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Archive through July 1, 2000

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By Antonio ( - on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 02:28 am:
Whatever punishment the Jews got, it was well-deserved. It was their wickedness coming back on them. You are calling the Russians murderers. In reality, the Russians were probably defending themselves against the perfidious Jew bandits.

No, Antonio, in reality you are a thinking with ameba, single-cell criteria's (i.e. "all Jews are this..", "all Russians are this"). You sound like a creature of extreme simplicity now. As everyone noticed a long time ago. Red Army (made of Russians, Jews, Latvians, Ukrainians, etc.) and White Army (who were acting more or less in the same way) were killing were killing peaceful Jewish families because they needed supplies and the easiest way to get it is to kill the owner. And who is the easiest to take on? That's right, racist-boy, you guessed it.
It's pretty obvious that you know nothing about that war, do yourself a favor - don't respond to me with words like "probably". Let me just draw a picture you got in your head: a poor Red Army or white Army soldier comes to a filthy Jewish house to get some filthy Jewish goodies and without a formal introduction defense him self and his newly expropriated Jewish goodies by hacking the mean, lean Jew with his sword. LOL
Follow my suggestion, you fanatic ( I am being as respectful as I can, LOL) and L O O K U P the word "Pogrom", as I recommended.

If I were anything like you, I'd say that most high-rankers among Catholics are freakin' pervs. But I am not saying it because I know that only certain popes were child molesters (some of'em just luuuuuved them young, cut Jewish boyz, LOL), committing to incest (sleeping with their children) and were even engaged in beastieology around 4th or 6th century, from what I read. But I am just a reasonable human being, so I realize that only some of them were FUCKUPS, and not every single one of them.

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By Antonio ( - on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 02:28 am:
"""All the Jews, down to the poorest, follow their leaders and rise with the yeast of the Pharisees."""

no they don't , Dumbo, take a look what is happening in Israel right now with liberal Barak and his concervative opposition - Shah Party.

"""Jews are the prime cause of flaws in nations, because the Jews have fought against and subverted the Church, which is the only influence which can remake humanity into something good. """

HAhaha..and that is precisely why your church is still begging for Jewish frogiveness for Holocoust and other sins the dumbo-church has commited, right?! Whatta bunch of maroons - they fuckk up and then appologize and then expect forgivenss. ROFL.

"""The real reason is that the Jews knew that Hitler was not a Catholic, but an apostate and an occultist who worshipped a prostitute-goddess."""

hmmmm..Antonio, my friend is a very good psyhiatrist, if you can afford his help, anton.

"""Again, don't flatter yourself Jew - you're no Russian. """

I am everything, Antonio. I am your torture on this board, boy. Before everone I will rip your ass with my uncut.
""""You try to pretend Lenin wasn't a Jew and then you shoot yourself in the foot presenting all this evidence that he was a Jew, """

MORON, I have never said Lenin was not a paritally, a Jew. What I said is that Lenin was partially Russian, parially Tatar, partially Jew and Partially Swedish.

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Los rusos tienen una palabra para usted - DOLBOYEB
Eso es cuáles usted es, gandonio. Le alimentaré con mi esperma internacional, until you chock on it.
es una conspiración judía! Sé dónde usted vive. Estoy enviando mi flota del interantional a L.a. Asustan, Doloboyeb? ROFL

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By Antonio:"""Tell it like it is plain and simple and you Jews accuse us of not being persuasive. """

I am not "You Jews", donkey-brain, I am an International Man Of Mystery. LOL. By all means. And you are just ameba.

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By Antonio ( - on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 02:28 am:
> Ever. People of religion are usually good
>psycologists and now how to gather people under
>their religious umbrella; you on the other hand
>are simply offending people by saying that one
>nation is •••••• up and the other one is great.

Damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Play psychologist and gather people under the umbrella and you Jews accuse us of using sinister persuasion tactics. Tell it like it is plain and simple and you Jews accuse us of not being persuasive.

Damned if I do exactly what, Gandonio? Don't you go koo-koo on me now,LOL, stay with me, ya mad cow. You saying that I try to gather people under my umbrella? But, even if it was my agenda, there's really no need to do so - EVERYONE here knows that you are mad fanatic, mentally challenged to see things the way they are. Repeat after me - "Race not important. My heart is not up my ass. Next time I see a person of the race I used to hate, I will come to him/her, pull their pants down and start kissing their ass, begging for forgiveness". I mean, you catholic whinners are really good at appologizing after fuking up. And keep in mind, if my suggestion is too harsh, you can always JUST appologize.

