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Archive through July 1, 2000

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MORE BS FROM THE BARNSWEIN YOU SHOULD TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE--- Matthew 7:1 ¶ Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Luke 6:37 ¶ Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

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your link [and/or your homepage] isnt as 'private'
as you think, if it's on the web. yank it off the
net if you're troubled by who else might learn
your farcical 'secret'. igor did nothing wrong by
discovering, or posting, your link.

a trendy phrase here this week is 'ignore poster'. could _try_, i suppose...

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About 200 rebels under the command of former Ichkerian (Chechen) State Security Minister Turpal-ali Atgeriyev are prepared to lay down their weapons and surrender, Colonel General Valery Manilov, first deputy chief of the Russian General Staff, announced at a Thursday news briefing in Moscow.

"This results are from the work of Akhmad Kadyrov, the new head of the Chechen administration," he said, adding that he hopes that the surrender will proceed smoothly.

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THX, Mask

"well this person does this and behaves that way or says this or argues that or talks more than I want to hear or posts more than I want to read so he can be stripped of his rights." What is next?"

Don't forget that Antonio used to post stories that filled up to 80% of this page.
This is an utter lack of respect to others. By doing so he removed other posts to the archives making them less visible. When he started to monopolize this board, he jeopardized the democracy and the liberty of expression of this forum.

So what's next?
Privileges are granted to the citizens of the Roman Empire. Don't you know the USA are actualy the Roman Empire?

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I spent several days sticking up for kissie, for all the good it did me. She came back arrogant as ever and we were back to square one!!!
I get the impression she enjoys those attacks, she certainly provokes them!
Not that I agree with anti-semitists, but if you come in on the attack, people are within their rights to counter those attacks. Perhaps its time she stood up for herself anyway,if she's big enough enough and smart enough to kick all our butts as you say.
Igor, the simple explaination is usually the right one. Could it just be another side effect of war that soldiers in dire circumstances lose control.
What I meant is, you seem to be looking for another explaination and reaching for something that stretches credibility,without first wondering if it could be the truth. I can understand only too well why you would do that.

BerkSchwein. You're repeating yourself.
Go make some little Aryans or somethink!

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none of you so-called 'prominent board members' lifted a finger when Kisako was _repeatedly_ and _viciously_ attacked here. it was _moi_ and _none_ of _toi_ who fought for her and with her.

Dear L'menexe,

The woman calling herself Kissie/Kissako deserved to be "attacked". She was and still is nothing more than a crafty little Jewess persuing her agenda of hate. I see NO difference between her and that other Jewish fanatic Jake B. Kissie may present herself as polished, but she is cut from the same stone as the 'sword welding' Jake.

Sorry to disillusion you, but sometimes its impossible to sugar coat the truth.


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mr. fred:
a)generally speaking, don't be ridiculous.
b) and dont look at me about the USA; i'm moving to japan real soon.

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to the extent that Kisako is 'known',[which is to say, not too darned much],
heh, i know her better than you.
and i dunno to what degree i ever 'saved' her, so much as i fought alongside her.
oh what fun we had last winter, huh?
after the events of this week, you're simply a small-change W*NKER...
whose _rhetoric_ hasn't changed a lick in all this time.
which is not to say, you were ever _more_ than a small-change W*NKER.


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RIA Novosti

On Saturday July 8, President Vladimir Putin made his state of the nation address to the Federal Assembly, called "The State of Russia: A Way to an Effective State (On the Situation in the Country and the Guidelines of Its Domestic and Foreign Policy)."

Dear deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, Dear citizens of Russia,

I present this state of the nation address to the Federal Assembly of Russia in compliance with the Constitution. I will speak about priorities in state work. Many projects have been launched and we are working on them together. But there are also prospective tasks, which call for hard work. We have come to an agreement with the leadership of the two houses on meeting a little after I make this address to discuss its basic elements. I hope very much that this talk will help us to effectively organise work in hand.

This time the state of the nation address is presented not at the beginning of the year, but in mid-year, for objective reasons of which you are aware. The first was the presidential elections. Only an effective head of state has the right to set policy tasks for the bodies of power, and he alone has the real possibility to organise their effective fulfilment.

