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Archive through July 1, 2000

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liked the 1:30 am post.
for once, not completely depressing to this very
alienated american. not a criticism; i read the
majority of your posts.
yes, when i was a kid in the '60s, it seemed to be
taken for granted that russia was the "bad guys".
and idiot reagan perpetuated more of the
same....back then i called reagan 'a psycho w/an
there's some kinda game going on though, still. i
was gonna say chess game, but perhaps more like
'chinese checkers' or 'chutes and ladders'. -_-

do you think putin wants russia to be perceived as
the "bad guys" by america again, or did the US
government never cease that perception? and,
perhaps, vice versa?

i dont believe that's what putin wants.

and what do you believe the average russian
citizen wants? might it be similar to what the
average american citizen wants?

is it going to come down to oil? are governments
addicted to the 'doomsday scenario', like idiot
reagan appeared to have been?

will the posturing ever stop?

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you must be right.
ber-stEEEN doesnt read, he just posts.

over and over and over.


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Maybe that same ARSCH LOCH will rat out Bernstein the way he/she ratted out several others who did not conform to his/her unilateral, self righteous interpretations as to what is and is not acceptable here.

Bernstein, your an idiot, an agitator, a provocateur, and you go out of your way to insight IGOR. And yet, at times, I find you to be a real scream. As an individual I would encourage you to post as you will and not be restrained or intimidated by the self righteous amongst us.

NOW TAKE MY ORDER: corned beef and swiss on light rye with a dab of extra sharp mustard and don't cut it with your idiot sword. Again, keep the holes in my cheese to match the others in your head. And, take off those silly sun glasses, wash your hands and brush your teeth.

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The Shas are a bunch of inbred homosexual men with Jake Bernswein aka Faulkner as their supreme anal cavity.Their goal in life is to have sex with each other as much as possible and to try and have more little Bernswein's.Now don't forget to use Preparation H on your false teeth and and Polident for your hemmeroids.Suzy Homemaker get back to the kitchen like a good goy.Bernswein you know everyone thinks you are a goof,do you like the abuse.Does it remind you when your father used to abuse you.Do you ever wonder which of your mothers tricks is really your daddy?

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In response to your very last sentence. Why, it was non other than a youthful Yassar Arafat. That helps to explain Bernstains giant camel lips. HE HE HE. Oh, I'm cracking myself up with that one.

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L'menexe I do not think the Russians want to be perceived as the bad guys..However they have their own interests which happen to be in their backyard however they conflict with American interests.Too bad for US.I do not think Russia will permit agitation around their borders anymore.They could care less about IMF and loans and all the so called help because it just leads to instability and dependence on west and their ideals.US and rest of western Europe have had their eye on Russia's wealth in resources for a long time and want to control them.You see US is like a big bully with Europe behind it, but you know what happens to bullies sooner or later,someone tougher shows up and beats the crap out of them.I think US should keep it's nose in it's own backyard and leave Russia alone.As far as Russian people go,when I was there I found that nobody really likes Americans just as in other parts of world I travelled to.Generally speaking everybody hates them.They might like individual Americans but if you go to Europe it is better to say you are Canadian.

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Hi Mary I am getting sick of replying to this goof.He is worse than Abfoolah who went to Chechnya to be a martyr.This moron just loves the abuse.I think it gets him off sexually.The poor lad is frustrated having a prostitute mother .Now his beloved Tammy is also tricking for $5 per hour.She has to work hard to pay rent at the trailer park.Plus the poor guys father, good old Yasser never visits and his step daddy Faulkner uses him as a punch bag and whenever he asks for his allowance poor old Bernswein has to give him a blowjob.Bernswein I will call the Humane society to intervene on your behalf if you are respectful to me.Now get back to the kitchen Suzy Barnswein.

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Mother's side:
~Great-grandfather - Moishe Isaacovich Blank, Jewish converted to Orthodox and taken a new name of Dimitry Ivanovich on Jan.1st., 1835.

~Grand pops - Alexander (Israel) Dmitrievich Blank, Jewish, converted to Orthodox along with his bro, Dmitriy(Abel) Dmitrievich, in 1820. Orthodox names given in the honor of senator Baranov (Dmitriy) and count Apraskin (Alexander).

Lenin's Father - Ilya Nikolaievich Ulyanov, half-Kalmik (not Turk), half-Russian(?). Supposedly the Russian ancestors come from "krepostnie" (slaves).


Earlier on, someone here mentioned that V.I. Ulyanov took his pseudo-name, LENIN, just like many Russian revolutionist, took it after one of his former girlfriends (muses), LENA. Well, incase of Lenin this has nothing to do with any Lena. In 1900, when Vladimir Ulyanov had leave the country, he applied for a traveling passport directly to governor of Pskov. But it seemed to be very doubtful that he'd be able to get it due to his revolutionary activities. And that is precisely why Nadezhda Krupskaya (Ulianov's wife) asked her very closed friend, Olga Nikolayevna Lenin if she could somehow be of help. Olga spoke to her brothers (revolutionists, BTW), Sergei and Nikolai, and Sergey, who already knew Ulyanov, got young Volodya a passport of his father, Nikolai Egorovich Lenin. All they had to do now is change few things on it (i.e. DOB, picture, etc.). And, although Ulyanov never got to use that passport, he started to use that pseudo-name from that moment on. During his life course he used it (on papers) about 800 times.

~The first time the last name Lenin is mentioned in census book of the City of Novgorod of 1500: Kusemka Lenin.

~Another person, known to use the pseudo-name Lenin was a secret police agent (okhranka), and later of foreign secret service (zagranichnaya okhranka) - Benzion(!) Moiseev-Moshkov Dolin. Coincidence?

err..thanks for reading, I guess,


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Did I say Moishe???

..I meant, Dimitri, of course.

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Aram Return to Index
Marie from IP address Kim is this you

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ms mary, if indeed you are female.

i said nothing whatsoever about 'ratting' on
i suggested, [or if you prefer, warned] to him
that he had better be careful.

i didnt invent any protocol around here.

and it wasnt _moi_ with the spiel of 'i got rid of
him and him and etc.' it was _you_. however, it is
true that i was offended by such untrue boasting.
oh, but i guess _you_ werent being
'self-righteous' by such boasting.

nor did i _ever_ post the vulgarities you accused
me of posting. c----s

, m


etc. not
ever. not _once_.
nor have i _ever_ contradicted myself in the
manner i was accused of by you.
not ever. not _once_.

you are a repugnant creature who distorts the
truth as it suits you.

on the plus side, i have received supportive
off-group mail from people i respect, which is
_infinitely_ more valuable to me than the shower
of hatred, abuse, and distortion i will expect
from you from now on.

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Privet, Igor.
Kak dela? Why don't we have that Jerk Barnschweine banned? If you decide to send a complaint to the admin., you can count on my help in any way you need.

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Igor..better yet, don't even think of taking him serioucely - no one here does.

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Dima I tried about three or four times .I do not know if the mail is getting through because I do not get a reply.Try the Serbia cafe they have a few idiots like him on that board to.Maybe if someone else asks to get him banned,they might listen.Barnswein's stuff is getting old.The poor queer has a limited mind capacity.He does not get to me because in my life I have run across goofs like him before and dealt with them quickly and efficiently.This one however doesn't want to face me because when he does he will shite his pants.I look very intimidating and can back it up.I guarantee you one look in my eyes and he will freak.I have seen the colour drain from peoples faces when I get pissed. Seems like I got booted off back again.

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