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Archive through July 1, 2000

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Getting back to old arguments. If NATO is a "white swan", a nothing to worry about, - why then using force in violation of its own Charter against a country, that was not at war with this "defensive" alliance? It is a subtle "clear message" (apologies for an albrighteism:o))) to former Sov. Block countries - "those that are not with us are against us"; and to other countries, totalitarian or not, or in between, that they are no match to conventional weapons mass/volume, hence those may start obtaining mass destruction weaponry on their own (there's a demand - supply won't be far away). And a "message" to RF-China - "if NATO can - why shouldn't we? - you're the bully - we too."
Plus, continuing NATO frolicking on the Ukrainian territory (and this is CIS, so far) - joint maneuvers and the Canadian Embassy playing midwife, - are not encouraging (to say the least) for accepting NATO as a friendly entity. No military were ever friendly, but an extension to the political means. And if NATO moves this way - it's a sure sign it was OKayed.

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Out of so many on this board it was you who was exclusively asked to be the site administrator. If that is the case and you overcame such high odds, than OH SO lucky you should play the LOTTO, your time has come. For anyone who would believe you, send them my way, I have a bridge to sell at a reasonable price, I'll even toss in a complimentary piece of the Alps.

So you married Kissie, now she'll sponsor you and therefore, you won't have to worry about work permits in Japan. What gives could you not find or buy an American girl who's willing to put up with your childish demeaner? Poor Kissie, what with your income potential and skill set, she'll be forced to survive on a diet of fish heads and rice and an occassional hamburger treat at MacDonalds on the holidays. Unless you freeload off of her parents, of course.

"If she keeps it up then I'll it up." Well little man lets not lose site of the fact that it was you and your guilt that started this whole thing. And it was I who duped you the dope into revealing your true colors and therfore, hanging yourself through your own conscience. You completely collasped under the pressure of closing arguments by a women 13 years younger than you. HE HE HE.

pssss, I know how much you like gossip, so hurry to off group and spit your adolescent guts out. And, keep on making a no balls, wimpy, female like idiot of your 43 year old self. There's no need for 30 YEAR OLD me to contibute to that objective any longer, I have every confidence that you'll continue doing a bang up job on your own.. Kissie, keep your under garments under lock and key.

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backshaver the boiler-slag:

just shut up.

jeez, louise.

hate to pop your condom, but apparently i _did_
beat the odds and i _was_ the only one asked. why
the [expletive] [expletive] would i make up such a
thing? golly, i wonder why he didnt ask a slag
like yourself?
how many allFAKES does it take to screw in a

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By Gonzo ( - on Tuesday, July 18, 2000 - 06:29 pm:
well put, Why would NATo ever want to invade Russia. It really makes no sence. There would be no public support to do something foolish like that. One might argue to control Russian resources would be a reason for NATO to invade Russia. This seems sliily to me, why have men die just to get resources that can be bought anyway on the open market. Over all I think the Besides the cost of such an invasion would be far more expensive than the value of such resources. Russians have nothing at all to worry about, there is no reason to be paranoid about it.

That NATO wants to invade takes no exceptional intelligence to understand. NATO has displayed its global imperialistic ambitions and raw aggression to the world in the Balkans. The only question is not if NATO will attempt to invade Russia, but when. Actually, another question is whether or not the Russians will be able to repel a NATO invasion after the US has developed its NMD into a full-fledged Star Wars shield rendering Russian ICBMs obsolete.

The argument that the cost of an invasion of Russia "would be far more expensive than the value of such resources" is a strong indicator that the US will do to Russia like it did to Japan (in order to avoid the high cost of an invasion, as the US-regime lapdogs often say) - launch a first strike nuclear attack on Russia and then force the Russians to surrender and accept a US/British/NATO occupation force as happened in the case in Yugoslavia.

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ahh, let's just continue a bit.

not 'demeaner', 'demeanor'.
not 'site', 'sight'

what was it that you "duped" me into?
not a [expletive] thing, that's what.
and what "pressure" was it that i supposedly
"collapsed" under?

i knew, that is, EVERYONE knew, what a rancid
boiler-slag you were, but finding out you're also
a compulsive if not pathological LIAR is a new

so how are you doing in summer school, SLAG? gonna
_finally_ graduate from grade school this time?
speaking of one's parents being _sick_ of
supporting someone..-_-

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A massive nuclear bombardment of Russia? What would this do? I'd hate to restate this fact on modern global politics, but occupation of a foreign land for use of its resources is a vastly outdated concept. Also, such a blatant act of aggression would send the world into Armageddon. I'm sure China along with other countries of the world would oppose and mobilize accordingly to such an onslaught. The United States would choose to secure stronger business ties rather than commit to a foreign occupation. If resources were the primary reason, then why not establish a grip on the Middle East? America needs stronger business ties to Russia rather than establishing outright control on its resources. I'm sure history has taught us a valuable lesson in regards to agression towards Russia. I'm also quite certain that it would take an almost flawless propaganda campaign to incite enough support for a nuclear strike. I don't think the War in Chechnya has provided enough anger within the collective consciousness of the country to support such a catastrophic act of aggression. It is also estimated that 300,000 people of Russian origin live in New York City alone. Domestic terrorism a possibility? A nuclear strike on Russia would be an inconceivable and irresponsible act of mammoth proportions which in all likelihood would lead to the end of the world.

