenting all this evidence that he was a Jew, from which you attempt to draw the ridiculous conclusion that he wasn't a Jew. You must have forgot to pull your head out of the butt-cavity of your jeans when you threw them into the washing machine.

> More detailes to follow on Monday.
>You DON'T know as much about Lenin as so many
>Russians do. Why? don't have inside
>iformation, you are an outsider and outsiders
>(with very few exceptions - foreigners who
>devote their life to Russian history, for
>instance) see the surface only, basically
>whatever was translated and exported to Barnes
>and Nobles and so forth. Or whatever they can
>absorb in 4 weeks of time.

You really are one clewless Jew. I always though (as I was taught) that Lenin was a Russian. It was the Armenians and Russians that told me that Lenin was a Jew/Turk.

> Just like I probably
>won't know about your own California, unless, of
>course, I spend years and years un studying it.

Shouldn't take that long. You must have a slow learning curve.

>Usted me entiende?

Ya tebya panimayu, Yevrei!

>You just cannot know everything.

Never claimed to. But you can know enough.
Some times you can know too much.

> And most of your posts claim you "know the
>truth cuz you've seen the light".

The Truth has been revealed by the Light, and rejected by His own, the Jews. But to many as received Him, He gave power to become sons of God. (Gospel of St. John, chapter 1)

> That's fine with me, but let me assure you,
>with this kind of tactics you will not get any

I have already figured that you are devoid of understanding, but at least you admit it.

> Ever. People of religion are usually good
>psycologists and now how to gather people under
>their religious umbrella; you on the other hand
>are simply offending people by saying that one
>nation is •••••• up and the other one is great.

Damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Play psychologist and gather people under the umbrella and you Jews accuse us of using sinister persuasion tactics. Tell it like it is plain and simple and you Jews accuse us of not being persuasive.

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and you didnt tell me who you were, or had been...


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Caspian oil: a route to conflict

At the height of the recent enthusiasm about the arrival of the new economy, some commentators were inclined to argue that oil - the quintessential symbol of the old economy - had lost its importance.

But this appears not to be the case judging by the vigour with which that very model of the new economy, the United States, is competing with Russia for control of the Caspian Basin's petroleum reserves.

The region stretching from Turkey east to China's western-most division of Xinjiang and from Iran north to Kazakhstan is the stage for a contest between Washington and Moscow the like of which has not been seen since the end of the Cold War. And this is not restricted to commerce and diplomacy: ordering the invasion of Chechnya in September, Mr Vladimir Putin, the then Russian Prime Minister and now the President, made it clear that a key Kremlin motive was to secure control of export routes for Caspian oil.

The stakes were raised significantly last week with the Kazakh Government declaring that the Kashagan oil field, off the Caspian coast of Kazakhstan, may be the largest discovered anywhere for 20 years. And in his first State of the Nation address on Saturday, President Putin delivered a forbidding warning that he planned to concentrate power with a "dictatorship of law" and not back down in Chechnya. Rejecting Western calls for negotiation, he said the conflict was an example of how the Russian central government was losing the ability to govern.

Until recently, the petroleum reserves of the Caspian Basin were thought to be equivalent to those of the North Sea in the 1970s - desirable, but hardly of an order to warrant major geopolitical disruption. But recent reports about the size of the Kashagan field have changed that perception and led to a growing interest from US oil companies in the area. The US Justice Department is investigating allegations of bribery against consultants working for some oil majors.

But the trick to Caspian oil is not so much finding it or owning it, but exporting it to world markets. And what Washington and Moscow are disputing is the right to decide export routes west to Europe through the former Soviet republics .

Why is the US putting so much effort into controlling Caspian oil exports?

The short answer is that the oil is not in the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries-controlled Persian Gulf, which holds 70 per cent of the world's reserves. Over the past year, the cartel has given the world a nasty shock by contriving to triple the price of oil. And oil reserves outside the Gulf, such as those of the North Sea, are running down, so any dilution of the Gulf's dominance is desirable. The more diverse the world's oil sources, the less influence OPEC has over prices.

But the flaw in both the US and Russian plans to export Caspian oil to Mediterranean ports is that the oil is needed not in Europe, but in East Asia, where demand for energy (excluding Japan) is set to double by 2020. Logically, Caspian oil requires an outlet to the Indian Ocean, and Iran can provide one for a fraction of the cost of the Mediterranean solutions of Washington and Moscow.

Tehran is close to completing a pipeline network running from the Caspian Sea down to its existing export terminals in the Persian Gulf. But relations between Washington and Tehran remain icy and the US threatens sanctions against US and foreign firms - including BHP - involved in Iran's petroleum industry. Nothing underlines the strategic tension in the race for Caspian oil more than the fact that the cheapest and most logical option for exporting the oil is virtually ruled out by the historic rift between the US and Iran.

President Putin's weekend speech was interpreted by some observers as an attempt to sustain Western investor confidence in his Government by asserting stronger central control and cracking down on crime. He also reiterated his commitment to a more private economy with lower tariffs, protection of property rights and less government involvement in business.

But while Mr Putin may be a man with whom the West can do business, he is clearly giving equally high priority to regaining Russian ascendancy in the region. The struggle to control Caspian oil distribution might be about boosting revenue for the cash-strapped Russian Government, but it is just as much about providing a rationale for sustaining a war to prevent the erosion of the country itself.

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st. tony the WRETCH...

go ahead, think of me as jewish, _especially_ if
it offends you.

'freedom of speech' is _not_ a license to do what
you do.

hate-filled gutless WRETCH.

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WOW! I'm dizzy...just finished reviewing the ANTONIO SHOW. We simply must nominate him for some kind of an award....

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