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Archive through July 1, 2000

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Hairy Mary

What do you think will be the place of Stinky Jake Barnstain at the head of the Gay Parade?

Mss Jake Dragstein?!

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"I hope my leg will have reached heaven ahead of me."

Shamil Basaev
As each mujahideen is entitled tree women in haeven, one woman has actualy received her part.

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"Empirical experience and research? Since that is always changing your views must then always be changing, and you are like a
man blown by the wind and whipped by the waves, with no firm footing. Of course your views wouldn't be based on common sense."

Here we go again! It must be wonderful to "know everything", never question the ideas you hold, and of course "know that you are right, all the time". Funny you sound just like my mother. Arrghhh.

This to both THX and Igor, if someone is constantly questioning your way of life, what you have heard all your life, your right to exist even, wouldn't you question them? Oh right, you'd just roll over and agree. "Its a fair cop, guv."
There is alot of truth in what you say, but why should we take the word of two anonymous posters?

I notice that the slightest hint of critism of Russia brings you out in a rash!

Dimi, just giving as good as I got, you demon stockbroker,you. You kicked me in a soft spot, I was trying to find yours. OOps aimed too high. Smiley, smiley,smiley.


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Dimi, re your post on Poles and Latvians.

You describe Latvians taking their hatred of the Soviets out on individual Russians. I certainly don't condone that. I think it is tragic for both sides.
This is why I hate nationalism, religion,etc. because they create an identity based on what others are not. " We of the blue eyes and green toes are one people, people who wash their toes are our enemies, cause they object to the smell of our feet and would force our great nation to wear foot deoderant".

So your experience of the Baltics was a negative one, mine was a positive one, but as neither of us have met everyone in the Baltics, we both only have half a picture. There are idiot, uneducated, unthinking, unfeeling people in every country.
By claiming that ALL Latvians are "whatever" aren't you just sinking to the same level as those Latvians saying ALL Russians are "whatever"?

Isn't it interesting that most people say the same thing along the lines of:"I don't like PIGMIES generally, but I have met one or two nice ones, I suppose"?
When we are dealing with a large group based on Nation,belief or interest we feel threatened. This of course is why such groups are formed. So that individuals within that group can feel secure in the knowledge that their way of life is right and they don't have to question their beliefs.
When we deal with each other as individuals, however, we find that despite our national identities we have things in(or not in) common as human beings. Football,an allergy to Greek food, whatever.

When beliefs and positions become to entrenched, too polarised there can be no solutions. Take the best from all sides, I say, and rise above the worst. Sit on the fence, even if you do get shot from both sides, at least you were true to yourself and not someone else's idea of how you should live your life.

Breaks into song: There's only one way of life...
and that's your own, your own, your own.....!
-The Levellers


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Hello and thanks for backing me up. Sorry you ended up taking the shite for my bad mood.
I think we both agree that Mary can be very entertaining and funny. And sideswipe at Better: if you can have too much of being serious, you can have have too much hillarity as well.

Its good to know we don't have to take ourselves seriously, though. >evil grin<


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>>>By R-Dimitri ( - on Saturday, July 1, 2000 - 04:51 pm:>>>

I don't enjoy displaying contempt for you, but you are unfortunately beneath contempt. You have no self-confidence, and this comes through in most of your posts.

Because you have no self-confidence, you see everything in a win-lose situation. Take this board, for example. Whoever you communicate with, you try to display superiority, and dominate the other person. Unfortunate for you, superiority and inferiority are two sides of the same coin. So as you try to look superior, you show your inferiority.

Let's look at my last post. If you had little brain, you would see all I was saying that discrimination based on race, religion, or whatever you may think of is bad. You dish out insults to others everyday, but when you were on the receiving end in Baltic states, you clearly did not enjoy it. What they did to you, and your Russian friends, was wrong, just like what you do to others being wrong.

You can try to give it better sounding names, like nationalism, but crap is crap whatever you call it. Only uncivilised, uneducated, people on the fringe, try to hold on those sort of things, hoping to get some advantage out of it. Others rely on their skills, creativity, knowledge, and hard-work to succeed in this life.

