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Archive through July 1, 2000

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Dear crafty Jewess,

You are just an inconsequential progammer who get her jollies by cuting and pasting tripe class propaganda. You feel somehow, you can present genocidal serb terrorists and monsters in a favorable light. The truth is most of your serb bum chum henchmen are wanted for war crimes and would be arrested the moment they leave, whats left of serba(chuckle).

People wishing to get a more accurate and objective appraisal of the sitution in FRY, would be better of consulting HRW or BBC News websites. Not the cut and paste ranting of a hate filled crafty little Jewess.

By the way God bless NATO and the KLA

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Fred Halfbright and the media were in collusion so what is so surprising.As for the film Russian generals were convinced except asskisser Yeltsin wanted IMF money,he was bought.Also the oligarchs were advisors and held the real power in Russia The film convinced me.I did not need film to convince me as I already knew what was going on there.Fred some of your statements lead me to believe that either you are very young or very naieve.You should know by now that the whole war and reasons for it were a farce.How you ever heard the saying "it ain't over till it's over"

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"The film was filmed by independent film-makers,I
think Canadians."- that would be a crucial piece of information though, don't you think.

Igor, why is asking for information and questioning sources naiiv? If we establish that news coverage, photographs and film footage have all been faked in the western media, then why are Canadian independents more believable?

The message received loud and clear by moi, is the media are not to be trusted and pictures lie, so am I then expected to accept at face value pictures showing the reverse or opposing viewpoint? Not that I don't believe you are right, but only because I have been convinced by many sources. To accuse someone of being young or naiv, just because they have not accumulated the information you have seems unfair.


L'menexe, I guess some people swear by Nostradamus
:0)) I suppose you would have to know the politics of the Catholic Church at the time to understand why the myth was so important to them.
I think their position has probably changed since 1918 and that Catholosising Russia may no longer be such a pressing issue. You and Thx would probably be able to help me out with that.

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Kim the film was done prior tto the war I think 1998.

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The film showed the Albanians shooting at the Serbs and he was being interviewed as the action was going on,nothing staged about it.What's not to believe.

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And you guys thought I copy and pasted too much the other site is unbelievable,it makes your eyes hurt when you scroll fast.

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Kim I would like to say that knowing Russian mentality that we will NEVER, NEVER become Catholics PERIOD.Personally I think the Pope is the AntiChrist.

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dear idiot anti-semite BACON:
and YOU are just an inconsequential DMS poster who gets his jollies sniping at females with EXACTLY the same handful of words, ad infinitum.
no imagination and no _b*lls_, either. -_-
thanx for the earlier remark ; the yugo page was a harsh place for a long time last year, and after we beat each other's brains out, those who remained got up and had a few laughs together. imagine that.
i have learned, more than once, that too much of this conflict takes a toll. not that i won't....ahhhh, skip it.
hello, jo m. nice to see you.
very unlikely that thx and i would collaborate on _anything_; and honestly, i have no use for 'western religion', and am not qualified to discuss it beyond certain generalities, taught to most kids. me too.
for one thing, it leaves the majority of the rest of the world unaccounted for. i have a big problem w/such a presumption.
nice to see==>> wait, i said that already....

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once more the pee stained Igor is BORING THIS BOARD TO DEATH. I am sick of him.

All this filthy Russian used to do before he began boring us, was urinating in his dirty fathers mouth

Remember, Igor, the Sephardic have the power to teach you the lesson of your life

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i also beleive igor is now hding behind the name of chorny volk! What an idiot this goy must be thnking i could not spot him!

Ok Russian goy dog, you can hide and change your name all you want - i will always know you as igor the pee stained coward

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General Fiddled Casualty Figures

By Simon Saradzhyan STAFF WRITER

MOSCOW - Nikolai Gogol certainly could not have foreseen that his famed "Dead
Souls" character Manilov - whose name has become synonymous with "dreamer" -
would one day spring to life to don a star-studded military uniform. Just like
his fictional namesake, Col. Gen. Valery Manilov, the 61-year-old first deputy
chief of the General Staff, can't help abandoning reality for the world of
fantasy now and then as he reports on the size of enemy forces in what the
Kremlin describes as its "anti-terrorist operation" in Chechnya.

Gogol's Manilov simply let his estate fall into disrepair as he sat and
fantasized about the ways he would beautify it. But the present-day Manilov's
dreams seem less harmless: A simple comparison of the data he has presented at
a dozen or more briefings held in Moscow since fighting began last August
reveals glaring inconsistencies.

For example, Manilov told a Nov. 11 briefing that "the manpower of the entire
group of terrorists of varying sorts can be put at 5,000." Eight months later,
however, Manilov tripled his estimates of the number of Chechen rebels
fighting federal forces in November 1999: "The second stage of the military
part of the anti-terrorist operation began. It lasted from Oct. 1 to Nov. 25.
At that stage, some 16,000 to 17,000 bandits remained in bandit formations,"
the general said at a briefing July 13.

