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Archive through July 1, 2000

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Its unbelivable to see this pathetic Jew woman
defend Serb genocide, after what the Germans did to her own people. She's evidently sick in the head.

At least there are many decent Jews who fully supported the American action.

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Conrad WB Bacon, You're an entertaining hysterical cabron.

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"cabron"? really? "cabron"?
where'd you hear _that_ one?
gotta love it.

just like old times, eh, BACON?

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By Delenn ( - on Saturday, July 22, 2000 - 06:02 am:

Anyways, if it were nuclear (like RF, China, India, Israel, North Korea especially)
- noone would contemplate bombing it, period.

Many folks on this board contemplate it with a bliss 🙂 THX, for one.

I know that in Israel and Russia public opinion was and is very divided on this issue. I remember polls where about 40% of Israelis sympathized with Serbian Govt. Half of Russian guys that I know feel the same (though it looks like all of them consider Milo's Govt. to be complete idiots). In 9 years Serbia launched several wars and, if not for earlier West's appeasements, this lunacy would stop awhile ago.

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By Conrad WB ( - on Saturday, July 22, 2000 - 07:09 am:

At least there are many decent Jews who fully supported the American action.

What a mysterious people, those Jews! Some of them are ok for Conrad. Others, like guys from Living Marxism, World Socialist International or Emperor-Clothes, are, well, for others... What are in them that keeps minds of so many screwed folks busy?

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Ehh, wars don't begin out of excessive humidity too (heck, it might be the case too, though:o)))

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Palladin - Jul 22, 2000 12:19 (*
All I can figure out is US troops probably were more aggressive than the Geneva Convention allows,so for the interim period,the Army thought they could avoid admitting this.

I have it on good authority that the KFOR turned quite some time back against the KLA,believe it or not.

Below is an e-mail I have from a former US Army 127th MP battalion member,who was there from day one till about 4 months ago. I will delete his e-mail address for purposes of privacy. Bear in mind that this particular trooper was FOR our intervention,believing the US propaganda. He's a good kid,just naive.