I am not saying that you don't work hard, or not intelligent, most likely you do, and you are. Maybe all you need to learn is just being honest with yourself, and be fair with others. If you don't like something done to you, why do you insist doing it to others? That's the question you need to answer honestly within yourself.

And stop trying to win a discussion by abusing others. It doesn't work with me. Anyone can do that behind a keyboard, with the knowledge of being safe from physical harm. It doesn't bring any credit to you.

On the last matter of "I was addressing Kim", this is a public bulleteen board. If it was private, you should kept that in your email conversation. However, the real aim of your point is again trying to score another point to WIN. Ok, if it is so important to you, I'll let you win. Happy now?

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Turks admit that Mohammedanism is terrorism.


Turk army says neighbours back Islamist militants 06/29/2000

ANKARA, June 29 (Reuters) - The head of Turkey's powerful army accused neighbouring countries on Thursday of supporting Islamic militants seeking to overthrow the country's strictly secular

Newspapers said on Thursday that remarks by land forces chief General Atilla Ates had amounted to a coded warning to neighbour Iran. But he made no direct reference to Tehran.

``We want our neighbours not to support terrorism,'' Anatolian news agency quoted Ates as saying late on Wednesday. ``We have no fear of anyone's power when defending our state...Also we
have no need to import any regime from anyone.''

``We want to get on well with all our neighbours and solve our problems through dialogue,'' he said.

It was Ates who two years ago issued a stern warning to southern neighbour Syria over its alleged support for Kurdish separatist

Turkey built up tanks on its Syrian border in an open threat which led to Kurdish guerrilla chief Abdullah Ocalan having to flee Damascus and Syria renouncing support for the guerrillas.

Syria, however, was a country militarily and economically depleted. Turkey would be unlikely to mount any similar challenge to regional power Iran.

A number of armed Islamist groups operate in Turkey which frequently accuses Iran of supporting them as well as providing a safe-haven for Ocalan's Kurdish guerrillas.

But the two rivals, the most populous nations in the region with fairly evenly matched military forces, have traditionally backed away from open conflict.

04:19 06-29-00

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Armed Islamaic groups



Antonio, I believe you are confusing the two.
Go wash your feet will you!!!
And don't forget the foot-deoderant!

Turk, that sounded from the heart, hope you get the response you are looking for. Saying that will get me into shite, I expect,but I wanted to say it anyway!


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Report: Drug use grows in Turkey 06/27/2000

The number of substance users in Turkey rose from 802 in 1992 to over 2,500 in 1999, racking up an increase of over 234 percent

Turkish Daily News

A study by the Police Department Organized Crimes and Smuggling Branch reveals some staggering figures about drug use in Turkey. The number of substance users apprehended nationwide rose from 802 in 1992 to over 2,500 in 1999, showing an increase of over 234 percent. Police data show that 802 people were caught and charged with drug smuggling in 1992, 1,068 in 1993, 2,189 in 1994, 2,682 in 1995, 2,570 in 1996, 2,314 in 1997, 2,544 in 1998 and 2,682 in 1999.

Data from 1999 suggest that a full 67 percent of cocaine users, known as the "high society drug," live in Istanbul, whereas the other 33 percent are distributed around other Turkish cities. Istanbul also ranked first in terms of heroin use with 52 percent, followed by Gaziantep with 19 percent, Hakkari with 7 percent, Ankara with 4 percent and Kilis with 3 percent.

The city where most of the hashish (marijuana) is consumed is Izmir with 26.5 percent, followed by Istanbul, Adana, Icel, Ankara, Bursa and Balikesir. The report also states that 11 people died of drug overdoses in 1992, 27 in 1993, 23 in 1994, 24 in 1995, 36 in 1996, 22 in 1997, 16 in 1998 and 9 in 1999.

The report stated that while there has been a 234 percent rise in the number of substance users in the seven years between 1992 and 1999, this figure was not at a level "to cause anxiety or
to suggest an irreversible trend."

Age of first use falls

The report also includes data about the characteristics of illegal substance users in 1999, conducted over a sample of 1,633 users. Data suggest that 0.3 percent of substance users
are under age 16; 38.8 percent are aged 16-30, 43.7 percent are 31-45, 16.1 percent are 46-65, and 1.1 percent are above 65.