The past six months showed that there is a sufficiently high level of accord in society on the fundamental questions of the development of the country. A constructive, although complicated, joint work of the legislative and executive authorities has begun. The newly formed federal government is proving its ability to work in a systematic and planned manner. The policy documents on the socio-economic development of the country have been approved on the whole. We see the etatist attitude to one's job in many spheres.

I am grateful to the Federal Assembly and the government for pooling efforts without delay to elaborate and implement decisions of vital significance for the country. I want to thank all citizens, all those who supported us in this undertaking. I hope for your continued active involvement in the affairs of the Russian state.

The discussion of laws on improving federal relations and changing the situation in the social and tax spheres was a major event of the past few months. Their enforcement will become the new point of departure in state development and rules of behaviour in the economy. A time is coming in Russia where the authorities assume the moral right to demand compliance with the established state norms.

One of the most acute, if not the most acute, problems of the past few years was unreasonable taxation. Much has been said about it, but this did not set the problem in motion. The discussion moved in a circle. And few saw that the situation could change. We have made the first steps in this direction today. New legislative parameters are being elaborated, thus setting new rules. But the work in this sphere, as we have just discussed with the premier, is proceeding with great difficulties.


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oh what fun we had last winter, huh?
after the events of this week, you're simply a small-change W*NKER...
whose _rhetoric_ hasn't changed a lick in all this time.
which is not to say, you were ever _more_ than a small-change W*NKER.

I do not expect anything civilized from a such a petty individual as yourself. Say, what you want little man, if it makes you feel any better.
I have no desire to desend into the semantic sewer with you. That place is solely reserved for you and your penury shekel counting jew girlfriend.

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Who came to my assistance when I was being attacked and subjected to vicious, vulgar onslaughts?

Not a single soul, no, not even you. As a poor, lowly, timid, humble female, I was left to fend for myself and felt OH SO all alone doing so. OH WOH, OH WOH IS ME. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

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"so much as i fought alongside her."

Fought what? Windmills?
A few sad lonely idiots, who finally found someone to listen to them? eh Conrad! I don't know Kissie anymore or less than I don't know anyone else here,or they don't know me. Remember we're playing a game, you can be anything you like here. Its all soo not real. Why else do we all use pseudonyms? Or why don't we all come clean and show ourselves as we really would prefer not to be.


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It' seems Antonio converted Igor in the Church of The Saint E-Preaching!!!! LOL

This is a personal attack against YOU!
You'r the SHAME of this board!
Saying so I also mean you are even not the shame of Israel since you have nothing to do with Israel or the jewish community. Go away! You'r NOT JEW let alone a Sepharad. You are a renegate.
Nobody is interested in what you are anyway.
I only hope they will block you on DMS because you sart to be very jakeboring.

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Everyone here is grown up enough to defend themselves and did so quite adequatly.Once in a while when the attacker oversteps boundries the other people jump in which is justified.We have had some real losers here who did (do) nothing to contribute but just slander and insult people.By all means feel free to jump on them.As for me I can dish it out as good as I get.I have no problem with that.PS BERNSWEIN I am going to have you removed because quite frankly you are a zero and your contribution is zero.Maybe they have already responded to my request.And if you threaten me again I will get you arrested and charged.GOT IT

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It is a long time ago, if ever that one could discuss anything seriously on this page.
We are all so busy preserving our credibility from ridiculous attacks and defending ourselves, that there is no time and little point in trying to use the rational arguments you describe. Antonio was an extreme example, but we all have at times had to use whatever means we have to shut an attacker up. I have noticed that you have also begun to use more forceful language reasently.

If we want to uphold the "constitution" above this page, then we all have to stick to it, not only amoungst ourselves, but with new-comers as well.
If there is to be an agreed penalty for breaking the constitution, then that should be written above the page as well, and it needs to be applied even-handedly. It would also be more effective if board members had a say in this, rather than waiting for Ansen Slinger to drop in.


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