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Archive through July 1, 2000

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Russia may counter US in Taiwan Strait

"Mini Sino-Russian defence pact' will see Moscow's Pacific fleet blocking US ships if cross-strait ties worsen

TAIPEI -- Russia will deploy its Pacific fleet to keep the US Seventh Fleet out of the Taiwan Strait should worsening cross-strait ties lead to US military intervention, Taiwanese reports said.

President Vladimir Putin issued special instructions for the Russian military to be prepared for this line of action in the event that China-Taiwan tension deteriorated to a point where the US decided to intervene militarily.

When that happens, Russia's Pacific fleet will also step in to keep the US military force out of the region, Taiwan's media quoted a Central News Agency (CNA) report as having said.

In 1996, when China test-fired missiles and staged naval war games near Taiwan, the United States deployed parts of the US Seventh Fleet in the Taiwan Strait, which defused the crisis.

The CNA report described the Russian leader's decision as part of a ""miniature'' Sino-Russian military defence pact, reportedly reached after an hour-long meeting with Chinese President Jiang Zemin last Wednesday. The two presidents were meeting on the sidelines of a five-nation summit of China, Russia and three Central Asian states held in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.

China and Russia are wary about US dominance in post-Cold War politics, a viewpoint often veiled in rhetoric about the need to establish a ""multi-polar'' world.

Both countries shared a common position in denouncing Nato's bombing campaign in Yugoslavia and appeared to want to use more recent geo-political developments to forge closer links.

Taiwanese media reports, citing Chinese official sources, said China and Russia have signed a five-year military cooperation pact worth up to US$20 billion (S$34.6 billion).

The agreement, spanning the year 2000 to 2004, will reportedly see China acquiring high-technology naval and air military weapons and even taking part in the joint research and production of such weapons. An AFP report said China last Thursday praised Russian efforts to maintain a landmark arms treaty in the face of US plans to build a national missile defence system.

Both China and Russia are opposed to the US plans, triggered by the possible threat from rogue states such as North Korea, saying they would violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty.

""We appreciate the position of the Russian side in opposing the revision of the treaty,'' Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi said at the ministry's briefing.

""China and Russia have already started cooperation in this regard and will continue to intensify cooperation in further maintaining the strategic balance in the world,'' he said.

Mr Putin and Mr Jiang had emphasised the ""unshakeability'' of the ABM treaty during their meeting in Dushanbe. The Chinese President and the leaders of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan signed a Russian-sponsored declaration on the preservation of the ABM treaty in its present form.

""The level of strategic coordination between China and Russia has been constantly raised,'' Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun said.

""We are fully capable of playing a more important role in opposing hegemony and power politics and promoting the multi-polarisation of the world.''

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I think BARNSWEEIN should be kicked off.He has never not once mentioned anything that is remotly associated with this board except racict anti-Russian diareaha.If they throw off Antonio he should have been the first to go.

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BTW, Antonio
you still have a way to contact me personally, if you want to respond to any of my post. Just click on my name and e-mail me. I promise to post it on DMS for you, you SOB, as well as my responds to them. This is a real offer. Isn't that what you want - to be heard? Well, I am giving you a way to make it true. And, oh yes, in case, you don't wanna do it because, say, you don't believe a Russian/Ukrainian Jew(heh), I am sure if you email THX, he'd be pleasured to post it for ya..

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True. Jake is just a CHICKEN SHITE and everyone knows it. Shoulda been banned a looooong time ago. In fact any forms of CLEAR, "IN-YOUR-FACE" racial hatred should be banned.

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I am assuming you're sort of referring to a saying:
"I may disagree with you, but I will die for your right to say it"


Do you understand that, THX? I am dead serious. T

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I didn't follow the Antonio show but it doesn't change my mind.
Here, personal attacks loom large on DMS. If one had to be banned for his racism or his disregard to other views or his extremism or so, Jake B would have been denied access a long time ago.
The difference is that Jake's posts are short while Antonio's are bogging.
I understand your anger against him but that's the natural rule of such a free-speach forum.

I don't wish to vote as the prisoner is not yet in the arena. You can put a null for me.

"In other words, no degree of civlity has been reached. Therefore, the only recourse is to blindly pursue insults to crush very foundation of argumentation. It is with the unyielding pursuit of objectivity that I commit to DMS's decision of banishing Antonio."