The report found that last year the most common age range for first drug use was from 16-30 with 77.5 percent, followed by the 31-45 age group with 11.4 percent, the under-16 group with 8.6
percent and the 46-65 age group with 2.5 percent. The survey suggested that people above 65 do not generally begin to use illegal drugs.

The data also suggest that 97.6 percent of substance users are men and 3.4 percent are women. A breakdown of the data according to educational level suggests primary school graduates constitute 57.2 percent of users followed by middle school graduates with 15.1 percent, high school graduates with 10.4 percent and university graduates with 0.8 percent. Some 90.1 percent of the group of users covered are literate, whereas 7.4 percent are illiterate.

The survey suggests that the most-used illegal substances are hashish with 82.3 percent followed by heroin with 10 percent.

When asked why they first tried drugs, 44.7 percent of drug users questioned said the reason was "friendship," 37.5 percent said "great interest," 14.2 percent said "problems," and 3.6 percent said "enjoyment."

The survey also suggests that 92.7 percent of the substance users have not committed crimes in order to obtain drugs, whereas 7.3 percent have.

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By Kim Arx ( - on Saturday, July 1, 2000 - 10:15 pm:
>Armed Islamaic groups



>Antonio, I believe you are confusing the two.
>Go wash your feet will you!!!
>And don't forget the foot-deoderant!

There is no separation from the person and what the person stands for. A man is identified by his thoughts and beliefs.

All who love in the world and for the world have the dust of the world on their feet. But the faithful Catholics who live for Christ have already had their feet washed by Him.


>Turk, that sounded from the heart, hope you get
>the response you are looking for. Saying that
>will get me into shite, I expect,but I wanted to
>say it anyway!

Kim, you just eat up that lofty sophistry and phoney virtuousness of the Turk. He pisses lies down your mouth and you can't get enough. The heart of the Turks is the heart of rapists, genocidal butchers and liars. If the Turk would prove me wrong then let him admit and repent for and offer reparations for the Genocide that his bandit people perpetrated on the Armenians. In 1895 the Turks under Sultan Abdul Hamid II murdered 400,000 Armenians, and in 1915 the Turks under Enver Pasha, Talat Bey, and Jamal Pasha murdered 2 million Armenians.

Comon Turk! Apologize for Turkish atrocities against the Christian Armenians! Offer to give back to the Armenians the land you stole from them! Pay reparations like the Germans are doing to the Jews.

Kim, if you admire the heart of Turks, then I should point out to you an old Armenian saying: "You tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are."



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Antonio, for a supposed "christian", you are a piece of work. Why exactly do you keep plaguing us here? I given you the address of sites where you can argue religious "niceties" to your heart's content.
When I see the name "Antonio" appear I usually skip the post, as it will be most likely made up of bitchy, bigotted snide attacks on people you don't have any first hand knowledge of. You rely on a book written an age ago and the Church edicts your phsycologist allows you to read. You must live a depressing life consumed by all that hatred. You know human beings do have their good sides, although its hard to see what those would be in your case. Free your mind from this bigotry, before it consumes what little is left of it.
Someone has fed you a pile of shite and called it religion- in actual fact what they fed you was hate, oh green toed one!

Oh and spare yourself the effort of answering with biblical quotations, coming from one as twisted and bitter as you they have a hollow ring to them.


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Turks ruled by druglord regime.


Bulgaria nets 62.5 kg of heroin at Turkey border 06/24/2000

SOFIA, June 24 (Reuters) - Bulgarian customs seized 62.5 kg (138 lbs) of heroin from a bus en route from Turkey to Moldova on Saturday, adding to a growing haul of illegal drugs halted
at the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint with Turkey.

``The heroin was of a very high purity and was distributed in packages of around 0.5 kg (1.1 lb) each stashed in the floor of the bus,'' the Central Customs Directorate spokesman Ivan
Kutevski told Reuters.

The bus carrying the drugs was registered in Turkey.