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>>>Also, such a blatant act of aggression would send the world into Armageddon.

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Must of taken you all day to think up such a weak rebutal, can't you do any better than that? But than again, what can one expect from a high school graduate who lacks any skills or trade and who has pocket change for a bank account. Time to pack your brown bag and run away to Japan MOTHER HEN before Kissie catches on as to what a sorry, weak, kissass person you truely are? BTW: In Japan, they don't take too kindly to those who are self rightious and fast to rat out others. YOUR A FLOATER.

In closing just let me say that once again, you can take full credit for another fine person leaving this site. Who might that be..add KIMMY to your list FUCKO.

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backshaver, miserable boilerslag:

ay chingao, it gets worse, pince cabron....not
worse in the sense that _anything_ that comes out
is _different_; worse in the sense of your
complete, total lack of imagination.

same routine every=single=time.-_-

gawd, how lame/dull/boring you are.

[gag reflex]

as if you know _anything_ about japan.

and _when_ was the last time you commented on the
chechen conflict, huh, useless SLAG?

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It's first thing in the AM your time and your probably out with your part time job delivering fish, bread or whatever to local stores. Non-the-less, in between your delivery time you have managed to destroy this board, a board that was informative, refreshing, educational, global, creative and, at times, rather humorous. I'll say it again, what with your antics, you have driven many, many good people from here.

Maybe to you it's dull/boring, for as you can clearly see my postings and life dosen't include ratting people out and acting like a self rightious, paranoid, idiot who masks his insecurity by kissing up to others. Let us not forget when you didn't get your way and were fighting with others on this board. How fast you ran away, like a little sissy who took his ball and hid at home for approx 3 weeks. But only it was not home in which you hid, it was another board where you, again, made a fool of yourself "No Balls Larry."

psss. Your last posting is another example as to how uneducated you are. Perhaps you might want to apply for a hardship scholarship at your local community college. If anything you might learn how others live and get along without resorting to kissingass, brown nosing and ratting people out. Time to grow up little man, grow up.

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Perhaps you may wish to silence me by going off-group and attempt to tell others the evils of my ways and to justify and reinforce your wimpy, sissy actions. Rather doubtful if it will work this time, for members of this board are no longer willing to be confronted with your idle threats of banishment or conform to your inklings. On this board your not dealing with children who can be easily led around. Unlike yourself, most are highly intelligent, educated, worldly, emotionally secure and have been exposed to other cultures other than their own. They know the truth, have come to realize just what your all about and can see right through you. Get out of your sand box for it's time for you to grow up little man, grow up.

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yo, SLAG:
and good morning to you too, alleged female.
how presumptuous of you to speak for the entire board.

oh, but you must be right: for shame, for shame.
poor innocent st.tony, what a victim. everyone misses the tea and cookies he brought to those weekly get togethers; that is, _everyone_ who subscribed to his 'roman catholics _only_ or thou shalt DIE' philosophy.

yeah, i left for awhile in february. so what. kim had left twice before. maybe she still lurks.
on the other hand, it might well have been _toi_ who turned people off with all your obnoxious off-topic fantasy rubbish....remember?

i didnt 'hide' at another page; i had a friend to visit there, made peace with someone from last year with whom i had been less-than-friends. you know what 'friends' are, right? [and no, it wasnt 3 weeks, oh classless one.]

let's try it from another angle: do you believe these daily attacks on me are making _anyone_ want to visit, much less hang around here?
you attack, i react, and away we go.

and you _continue_ to be 'off-topic'; boy, you'd be laughed out of the serbian cafe.
and they wouldn't be laughing _with_ you, but _at_ you.

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ps> and before you launch another warhead, i wasnt presuming to speak for the board in the matter of 'st. tony the annihilator.' i spoke for myself.
and if the administrators didnt like what they saw, whose fault was _that_?
if you miss those 2-foot biblical excerpts of his, maybe you should go rustle up a bible.

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The biggest problem facing Israel and the West is the large influx of lazy Russians, who either deal drugs or live of welfare like Igor.

The Sephardic WILL put a stop to this

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