If so was your motive for bannishing Antonio, why didn't you suggest the bannishment of Jake B.
I thing he sticks even more to what you describe above about Antonio.
In "no degree of civility" and in "insults to crush the very foundation of argumentation" JakeB is realy the champion on this board.
His relentless and unacceptable attacks on Igor mare all the discussion zone.
To this extent, I deem JakeB deserves at least the same treatment as for Antonio.

In anycase, DMS administration should adress a warning by e-mail whenever it's possible before banishing.

Thanks for replying

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Oops, Antonio got TOSsed by DMS. Bummer.

Only in America - guy gets free service, service gets revoked due to abuse - guy complains like both balls were replaced by crystal ones. BTW, there is a couple of easy ways to bypass the TOS misfortune, let's see if Antonio make it.

Not to say that I miss this silly goose with his military bluff and obscure political trash disguised as religion.

P.S. "Public" is what's paid by the government, everything else is private.

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By IVAN Grozny ( - on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 06:55 pm:

I think BARNSWEEIN should be kicked off.He has never not once mentioned anything that is remotly associated with this board
except racict anti-Russian diareaha.If they throw off Antonio he should have been the first to go.

Looking at how our aryan knight posts now - he was tossed. He found the way out, though...

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Back to your post on Serbia;
If Milosevic run for another 8 years poor serbian will wait as long for western reparation.

Very intresting article from this woman maried to a serb. She realy got it right.

2/ So you like Zhirinovski! For a Milo's fan, it's not surprising! lol.
Don't forget he is a sick neo-fascist a'la russe.
He may look funy like that but such a guy just desrve to have the nose crushed into the sh!t he left behind.
Putin should draw a new law forbiding Zhirinovski to walk on two legs and sit on a chair in the duma and admninstrative buildings and allow him to walk only on four paws and lie on the floor with the neck attached with a rope outdoor.
It would add fun to the show!

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You can say "amen" for Antonio.

Aaaah, the New DMS Order has stricken.

Good night everybody.

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By Samuel Edmunds ( - on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 06:03 pm:
I messed up my user name. I am formerly Suleyman, but my new name is Samuel Edmunds.

This post is in direct reference to Antonio's banishment. Much to the displeasure of the maniacally subversive THX, I feel that his absence will be greatly appreciated. To cite references to our Constitution would be an over-reaction to such minor outcomes. For most conspiracy/oppression obsessed individuals, dramatic response is central to their underlying principles. Not to do so would be to accept the ideology of the currently oppresive political system. Given these elements, hostility-fueled responses become the orthodox retort. So what I expect is an outcry for freedom of speech and increased hostility towards DMS, and generally, the entire United States. In stating my support of DMS, I would also like to regard the greatest factor in determining my contempt for such an individual. In developing a counterpoint, one must consider the other party's viewpoint. Antonio has provided countless subjective viewpoints while disregarding the claims of others. In other words, no degree of civlity has been reached. Therefore, the only recourse is to blindly pursue insults to crush very foundation of argumentation. It is with the unyielding pursuit of objectivity that I commit to DMS's decision of banishing Antonio.

Whether you agree or disagree with the Antonio is not the big picture. Whether what Antonio said was subjective or not is irrelevant, because everybody has the right to speak their mind, whether or not what they say is subjective or objective.

The real issue here, which I pointed out before, is that if one man's freedom of speech is trampled on, then anyone's and everyone's freedom is trampled on. If you approve of DMS censoring Antonio, then you would approve of any agency or forum or entity stripping Antonio of his freedom of speech. And if you would do that, then you implicitly approve of those who would strip you of your rights also.

Think about it people.

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You sound like a man filled with hatred and murderous rage toward Antonio. Perhaps you should take some anger management classes and examine what in Antonio's words are provoking such extremism hatred and violence in you.

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perhaps you are right - my heart is filled with hatred towards racists of any sorts. Perhaps you chose not to see it. Perhaps my best cure would be some one like you, who can guide my life and advise me what to do. Perhaps, you can read his posts, my responds to them and figure it out for yourself as for what in his racial and otherwise biased posts makes me unhappy. Perhaps you know how to read, can you not?

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