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Archive through July 1, 2000

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yes, Conrad, all the smarties are with us. And this precisely why we're doing so good. You should open an account with us, just do not ask me to be your FA - who knows, I might advise you to invest into some Israeli stock, and you know how crafty they can be!

They can be watching us at the very moment! O h m y G o d.

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In case anyone doesn't know what Conrad was talking about: athorities detained and w/in hours(!) deported Yusuf Islam, a former a la John Denver-style pop singer, known as Cat Stevens, affter he arrived at Ben Gurion Airport on the flight from Germany. The Muslim convert was on the list of people believed to support radical-extremist Palestinian groups.

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Source: "The Sephardic Kitchen", by Rabbi Robert Sternberg, Harper Collins

Yield: 3 Cups

1 c Pitted dates
1/2 c Dark raisins
1/3 c (or more) sweet red wine
1 lg Seedless navel orange, washed and dried
1/2 c Flower honey
1/2 ts Ground cinnamon
1/4 ts Ground cloves
1/3 c Whole almonds
1/3 c Walnuts
1/3 c Pine nuts
Soak dates and raisins in wine to cover overnight. Cut orange into chunks. Pulse date mixture, orange, honey, cinnamon, cloves, almonds, walnuts and pine nuts in food processor until mixture is ground to coarse paste. If necessary, add sweet red wine to achieve correct consistency.

Transfer to serving dish and use for Seder and all through Passover.

Makes 3 cups

Wait theres more:

Pastelli (Matza with ground meat) Sephardic Greek
5-6 matza pieces wet from water and chicken broth (4-5 cups)
2-3 lb ground meat
3-4 onions
5-6 eggs
Take a rectangle pan and place the 3 matzot to make a layer. In the mean time, you saute the onions with a little olive oil the ground meat with salt and pepper to taste. When it's done you beat 2 or 3 eggs and mix it well. Then you put the meat on top of the layer of matza. Then you put another layer of matza. In the end you beat 2 or 3 eggs mixed with olive oil and pour it all over. Pour chicken broth all over, cover with foil and bake 375 degrees for about ½ hour or until is crispy.

Why Kosher is better

Kosher ("fit") food must meet the complex requirements of Jewish law, and the supervising rabbi verifies that such is the case for a given food item, or item which will come in contact with food. There are restrictions on which foods are permitted during different times of the year, and a procedure for slaughtering permissible animals with minimal pain to the animal.

The rabbi's role is to decide questions of Jewish law. In the area of kashrus, there are hundreds of details that must be met, and thousands of "oops, now what?" questions that must be answered. Animals, for example, are killed in a very precise manner, by a "shochet", and they must be checked internally for disease, have their blood removed by salting, feathers removed in cold water, and so on. Kosher wine may not come into gentile contact before pasteurization. Vegetables must be examined for insects. Because meat and dairy have to be carefully separated, precautions against milk-based additives have to taken. The complications can be immense.

I hope that the pig eating Igor can learn something here. This is how civilized people eat, not how uneducated goyim like Igor eat.

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By Dimitri ( - on Thursday, July 13, 2000 - 08:54 pm:

Nope. You need to quit jerking the frase "large picture" around whenever you cannot come up with the direct answer. "Big picture" has nothing to do with the fact that you had no intentions to discuss Chechnya to begin with but rather your intentions to score some points in this discussion.

On the final note, I [personally] have no interest in your opinion in Chechnya at all (with all due disrespect, you're a loony-case, in my opinion); I was simply directing you away from your conspiracy theory, since, after making your point, you kept on going on and on...and on..

If I need to take any anger management classes, you, friend, need more serious help. Psycho-analist would come in handy in your case.

So first you ask my views about Chechnya, and then you say you are not intersted in them. It is obvious to me now that you are just an ass-hole son-of-a-bitch.

It has dawned on me that Antonio recognized you well and spoke the truth about you. No wonder you went went into hysterics from his posts. You are not interested in discourse, but only in insulting those who disagree with you.

I kept an open mind, but apparently Antonio apparently already understood what kind of people you are from the beginning. No wonder he was the only one booted out of here. He told it like it is and you couldn't stand it. But now I see that it is you who are the real heartless murderers and fascists, and Antonio the innocent target of your slanders.

But since you seem to think it matters what you think of me, the ravings of hate-mongers like you hold no sway. It seems that what Antonio posted from the Jewish writings really is litterally true - that you people really are a bunch of dung-eaters.

You and the character Mask, Gonzo and L'Menexe by your presence have turned the DMS board into a nest of cold-blooded vipers.

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By THX1138 ( - on Friday, July 14, 2000 - 08:19 pm:
""" It is obvious to me now that you are just an ass-hole son-of-a-bitch. """ so hurt, me cry, cry like Antonio. What's next, you gonna call me a buttmunch..ROFL..ya PANZY

Dumbo thx, were you not bragging something about how bad it is to verbally abuse people? Look at you, fake preacher. That's an asskick #1.