Start chanting "Mea Culpa", DOLBOYEB

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This letter copied below was received in the mailbox today from Antonio.

A commentary is in order:
Whatever the merits of the arguments made by either Antonio or those who disagreed with him,
three things things are starkly obvious - 1)those who disagreed with him, in particular L'Menexe felt they had to silence his voice with censorship in order to win their own arguments. 2)If what Antonio says is true, that he was not given any chance to present his defense before being summarily condemned to the death penalty of censorship, then the DMS board administration is a kangaroo court which is biased and prejudiced against Antonio for what he believes and says.
3)That anyone can be locked out of the DMS board is a stark proof that DMS is not an open forum for the free exchange of ideas and speech, but is an exclusive club for those who toe the party line. This is not a good sign. People everywhere should be concerned when this sort of repression happens anywhere. That it is happening in America is a damning condemnation of American hypocrisy which preaches freedom of speech and democracy to the rest of the world.

Whatever the merits or demerits may be in what Antonio has posted, the fact that this injustice was instigated against him by L'Menexe (and maybe others) proves that Antonio was speaking the truth in at least one thing - that L'Menexe (and all the others on the board who have posted personal attacks, foul language, vitriol and whatever else may fall under the heading of "abuse" but who are still on the board and have not been censored and locked out) is a person on the side of injustice. In getting Antonio kicked out of the DMS board, L'Menexe has thoroughly discredited himself, and simultaneously lent credence to and made a hero, a champion of freedom and a martyr for his beliefs out of Antonio. Anyone else who likewise approves of this trampling on the right of freedom of speech also discredits themselves and their cause and lends credence to the one whose voice they approved of censoring.

Although many people would (and do) disagree with me, I do not dispute their freedom to express their disagreement and I will debate the merits of anything, while upholding the freedom of speech of those who disagree. It seems L'Menexe and the DMS administration feel otherwise, their type of hatred, prejudice and intolerance is sadly still very common in the world today.

I say to the DMS administration - you are truly pathetic and unfit to judge. You are kangaroos and stooges on the side of repression and injustice.

I say to L'Menexe - you are a monstrous hypocrite, a snitch, a fink, a low-down slug, the worst of wretches (as you put it), and truly beneath contempt.


From: "Antonio" | Block address
Subject: Censorship
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 17:33:25 -0700
Add Addresses

Hey THX1138 or Plutonium Eagle!

What do you think of this? You seem like a reasonable person with rational thought processes and impartial. You can read on the DMS board that if my posts were deserving of condemnation and labeling as "abuse", then certainly they were no more so than the posts of many of the other posters such as L'Menexe, Dmitri, Kim Arx, et al. Yet why am I now locked out while those who hurled venom and vulgarities against me are still allowed to post. I am sure you will agree that this is selective censorship and a revelation of hypocrisy and anti-Catholic bigotry on the part of the DMS administration.

The morons and fiends that infest the DMS board deserve not the quality posts that I put on the board, but rather they deserve to drown in their own foulness which they put on the board all the time. But be that as it may, I think their hypocrisy, as well as the hypocrisy of the DMS staff, who did not even ask me my side of the story before they accepted accusations against me and summarily executed me from the board (dirty coward Ansen Sligar! Kangaroo judge!), deserves exposure in the light of day.
Therefore, I request that if you value freedom, which I have seen that you do, and the freedom of speech (which the DMS staff apparently doesn't), and as I believe that you stand for justice, please speak your mind on the DMS Russia board as you see fit with whatever you are so inspired to say.



P.S. If you were going to suggest that I email Ansen Sligar to protest his without due-process decision, I have already rejected the idea as I am not about to kiss his his ass the way he kissed L'Menexe's.

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Really, one can get kicked off this board because of what one posts?

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"DMS board is a stark proof that DMS is not an open forum for the free exchange of ideas and speech but an exclusive club who toe the party line."

So what is the "party line"? By all the differences of opinion on this board that line is very wide.

Oh yea Thx still wondering where it was "recently reported" that South Korea was going to invade the north. Sorry to harp but I would hope you wouldn't just make up something like that due to any lack of facts to support ones argument.

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I messed up my user name. I am formerly Suleyman, but my new name is Samuel Edmunds.