Bulgarian customs seized 665 kg (1,467 lbs) of heroin at Kapitan Andreevo alone during the first five months of 2000, versus 140 kg (309 lbs) for all of 1999, evidence of the rising drug traffic
along what authorities call the Balkan route for smuggling drugs from Asia to western Europe,

Bulgaria, which borders Romania, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia and Yugoslavia, has stepped up efforts to combat drug smuggling as part of its bid to win full membership in the European Union.

Sofia, which opened accession talks with the European Union in March, has launched the first office in the Balkans to combat drug trafficking under a $7.6-million project funded by the
United Nations and the EU. The project also involves Romania and Macedonia.

08:35 06-24-00

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Antonio, go Fidyadee yourself elsewhere.

Are you so thick that you can't distinguish between the person and the Nation. Are you so sick that you can't see when someone expresses a genuine emotion. You emotionless, godbranding, selfsatisfied, ignorant,humourless, lifeless cyborg. Where did they put the computerchip? Up your fire and Brimstone spewing anal-retentive backside?

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And I believe Jesus washed the feet of a servant girl and all those attending the house to show humility.
Practice what you preach, moron.

Regarding your friends determining who you are, that would make you what? a nobody?

Come to think of it why am I talking to you?

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By Kim Arx ( - on Saturday, July 1, 2000 - 10:35 pm:
>Antonio, for a supposed "christian", you are a
>piece of work.

And what would an atheist agnostic like yourself know what a standard Christian is supposed to be like? Your attitude that you have the right to dictate how Christians should be is hilarous, and smacks of the very imposition of your brand of morality (or lack thereof) that you accuse us of doing. You are such a pathetic hypocrite Kim.

> Why exactly do you keep plaguing us here?

Oh, so now you would deign to strip me of my freedom of speech and censor my posts because what I say doesn't meet with your approval. You are a typical intolerant bigot Liberal Supremacist.

> I given you the address of sites where you can
>argue religious "niceties" to your heart's

Yet you admire the Mohhamedan religiousness of the Turk. What a hypocrite you are. Furthermore, you are a brainwashed secularist that hasn't got enough intelligence to figure out that politics, economics, social protocol, and religion go hand in hand and are inseparable. If you condemn me for my religion, what you are doing is promoting your own, even if you deny that it is a religion, you are preaching a faith which is opposed to mine. Your hypocrisy is so suffocating, it is amazing that you could have lived so long without choking on it.

>When I see the name "Antonio" appear I usually
>skip the post, as it will be most likely made up
>of bitchy, bigotted snide attacks on people you
>don't have any first hand knowledge of.

It makes no difference to me whether or not you read my posts. It is a typical atheist/agnostic liberal secular humanist ploy to brand the words of Christians as "bitchy, biggoted, snide, attacking" etc. Judge not lest you be judged. As for wehther or not I have first hand knowledge of these people I am supposedly attacking, you wouldn't know. But the fact is I have been around the world and I have known people from just about everywhere and with every kind of religion. Your assumption of inexperience on my part is just that - your ridiculous assumption. And the really pathetic thing about you stupid liberals is that you think you know everything and you cannot comprehend people who don't fall into your polarized psychobabblogical view of the universe.

> You rely on a book written an age ago and the
>Church edicts your phsycologist allows you to

You are really ridiculous Kim. The whole point of a book is to preserve the words and thoughts and ideas it contains. A book is often refered to as an eternalizer. But it doesn't surprise me that you are so hostile to ancient books as you are the prodigy of book-burners. In that respect Kim, you really are not any different from the Nazis.

>You must live a depressing life consumed by all
>that hatred.

Gee Kim, you seem to be full of hatred and contempt toward me. So you have one standard for me and another for yourself. Hypocrite!

> You know human beings do have their good sides,
>although its hard to see what those would be in
>your case.

Yeah, comon Kim. You can see good sides galore in ax murderers, ghetto muggers, rapists, abortionists, Turks, Chechens, Albanians, Jews etc. But in me! Oh no! You can't see what could possibly be good in Antonio! You're so pathetic Kim. Hey is this trying your patience? You might even be able to become a saint because of it then. Maybe, you could practice what Christianity preaches and forgive your enemies "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us". Do you think you could handle that Kim? Huh? No? Well, then you wouldn't be able to match the virtue of even the worst Christian. And of course Kim, I have only told you the truth, so I have nothing for which to ask your forgiveness (on that my conscience is clear), but since you have slandered me and judged me, you should be asking my forgiveness. Are you a gambler Kim? What do you you think I will do? Will I forgive you or won't I? Place your bets!