Patrick - well, it is 3:00 am so I will just start answering questions right off. Funny how college life makes you lose all sense of a sleep pattern. Yes, the KLA - UCK - KPC, whateve they want to call themselves, are the primary source of terror at this point. Initially, we weren't allowed to even intervene in any situation involving them. As time progressed we saw them involved in harrasement of Serbs and Romas, mild forms of local terrorism, weapons trafficking, drug trafficking, etc. KFOR then decided that it was time to police up the KLA. We raided HQ's, found serbian prisoners they were holding, guns drugs, prostitutes. Just your basic slum of the earth belongings. It was decided to officially disband the KLA. Hence the Kosovo Protection Corps was created (actually just renaming of the KLA). Same folks running the show and the same goons doing the leg work. Now they weren't allowed weapons and were given a service uniform. They were a pseudo peace corps for the country. Ok, now to where I am going with this. Now, the primary harrasers of ALbanians is the KPC. They are just as evil as the Serbian Regime was to these struggling people. Only now, KFOR is stopping it. Everything from bootlegging, money laundring, illegal policing, to smuggling. We stopped massive amounts of money and weapons from entering that country. Granted, it is possibley NATO's fault for letting it get that far out of hand. And it is because of lack of manpower. But, the Serbs are heavily protected and are safer in their homes that alot of soldiers are in their camps. I truly mean that. The serbs are the UN's only chance at a success in the notches of their belt. Without the Serbs, the United Nations effectively robbed Serbia of this province. The main goal is to bring more serbs in. Milosevic isn't letting that happen at all though with the typical communist curtain of lies. And to be honest, the serbs that stayed in Kosovo are there because they want to live in peace. The albanians that lived close the Strcpe were at peace with the Serbs and actually helped them out as much as possible with out the KLA/KPC taking revenge on them and killing or torturing them. So, ultimately, to alleveate most of this, the KPC needs disbanded entirely. A delegation of foreign heads needs to hand pick a multiethnic government body, and a positive leadership needs to begin quick - like yesterday. And to be honest with you, if any ethnicity was targeted by KFOR it was definitely the Albanians. They caused all of the trouble for us, constantly. I personally kept a picture of evey KLA member I arrested and actually got into the face of Thacim Hatchi. He is basically the president of the Albanian shadow government now. To this day I wish I would have found what I were looking for in his vehicle - A 1999 Mercedes E-class none the less! To give you and Idea how much we valued the structered Serbian Culture in contrast to the Albainian lifestyle, in the prison we ran, We would actually talk to the Serbians and learn their sides of the situation. I would ensure they had newspapers - stars and stripes of course -, fresh fruit, cigarettes, books, whatever they needed long before I concerned myself with the comfort of the Albanians. I personally see a side to the serbian onslaught - yet entirely disagree with the methods they chose to enforce their views and beliefs. I was present when they cracked open a room in an old serbian police building and found a dentist chair with leather straps, hypodermic needles lying all about it, blood lining the walls and chair, and a stench of tear gas that would make your eyes water. Is that humane? Hardly. This is why Nato became involved. But, now the Albanians have learned our peacetime rules of engangement and take full advantage of it. The Geneva Conference set specific guidelines as to what could and couldn't be done in a peactime environment. That is another problem. We can't effectively enforce peace with no force available to us.
Now, as for the bombing, I honestly was shocked at the accuracy and lethality of the air strikes. Houses 100 meters from targets were not harmed in the least. As for the success of it, they claimed massive numbers and could only identify a few. Stars and stripes had a huge article on this around April or May. Go to and maybe you can find it. But, they have sent teams in to study this and the numbers game is difficult to decifer. Many area targets were bombarded to the point of non-existence, and point targets were either removed from the sight before occupation or just didn't exist after the bombing. They found many craters, oil puddles, and debris that couldn't be confirmed as objectives, and that led to the low numbers on the reports. Although, the speculative sites still don't substantiate the intial claims by Clark. He is an exuberant man as I met him during his first visit and was like a kid in a candy store as he witnessed his mark in history for the first time. Was a bit odd. My squad did get a coin of appreciation from him - not many in the military can claim that one - and escorted him with about 5 other foreign militaries. Everyone wanted some glory that day. So, to answer questions bluntly - was it successful yes, to the dramatic claims of the beginning - no.
As far as the orchestrations from Belgrade and Serbia proper - we never witnessed any of this at all. We were so far south that it would have been impossible for an unescorted serbian to travel that far. As for Mitrovica, yes that is defintely a problem. There are no border controls from the North Side of the City to Serbia, and it is exploited greatly. And needless to say, the French have their hands full there. I have a great friend who is a UN Police officer there, and he has had no trouble from either side. Both sides despise the french, but love Americans. Strange as it is, if it isn't your sector your loved. By both regardless.
You know Patrick, at this point it really seems as though either side is wanting to avoid blame for their poor state of life. I think the Serbs are willing to move on mor so that the Albanians are. I can remeber walking in the streets of Strcpe and not fearing any attacks at all from a Serb, and the next night was at full alert with my weapon trained in my vision ahead. It is as though you would have a group of 16 year old children running a country and I am not so sure the UN had that factored in the plan. And with NATO trying to follow a UN resolution, lines are faded and grey and answers are not always explanatory.
I have pictures of small children in Urosevac or Ferizai, depending on your choice of ethnicity, that would absolutely sink your heart. I befriended one child - we called him Danny, don't even think I learned his Muslim name - and Danny had seen his Father killed by Serbs in the street and his sister raped and beaten. At 9 years old this was his environment to try and survive in. I think Danny is the reason I felt a need to be there. Initially - hell even a few weeks into it - every soldier there was wondering why they were asked to risk their lives for this as there were only a few hundred people in sector and they were just the veterans of the ground war. But as we patrolled and witnessed the fighting and dodged bullets ourselves the first month, we realized the magnitude of what went on here. Danny would hug me almost every day and say thank you. I really understood why we were there after looking into his face and seeing a hope of a peaceful future. I asked Danny - usually through my interpreter - if he would help me save a Serb. He said he wanted to save all kosovars by being a doctor when he grows up to include serbs and romas. The innocence is the future in that country. and it may take 10 or 15 years for that generation to catch up, but when it does hopefully they have been sensitized to idea of prosperity and not hatred. Those that are my age are the warfighters of a year ago. I took great pleasure in removing these barbarians from the streets. We arrested one KLA member in particular that had beaten and murdered a 65 year old serbian women. This lady had the support of her Albanian neighbors and felt safe. She was in her front yard at night and this bastard waited for the right moment and pounced. He was told to do so by his KLA leaders. And he felt it was right because it was his duty as a soldier. Just as it was mine to ensure he never would walk as a free man again. I am sure he is out of prison by now as the United Nations has failed miserably at instituting a judicial system. So by now I think you see a bigger element that KFOR. The bankrupt tree hugging United Nations is acting as the town mayor while NATO acts as the local police force. and without proper cooridinations, it all falls apart. That is why the mission is failing. And to be honest, the US is so miniscual in the whole picture. Clark took credit for alot, yet many decisions were made by the French and British. Who saw a vested interest in it as it is a strategic hotspot and could have sparked a massive revolt throughout the Balkans again. At least that is how it was told to us. And, with Bosnia so thinly functioning on it's own, I can see how it is possible.
I do apologize for the lack of proper english and some of this may lack sense at all. It is very very early. But I hope this sparks more questions as You are the first to offer a listening ear. And I am as well open to your views. I left the military for many reasons - all of which a had conflicting views on! But, it is now time to sleep, so let me know how this read to you. One more thing, I got a great email from some recipient of the spark that started all of this. It simply stated thank you for your sacrifices for the unknown benefit of your country. And had a few other short sentences. But it warmed my heart to get that and see support for the men and women that are there now. Have a good day, Joe

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Looks like Canadian Salo has very distinct knowlage of muslims nature, and has had some bad experiense with jew, or just rumor. Rasism isn't given by a birth, but acguiring with a time as a result of different matter. I can bet, give to C.S. chance to live somewhere in Chechnia or Albania and month latter nowbody will find more antagonist to fanatics of islam then him.
Russia cutting off the nuclear arsenal becouse Zhiry named it obsolette and who the hell will conguire that big hungry non prospere monster and take care of it. They would rather help to decompose him into manageble parts, put on economical handscuffs and let people burk at "sleeping gigant" along south border.
P.S. The Russian general-hero of Balcan War ( too bed, names are sliping avay, Igor can help) told in his book: "We went to fight turks just becouse was tired of siting without job, not for the freedom of brothers, wich for russians are the same turks and speaking slavic."