"""So first you ask my views about Chechnya, and then you say you are not intersted in them"""

yes, and I already explained why, dumbo.

"""But since you seem to think it matters what you think of me, the ravings of hate-mongers like you hold no sway. It seems that what Antonio posted from the Jewish writings really is litterally true - that you people really are a bunch of dung-eaters. """

Wow. Didn't expect for you to be so dumb, dumbo. "You people"..LOL.
Did you just realize what just happened? You discredited yourself before everyone here and no matter what you type from now on, people will know, that in reality you are nothing but a mental pygmey, racist, and weak opponent. The best you came up with is picking on about 25% of my blood? LOL.

The difference b/in you and I is that you think I'm bad person because I have Jewish blood in me, and I think you're an idiot're an idiot, whatever nationality you are.

Go wipe your ass now, boy.

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boy, are you a WACK JOB.

unworthy of discourse
and that ain't no lie.

[insert hysterical, off-the-mark thx RHETORIC]

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Mea culpa, THX, sorry if I hurt your feelings. Your constant attempts to assume a Rodin's Thinker pose coupled with inability to make a point do attract an idle attention.

I couldn't care less what "apparently Antonio apparently already understood" about Jews. He had many other fantasies, equally bizarre. You, too.

"I kept an open mind". Whatever you kept - keep it.

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Consistency, I like that. Paragraph, Jake published with an attached title "Why kosher is better", is cut-pasted from one of the articles from the web site
Conrad, we love you, too.

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Tonight I watched BBC news and on there Latvia is extraditing a Nazi war criminal who is responsible for deaths of 30000 Jews.I find this ironic in light of the fact that the Latvians sentenced an 86 year old Russian for killing a Nazi that was probably involved in the same kind of activity.They also have Nazi parades in Latvia now.What is with this fuucked up country?Anybody care to give some comment on this?

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Kosovars May Risk Death if Sent Home after Asylum Plea

GLASGOW - Kosovars welcomed to Scotland a year ago as victims of war risk being killed as traitors for seeking asylum in the UK.

The Scottish Refugee Council (SRC) claims that 11 families of more than 50 individuals had reluctantly applied for asylum although it may mean a death sentence should they be forced to return to Kosovo.

Peter Barry, director of the SRC’s dedicated Kosovar programme, said the refugees fear the Home Office will not extend their initial year’s stay in the UK after others were refused an extension, and so have applied for asylum. Their decision leaves them vulnerable to attack by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) if they return to Kosovo.

Fears are also growing that a number of the most vulnerable of the 130 Kosovars left in Scotland risked “falling through the cracks” in the welfare system when the £1.6 million refugee programme closed next month.

“They say Kosovo is safe but that’s a very simplistic view. People are afraid to return. They should be applying for extended leave to stay, but they’re applying for asylum instead,” said Mr Barry

“They’ve seen extremely ill people refused and they don’t think they have a chance.

“If it was found out that a person applied for asylum when the family returned to Kosovo, it could rebound on them.”

About 400 Kosovar refugees arrived in Scotland last May and July at the request of the UN and were granted a year of exceptional leave in the UK by the Home Office (interior ministry). They included several children with leukaemia and other cancer patients.

In recent weeks 15 families have been refused extensions to stay, ten of whom have returned to Kosovo. Many, according to Barry, were distressed at having to leave.

Five families are now appealing, 12 have been granted extensions, and five are awaiting a decision. Eleven families have applied for asylum.

There are now fears that some of those who remain will suffer when the Home Office-funded Kosovar programme closes in seven weeks.

“Our task has been to normalise people to enable them to live independently,” said Barry.

“Those who remain after we have wound up will have access to education and medical help.

“People won’t just be dropped, but we can’t predict the levels of support after we close. Some people will fall through the cracks in the system, particularly those with difficult health problems.”

He said the remaining refugees included two children with leukaemia, several cancer patients, and a man who has had 16 operations on his stomach because of internal bleeding.

He said the Kosovars’ distress would be compounded by 30 per cent cuts to their income support when they become asylum seekers rather than refugees. All but £10 of the new support is paid in vouchers rather than cash. Sandra White, Glasgow SNP list MSP, who is investigating conditions for asylum seekers in the city, said: “I’m extremely concerned that Kosovars are being put in this position. (Scotsman)

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BARNSWEIN you better stick to the kitchen it's safer for you there.Also you must look quite sexy in your apron.hahahahahahahahahaha I knew you were a pansie

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How long must this board suffer from the credibility free posts of Igor?

Can't this stupid goyim undertand that nobody wants him here?

Igor is a COWARD and a boring liar. Its also time he cleaned his made in China/Russia pants.

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By IVAN Grozny ( - on Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 02:49 am:


Not much difference between Kosovars and Russians Like YOU Igor. All you guys only know about is how to live off the welfare system.

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