> Free your mind from this bigotry, before it
>consumes what little is left of it.

Seems like your mind is the slave of bigotry and a massive superiority complex. How can you exhort me to be free from something you are a slave to?

>Someone has fed you a pile of shite and called
>it religion- in actual fact what they fed you
>was hate, oh green toed one!

You have been fed the anti-religious poison of the devil. Your hatred toward religion Kim, is hatred. Your hypocrisy is so glaring it's amazing that a grown woman as yourself is blind to it.

>Oh and spare yourself the effort of answering
>with biblical quotations, coming from one as
>twisted and bitter as you they have a hollow
>ring to them.

Seems like all the bitterness is coming from you Kim. Even after all your insults and distortions and hysterical rantings I do not have any personal resentment toward you, as I know you have been deceived by the devil and I pray that you will be enlightened. You see Kim, your perception of me is all wrong, and formed on the basis of the deception and lies within which you live. I am free of the poison which you so happily imbibe, and so there is not to be found in me any hatred towrd you personally. If you wern't so blinded by your anti-religion prejudice and hatred then you might be able to practice what YOU preach and try to get to know someone like me and with an open mind try to find out the answers to the mystery. But no, you atre content to judge me, while I am only setting the record straight and debunking all the errors which the world clings to. That is why foul-mouthed people like Canadian Bacon and Bernstein and All American etc. can't possibly arouse anger in you - because they do not present the truth that hurts so much. Here is one quotation from the Gospel since you asked for it:

From the Gospel of St. John.
A continuation of Christ's discourse to his disciples.

1 I am the true vine: and my Father is the husbandman.
2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he will take away: and every one that beareth fruit, he will purge it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
3 Now you are clean, by reason of the word which I have spoken to you.
4 Abide in me: and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abide in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in me.
5 I am the vine: you the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.
6 If any one abide not in me, he shall be cast forth as a branch and shall wither: and they shall gather him up and cast him into the fire: and he burneth.
7 If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall ask whatever you will: and it shall be done unto you.
8 In this is my Father glorified: that you bring forth very much fruit and become my disciples.
9 As the Father hath loved me, I also have loved you. Abide in my love.
10 If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love: as I also have kept my Father's commandments and do abide in his love.
11 These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and your joy may be filled.
12 This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you.
13 Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
14 You are my friends, if you do the things that I command you.
15 I will not now call you servants: for the servant knoweth not what his lord doth. But I have called you friends. because all things, whatsoever I have heard of my Father, I have made
known to you.
16 You have not chosen me: but I have chosen you; and have appointed you, that you should go and should bring forth fruit; and your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of
the Father in my name, he may give it you.
17 These things I command you, that you love one another.
18 If the world hate you, know ye that it hath hated me before you.
19 If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
20 Remember my word that I said to you: The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept my word, they will keep
yours also.
21 But all these things they will do to you for my name's sake: because they know not him that sent me.
22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin: but now they have no excuse for their sin.
23 He that hateth me hateth my Father also.
24 If I had not done among them the works that no other man hath done, they would not have sin: but now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father.
25 But that the word may be fulfilled which is written in their law: they hated me without cause.
26 But when the Paraclete cometh, whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceedeth from the Father, he shall give testimony of me.
27 And you shall give testimony, because you are with me from the beginning.



Here is another quote from the Gospel, which I, in union with Christ on the Cross, apply for you Kim: "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do!" (Gospel of St. Luke 23:34)

Now if I were really a cretin Kim (and how do you think the word "Cretin" came about? - *hint* read
the Epistle of St. Paul to Titus 1:12), then I would not have bothered trying to set you straight and instead would have responded in the fashion Bernstein, Canadian Bacon, All American, etc. My guess is that it won't make any difference to you, but at least I will have done my part and you cannot accuse me of writing you off. If you write me off, then the blame belongs to you.

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