This post is in direct reference to Antonio's banishment. Much to the displeasure of the maniacally subversive THX, I feel that his absence will be greatly appreciated. To cite references to our Constitution would be an over-reaction to such minor outcomes. For most conspiracy/oppression obsessed individuals, dramatic response is central to their underlying principles. Not to do so would be to accept the ideology of the currently oppresive political system. Given these elements, hostility-fueled responses become the orthodox retort. So what I expect is an outcry for freedom of speech and increased hostility towards DMS, and generally, the entire United States. In stating my support of DMS, I would also like to regard the greatest factor in determining my contempt for such an individual. In developing a counterpoint, one must consider the other party's viewpoint. Antonio has provided countless subjective viewpoints while disregarding the claims of others. In other words, no degree of civlity has been reached. Therefore, the only recourse is to blindly pursue insults to crush very foundation of argumentation. It is with the unyielding pursuit of objectivity that I commit to DMS's decision of banishing Antonio.

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Antonio is the worst racist case in the history of Russia page. Worse than Conrad, worse than Roger Matthesson, worse than Texan, worse than Jake B., worse than..

If I had a chance to be there while I heard his racial comments, I'd stick my butterfly-knife half way thru up his filthy ass and twist it. No killings, just well-deserved pain.

you seem to care. Well, good for you, you have your reasons. DMS has done what Antonio should have done all by himself if he had any pride as he claim.
And by the way, I was banned few times too, but no one here never heard my crying thru another person. If you wish, you can tell that cry-baby that in a few days the ban will most likely fall off. At least that's what happened to me.

You hear that, DOLBOYEB-Antonio-racist? Learn from your KKK bros, at least you don't hear them crying and whinning like you do.

Russki/Evreiski/Ukrainski Dimitri.

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Thank you Samuel/Suleyman for a well-said post.
I can only add that in despite to Antonio's so-called intellegence of posts he copmletely disregarded any view opposed to his. Here's my situation: Antonio, knowing that I am one of the extreme pro-Russian members, tried so hard to kissup to me, flattering my hometown, trying to speak in Russian. As soon as he so me opposing to what he says, what does he do? The FUKINGG Jerk asks me if I am Jewish (which I brought up a long time ago BTW).ANd tells me not to flatter myself, that I am Russian and not Jewish. What does it have to do with anything, THX??? Do you see how his brains work? Just cuz I have Jewish in me and that's enough to call me crafty? Well, guess what, you fuccking racist, almost every Russian on this board has Jewish blood in them. So DMS did you a favor - get the •••• outta help someplace else, you are not welcome here. Is this enough for you to get the message?

LEAVE, racist, LEAVE.

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I thought Antonios posts where simply silly. He would have us believe all the jewish people in the world were haveing secret meatings and completely organised as to affect just about everything. Just silly. If he wants to post stuff like that I see no harm because for anyone to believe it should be considered close-minded if not biggoted. Anyway there was post about "jewish control of the main stream media." Once again I ask what specific jews is that person talikng about. Name them. Plus how does there control of the media affect its programming? The first time arround I didn't recieve a reply which tends to make me think the original statement about jews controlling the media and that its somthing to be affraid of is just another wacky conspiracy theory along with posts that say mosleums what to tkae over the world, the US is the biggest source of evil in the world etc. Just grandeos statements that try to attract attention via over-blown statements but lack such things as facts to back them up.

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You people feel like voting??

YES, DMS did the right thing - L'men, Dimitri, Suleyman/Samuel.

NO, DMS shouldn't have done it - THX.

Place yo bets, ladies and gents. So far it's 3-1.

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he seemed harmless to me too. It's just that disgusting feeling you get when the facts are being twisted and when you're being told that you are not what you know you are..well, like I said, I also thought the biggot was harmless..

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It's a pity Antonio has been kicked out of this board.
I don't beleive it's because of what he said.
Antonio used to post very long stories. He is not the first. Most of us started to joke on him.
But, when he start ocupying 3/4 of the curent board page with non-related items, one can call it abuse.
Not abuse of language but abuse of space.
By posting extra long textes, one should know that he is deleting posts of other members from the curent page and push them away to the archives. By doing so one can make other posted opinions less visible and less accessible. Stealing room on this board is also a way of non respect of others.
I dare beleive Antonio didn't realize it and didn't post his stories for such a purpose.

If I may suggest that the DMS adnministration warned the person of wrong behavior before excluding this person.


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