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Archive through July 1, 2000

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I truely hope that your not under the impression that my comments were directed at you.

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Certain participants of this board are behaving in a deplorable manner

The Jewish claim of them being the chosen ones, does not hold water with me. As far as I am concerned, we are all equal in the sight of God.

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FREDLED Think he's really worthy of such a high honor? I'm not sure if I could vote for anything higher than "Official Choir Boy"

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Just remember these facts before you say anything against me or the Sephardic. Those who dare insult the chosen people, will pay a heavy price indeed.
The Jewish name of Faulkner is proud, I hold the sword of truth and justice. NEVER FORGET THAT

Dear Jake the "Chosen one"

Every night before I go to bed, I THANK God, that I am not of the 'chosen' ones. By the way, you must be the funniest looking Jew that I have ever seen. Your obviously also not as clever as your fellow Jews, by posting your picture on the world wide web!

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Mary I didn't think the comments were directed at me.One of those pimps on the board was a black 16 year old checked profile who I could hear on the voice option exchanging phone numbers with the fourteen year old girl.I chased off some Dr Feelgood guy from the Montreal chat room on yahoo. you should have heard this vulgar bastard.Also some guy with a handle of big 9 inch was going to start talking to a 13 year old so I e-mailed him and told him she was only 13 which I checked under profiles.He said cool and laughed about it.But I do not think you shopuld use a handle like that with kids on the board as a12 or 13 year old might not know what it is and shouldn't be exposed to that.You got that Barnswein.

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Russia fiercely opposed NATO's 1999 bombing campaign against the government of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, ...
* Another sick apolo.

by Conrad WB ( - on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 07:59 pm:
Certain participants of this board are behaving in a deplorable manner

* Good, Conrad had time to look at his reflection.
The Jewish claim of them being the chosen ones, does not hold water with me.
* Try a bucket then.
As far as I am concerned, we are all equal in the sight of God.
* No, You, Conrad, are equal in the sights of God.

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By L'menexe ( - on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 02:52 pm:
if my _parents_ were jewish, twould stand to reason that i too was jewish, yes?
_if_ my parents were jewish.

but tell me again about being "on jewish payroll".

do you mean i can get PAID for doin' this?

Actually no. State Secretary M.Albright, for instance, is Christian, though both her parents were Jewish.

P.S. Whom are you trying to kid, everyone knows about millions you are getting from them.

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>>>By IVAN Grozny ( - on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 09:47 am:
Russian Ultra-Nationalist Zhirinovsky Says Turks, U.S. Behind Chechnya War

BUCHAREST, Jul 10, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Russian ultra-nationalist leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky accused "U.S. and Turkish secret services" on Sunday of being behind the war in Chechnya.

"The war in Chechnya was provoked by U.S. and Turkish secret services who want to take hold of a Russian terrorist group," Zhirinovsky said on the margins of a Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) meeting. >>>

I thought you were smarter than giving credence to this idiot. His sentences does not make sense, devoit of any intelligence. He is clearly either deranged, or a clown.

Did you understand what he meant by "taking hold of a Russian terrorist group"?

Don't try to make up to cover up his stupidity!

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sincere thanks.

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What gives, has the "ANTONIO SHOW" been cancelled?

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IGOR: If you haven't seen this yet, thought it may be of interest to you. What to believe, if it's the rebels, as claimed by the government, does ALLAH approve? In the same token, if it's federal forces, has the time now come to prosecute those giving the orders? Either way this cruelty and suffering cannot continue.


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For too long this board has had to put up with long boring posts by the worthless goyim Igor. Also a stupid woman calling herself hairy mary is making the situation worse.

It is a shame that we will live in such a time that even the inferior sex is allowed join in debate with men.

To hairy,
Get on with your housework and look after the
kids. Maybe I will report you to your husband.

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Rabbis ``Waging War'' On Immigrants
In Bet Shemesh, local heads of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party enraged Russian-born Israelis by publicly dismissing them as ''hundreds of thousands of Russian Jews flooding the land with pork, prostitution, impurity and filth.''
``Perhaps we must build special cities just for them within the land of Israel,'' Moshe Abutbol of Shas, deputy mayor of Bet Shemesh, told Israel Radio.

Russians BEHAVE or keep OUT OF ISRAEL. The head Rabbi of the Shas does not want you. Most Israeli jews do not want you. I do not want you. Stay in hungry dirty Russia. You are Goyim, nothing more than wild beast.

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Mary I have a hard time feeling any sympathy for them in lieu of the atrocities the Chechens committed themselves.How do we know they were Russians who did that?I posted a story last week I think where the Chechens were using Ukrainian Nationalists, since they look Russian to carry out killings,video tape them and then blame the Russians.Also we heard all the same stories in Kosovo which were never proven.The KLA did the same thing in Kosovo in the beginning of the conflict. Turk a lot of what Zhirinovsky says is off the wall however the man also is very direct in a lot of his statements.I have seen him on Russian TV and I like the guy.Once in a while he goes off however there also is truth in what he says.And the terrorist group he is talking about are Chechens.In his opinion, like my own he would have done them all in. Barnswein the Shas party is a bunch of very sick homosexual men such as yourself and no one gives a flying fuuck what they say.Pretty soon the Russian Jews will run Israel.That will be great.Stop talking to me or I will post picture of that ho Tammy.

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They [the troops who came to "mop up"] were cowards. … They knew 100 percent that the town was not protected, that it was never a position of the fighters, there wasn’t one trench.

All we did was bury fighters — bodies, that is, they weren’t fighters anymore, they were bodies. …
MARY if there were no fighters than how did they bury fighters?You see another contradiction.

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