The July 13 briefing exposed another failure by Manilov to keep track of his
own statistics. The general said there was an "estimated" total of 10,000 to
11,000 rebels in January 2000. However, on Jan. 28, Manilov confirmed a
reporter's calculation, saying the number of rebels killed was 10,000 and the
number left was 15,000.

At the same July 13 briefing, Manilov placed the initial total of "bandits" as
of August 1999 at 25,000 to 26,000. But speaking to reporters on Nov. 11,
Manilov said there had been some 3,000 rebels killed since August and another
5,000 were still pitted against federal forces. A simple arithmetic
calculation indicates Manilov believed there was an initial total of 8,000
"bandits" as of August 1999 - three times less than what he announced at the
July 13 briefing.

Furthermore, Manilov told a Dec. 28 briefing that rebels had lost 7,000 men
between August and December 1999; in this case, his July 13 data would suggest
that only 1,000 rebels remained as of two weeks ago. Both independent experts
and war reporters reached by phone on Tuesday said they were not surprised to
hear that Manilov, who has spent most of his military career in public
relations, could not keep track of his own figures. Manilov is "one of the
most shameless people" he has ever heard, said Radio Liberty journalist Andrei
Babitsky, who frequently traveled to Chechnya to cover both the 1994-1996 war
and the current conflict.

Both Babitsky and Vadim Solovyov, editor of Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozreniye,
agreed with press reports that Manilov and other generals regularly exaggerate
the rebels' casualties. At the same time, Manilov, who decried civilian losses
during NATO's bombing campaign in Yugoslavia, has a hard time admitting that
there have been casualties among Chechen civilians as a result of federal
troops' often indiscriminate fire. Manilov also massages federal troops'
casualty figures, putting them at numbers so low they look improbable for a
side that has been on the offensive since August, Solovyov said.

Solovyov's much-respected military affairs weekly was one of the first local
newspapers to accuse generals of skewing casualty figures. Solovyov wrote a
story in the Jan. 21 to 27, 2000 issue accusing both the Defense and Interior
ministries of underestimating their casualties.

In his story, Solovyov also wrote that there simply would have been no rebels
left to fight had federal troops indeed killed 10,000 of them by January 1999.
The average casualty ratio in wartime is three to four men wounded for each
man killed, wrote Solovyov, meaning there should have been at least 30,000
rebels wounded if 10,000 had been killed - precisely the maximum rebel
manpower cited by army generals before the war began in August.

Both Solovyov and Alexander Pikayev, defense analyst at the Moscow Carnegie
Center, said a three-star general like Manilov should have been careful not to
contradict himself when speaking to the press. They noted, however, that
generals across the globe toy with casualty rates and trumpet their successes,
using what has always been a vital propaganda tool. Moreover, Manilov has been
instrumental in Moscow's efforts to keep public opinion pitted against Chechen
rebels, Pikayev said. Confirmation of this is the fact that the Kremlin has
allowed Manilov to remain in active service even though he has already passed
the mandatory retirement age of 60.

Unlike the previous Chechen war, army generals - including Manilov - have
actually taken pains this time to win favorable coverage of their military
campaign by holding regular briefings, he said.

These presentations were especially slanted in the early stages of fighting,
and the public largely failed to notice contradictions such as Manilov's in
the flood of pro-Kremlin coverage by local media, Pikayev said.

However, the longer the war in Chechnya drags on and the more soldiers get
killed, said Pikayev, the more often local media are criticizing authorities
for refusing to look for a peaceful solution to the conflict, which
increasingly complicates Manilov's public relations efforts.

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Employees of Chechnya's combating organised crime department have detained former head of Dzhokhar Dudayev's security service Abu Arsanukayev in the village of Tsa-Vedeno, Tamerlan Kazikhanov, an employee of the department's press centre, told Interfax on Tuesday.

Arsanukayev, 44, became head of Dudayev's security service in 1992. After Dudayev's death he became first deputy of the Chechen Prosecutor General and headed a number of other law enforcement agencies in the republic.

In August 1999, Aslan Maskhadov granted Arsanukayev the title of brigadier general and he became head of Maskhadov's operative headquarters.

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NEWSFLASH---The pedophile known as Jake Bernswein aka FAULKNER is going for the Guiness world record today.He will have sex with 2001 men to usher in the millenium.He was quoted as saying that it has been a lifetime ambition of his to do something spectacular since his life has been so useless up till now.The local pharmacy has donated 4002 condoms for this attempted feat.Here is a picture of the imbecile and loser

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We at DMS wish you the best in your endeavor Faulkner aka BARNYARDSWEIN

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