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To whom it might concern:...
Jokes of the week; 1.-Hmm, Chechnia-chmoechnia, who cares, The important thing I'm on both tabloids.;
-- 2. Mitec-anticemitec and Igoriok-russophobiac!
P.S. It is not an issue to buy the Laki, the question is what to do with procurement!.. Remember story with Abramowitch, who used to work at plant and swollowed the nuclear fruction?...

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"West" was either overenthusiastic and naive in percepting them as innocent sheep, or was deliberately exploiting the innocent sheep image?"

In my opinion,they were naive at the inocent sheep.
Advisers are not kind of god knowing everything.


this is the best example of a stupid man:

"Long time ago I hated Milosevic more than anyone, even Clinton because I held him responsible for loosing my house in Croatia. After USA and theirs servants bombed YU I started to love Milosevic because his decision not to surrender. "

So, this guy started to love his president BECAUSE his country is attacked!
EVENTHOUGH he blames his president for the loss of his house!
Worst, this guy admits that the destruction of his country and the death of many poeple is less worth than not surrender.
O! Great sens of honnor!

As for the Rambouillet agreement, I get it in my archives but I don't have the time to read it carefully. I was looking but it's 130 pages or so. I didn't find were it was mentioned that the whole Serbia had to be occupied by Kfor but it's possible.
In fact as the paper stipulate Kosovo remain part of Serbia, then it's logical that to work in Kososvo the Kfor has to enter and travel through Serbia.

Igor, do you know the coordinates of the apendix were it's written?

You defend this idiot Milosevic who can't compose with the west, can't manage internal conflicts and has "his" federation split up (even the montenegro wants to part).
I see Anti-serb theories. But what the fock Nato would have against the serbs? As it goes they even didn't know serbs existed before Milo's showing off.

"I Hate American" it say it all.

"in the end SM won because he only had to give up Kosovo."
No, Igor, he lost because his aim was to keep Kosovo and he lost it.
Nato never wanted to take all Serbia.

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By Delenn ( - on Saturday, July 22, 2000 - 07:28 am:
Conrad WB Bacon, You're an entertaining hysterical cabron.

Tut tut tut.. surely a crafty littles Jewess like you can come up with a better retort then that!

Looks to me like your fellow Jew brother Jake is upstaging you!

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you don't even know what "cabron" means,silly man.

and while we're on the subject, just to make sure,
try "pendejo".

and "jew brother jake" ain't the least bit jewish.
he's just some RAHOWA sucka from cali.

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I just posted at serbian cafe.
It's nice, we are all going to meet there. (after our job at DMS).

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Shurka,it's OK. Don't be disturb by my "tabloid" comment, you were right all along - I must've be drunk again. Joke numero dos was pretty funny though...Pilite, Shura, pilite..

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this is the best example of a stupid man:
"Long time ago I hated Milosevic more than anyone, ... After USA and theirs servants bombed YU I started to love Milosevic ...

* It depends on a point You view it. I met with people, that hated (and hate) Stalin, but at the time of WWII they served and fought against Germany, - it's not Stalin - it's the land, the country (the sad "byproduct" being Stalin too), and however stupid a leader might be, at critical times his stance like this unites people around the "country-land" idea. I wouldn't call the man stupid.
I didn't find were it was mentioned that the whole Serbia had to be occupied by Kfor but it's possible.
* Place stresses carefully on this - it's not KFOR - it's NATO. Quite a difference.
... then it's logical that to work in Kososvo the Kfor has to enter and travel through Serbia.
* With proper paperwork on a time of need - yes. And only KFOR, which materialized at the last "stage" - not the NATO forces of the beginning on a virtual occupation "campaign".
Why should Milo (widely) "compose" with the West? It's the right of choice of the sovereign govt. to go where it wants to go, be it right or wrong (there's no right or wrong anyways).
But what the fock Nato would have against the serbs?
* Why bomb them then?
As it goes they even didn't know serbs existed before Milo's showing off.
* F...... CNN. And why Milo? Conflicts occur due excessive humidity sometimes, but mainly due "practical" reasons.
No, Igor, he lost because his aim was to keep Kosovo and he lost it.
* So, we have a bunch of those, that were aimed at taking Kosovo off Serbia. And that's significant.
Lost it ... . Yes, with his non-combatant population held hostage to the bombing. A blackmail, in short. "Go out of Kosovo, or I'll "serve" you with much "collateral damage".
Nato never wanted to take all Serbia.
* Maybe, but blackmail worked perfectly - presenting a side with conditions said side wouldn't accept. Ramboullet ... .

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