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Archive through July 1, 2000

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Kim why does it have to be Russian soldiers who did it.The Russians had radio intercepts of Chechens planning such actions as using Slavic looking people.The KLA did the same thing and the Bosnians also.Why is it so unbelievable that these Muslims are capable of the same.And if it were the Russians can you blame them when they see Russian soldiers heads cut off and nailed to the wall in the villiage.Some of these Chechens are helping the bandits.In some villages the villages told the bandits to leave and were shot.In any case I said they would get no sympathy from me.

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Kim I would add that it seems to me that you are more inclined to beleive the Chechen sources more than the Russian ones.I for one did not believe the stories coming out of Kosovo and was proven correct.Some atrocities were committed but not to the extent of the amount reported,not even close.

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Moscow Questions Need For U.S. Presence In A United Korea

MOSCOW, Jul 13, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Russia's foreign ministry on Thursday questioned the need for U.S. troops to remain in South Korea in the event of Korean unification.

"In the context of a possible Korean reunification, the presence of American soldiers on the peninsula raises questions," Russia's deputy foreign minister Alexander Losyukov said in Thursday's Nezavissimaya Gazeta daily.

"Top American and South Korean officials recently discussed keeping a US military contingent (in Korea) after reunification of the two Koreas. What would be the goal and nature of such a force?" he added.

Washington and Seoul agree on the need to maintain U.S. troops there at present to counter the military threat posed by North Korea and to preserve the regional equilibrium.

Early this month, US Defense Secretary William Cohen pronounced in favor of maintaining a military contingent in South Korea, even in the event of Korean reunification.

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More ridiculous credibility free posts from Igor. This worthless unemployed Russian goyim has
too much time on his hands.

Jews and especially the Sephardic will not tolerate any more garbage from you. You know what happened to that filthy anti semite, Antonio - the same is coming your way.

Anti jew statements will NEVER be tolerated

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Scum Russians like Igor are destroying Israel, and the dream of Theodore Herzl. Its bad enough that we have Palestinian scum to deal with, NOW we have have disgusting Russian scum to put up with.

Apart fron Begging, Russians are good for nothing. Especially Igor.

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To Igor,

Kim is a fine Jewish woman. Unlke bandit/begging Russian trash like you. Her posts are credible, unlike the garbage you post.

I hold the sword of truth and justice. Never forget that. The Sephardic are the keepers of decency and morality.

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How's that ho Tammy doing still doing her thing in dark allys.

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Barnswein you keep repeating the same shite over and over,why don't you get a new tape.You are such a pathetic loser not to mention damn fuucking ugly.I showed your picture on the chat room and the people were all laughing at you. You are such a goof. Picture of the PEDOPHILE and HOMO

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The only scum here is Faulkner and his ugly family.Can you just imagine what the rest look like if Barnswein is the finished product.In fact Barnswein I think it is time for you to get kicked off the board.

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Enjoy your last hours her Barnswein

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Does anyone know if it legal for Igor to post a private link to a personal homepage?
Is there a technical way to stop him doing this
Appreciate the help.

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STINKY BARNSCHWEIN: How's about providing more of those yucky receipes? That old addage "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT" can help us get a better understands of you and the crap you bring forth. UMMMMM! Wondering if you get your ingredients from the dumpster in back of the Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv.

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I have not sent you anything you moron

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What I seek from a woman...

She must see me as her lord and love.
Ephesians 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

1Peter 3:6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

If I'm her lord and love, then no other man should ever turn her head. No other man should be allowed to touch her.
Eph 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

1Corinthians 7:1 ¶ Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

In the way of beauty, I'm not too fickle, especially if she and I have compatible personalities. I would prefer her to be humble though.
1Ti 2:9 ¶ In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

In today's American society, these attributes may be hard to come by, but I am patient. If the Lord wishes me to have a good and faithful wife, he will allow me to find that right girl. I THINK YOU SHOULD LOOK IN THE BARN IF YOU WANT A COMPANION.THESE ARE SOME QUOTES FROM BARNSWEIN'S PAGE

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